I liked it at first, and it's what first was able to get me used to Swedish snus...
See i started snusin with mint last year, and tried a big variety of stuff and i really, my all time favorite will be general original, if that's all i was ever able to get (which it is right now, and wintergreen and white) i'd be ok. i love the taste of it, smell of it, all of it. but i do enjoy wintergreen, and i alternate my wintergreen with original. and well right now, ive also opened a can of general long sterk, and i do like the extreme as well.
I still like GWG and have since I started over two years ago. I don't do it often of even everyday, but I always have some around. It's still the best Wintergreen out there for a standard strength snus. The Jakobssons is way to strong for me. I'd love it if they came out with a standard strength or los. I'm not holding my breath so will stay with GWG.
It does seem to consistently bring out the fanatic haters
I had a can in my fridge for maybe 3 weeks using it after dinner or late night and I thought it was good for that but IDK that I would want to use it all day.
I ended up trying GW by mistake. Went to the tobacco shop looking for MOAR mint and WG was the only white portion they had left! I bought 2 cans to hold me over til my next paycheck. I have to say, When WG was the only snus I had left, I did get kind of sick of it. Like I said in my review, for me it's a "good every now and then" snus. I do kind of wish it had the cooling sensation of General mint though.
It definitely seems easy to get sick of it by the end of the can. The flavor... I don't know, it seems kind of boring after a while. And when it fades off, it's like... theres nothing. Didn't even seem to leave much salt to me. I had gotten two of the mint and one wintergreen first order, and I wasn't big on the mint until I went back to it after the wintergreen. Plus 7 or 8 of the pouches, maybe more, broke open in my mouth very easily and another one completely in the can. I literally JUST tried my first loose so when it happened I wasn't impressed. Maybe it was just mine but I found a few other complaints about it online. The Mint is way better, IMO. Crushed Ice Strong, I just finished my can of that, and it is WOW. Tastes awesome! Not as strong as the Thunder Frosted Strong but saltier, flavorful. Good stuff.
Hah gen wintergreen strikes again ... I think the only reason they still sell it is cause new people thinking its awesome cause its Real snus. I'm pretty sure I'd buy skoal smooth mint over this if those were my only choices
Really? Dunno if I'd take the Skoal first... just not sure yet. Portions waaaay too big. I never used to mind them till I got my first Swedish order. Now, it drives me nuckin futz. Skoal regular mint, absolutely no way i'm touching that shiiite anymore. Have half a can of those oversized dung filled sugar soaked cotton ball ass-packets in my fridge.... and there they shall sit. I'd worry they'd dry out, but frankly 1) I don't give a crap & 2) they couldn't possibly be any drier (unless they were Cramel Frost) & 3) see #1.
I'll have to revisit the Skoal Smooth Mint... Still have an unopened can somewhere.
I haven't had General Wintergreen in so long. Ever since Jaks. Wintergreen came out, there's no need for it. Though I do have one can left. I may need to crack it open...for old times sake.
i like the jaks mint, but the gen wintergreen is better than the jaks wintergreen imo.
I enjoy the more mild flavor of the gen over the strong pronounced kick in the teeth flavor of jaks.
I've actually turned into more of a general reg though. It's available locally at a fairly decent price and I enjoy the lemon pepper flavor. Just wish they carried sterk locally. Still have to go online for that.
I sleep with a snus in my lip 99% of the time. I have napped without snus and that is not a problem but I can not seem to stay asleep the whole night...