New snuser here. Any of you have experience with ADD/ADHD?

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  • Nate5700
    • May 2011
    • 58

    New snuser here. Any of you have experience with ADD/ADHD?

    Hey all,

    I suppose I'm different from many of you here in that I've never been a cigarette smoker (though I do enjoy pipes and cigars from time to time). Earlier this year I was really struggling at work, motivating myself was really tough and I couldn't keep focused for more than maybe 30 minutes at a time. I went to my psych and got diagnosed with adult ADD, and so since about February I've been taking Adderall. It really helps my focus at work and now I'm enjoying myself more than I ever have at any job.

    But, something just doesn't sit well with me with taking the Adderall. I think it has something to do with needing a doctor's permission to get access to a drug just to function normally, not to mention a drug with the abuse potential that Adderall has. Looking into natural alternatives I found that some people have used tobacco to mitigate their ADD/ADHD symptoms. (Which makes sense, since many people in my family smoke, I now suspect that they have been self-medicating for their own ADD symptoms) This didn't sound like a good option for me, I've always found cigarettes and dip to be disgusting, and as someone who would (eventually) like to be more physically fit I have no interest in messing up my lungs.

    I sorta came across snus by accident but was able to read a little bit, and it sounded like a much more appealing alternative, so I picked up a tin of Camel Frost this weekend without expecting much, but I've found it to be quite enjoyable, and I've noticed that today (admittedly not a work day) I've used less than half of my normal daily amount of Adderall, and I feel fine. So long story short, I haven't even made it through the weekend and I've already placed an order for some General Mint Minis and I'm looking forward to trying them.

    Anyway, just thought I'd put that out there and see if anyone had a similar experience. Will this keep up? I'd love to be able to keep up my work performance without having to go to my doctor once a month for another prescription.
  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    If nicotine works for you then I would say it's a much more healthier than ADHD meds. You should know it's strongly addictive though - but you probably do. Once you start it's very difficult to quit. Nicotine is known for being used a lot by people with ADHD or ADD. So it must have some positive effect on the condition.

    I don't have ADHD (at least I'm not diagnosed with it - and I don't really think that I have it), but a friend of mine does. He just quit smoking with snus. He uses Ritalin, but has lowered his dose since he started snusing.

    Welcome to the forum by the way!


    • Mawdryn
      • Mar 2011
      • 353

      Wow, Nate...where to start? I'm not a frequent poster here, more a dedicated lurker, but I do have some experience with ADD and the various prescriptions. Here's what I can tell you:

      1) Personally, I'll never take another prescription again. By the time I was 21, I was hopelessly addicted to Ritalin (as in doctor-shopping addicted). When I finally kicked it, I was absolutely miserable for a full six months. I laid on the couch, slept most of the time, and nothing brought me pleasure at all. It gradually subsided, but I wouldn't go through it again for the world. Don't have much experience with Adderall, except to say it wasn't as good as Ritalin, as I recall...

      2) I've been a tobacco user for 16 years, and it is much easier to function with nicotine in the stream. I think it helps EVERYBODY focus better, though.

      Which brings me to my final any of us really have ADD? I was a kid with an overactive imagination and a hard time focusing. Sounds to me like every kid I've ever known...


      • heders
        • Jan 2011
        • 2227

        Originally posted by Mawdryn View Post
        Which brings me to my final any of us really have ADD? I was a kid with an overactive imagination and a hard time focusing. Sounds to me like every kid I've ever known...
        There you really said something. If I would go to a doctor saying I have a hard time focusing on stuff which is uninteresting and boring (and would rather do something more rewarding and fun, which I do) - I would probably also be diagnosed with some condition. I think it's just a matter of personality which the pharmaceutical companies then makes money out of.


        • Mawdryn
          • Mar 2011
          • 353

          The evil thing about ADD prescriptions is that they make EVERYTHING interesting. They don't make you more productive unless you have the drive to do productive things. I spent my days popping pills and reading novels. ALL DAY. I lived in the library, never went to class, and read a book a day for pretty much my first three years of college.

          Of course, now I go to work, come home, and watch old movies all night...popping prillas the whole time...

          I can say I firmly believe the health effects of snus are far less detrimental than those of amphetamine ADD prescriptions!


          • Nate5700
            • May 2011
            • 58

            heders - Oh, believe me with my family history I am well aware of the addictive nature of nicotine. I think I'd rather be addicted to nicotine than amphetamines (Adderall) though. And, at least in Oklahoma, you can't get refills on Adderall prescriptions. You have to go back to your doctor for a new prescription. Every single time.

            Mawdryn - I don't know if ADD is a real "disease" per se...I think some people are naturally high dopamine, and some are naturally low dopamine. I'm naturally a low dopamine person (I think), so I think it makes me more predisposed to things like low focus/motivation and depression. It just makes it harder to conform to society's expectations, and a lot of times it just doesn't feel good. I'm not suggesting that we start handing out snus in schools the way doctors hand out Ritalin, but for me, if there's a product that helps me function and feel better, I'm interested.


            • Mawdryn
              • Mar 2011
              • 353

              Originally posted by Nate5700 View Post
              Mawdryn - I don't know if ADD is a real "disease" per se...I think some people are naturally high dopamine, and some are naturally low dopamine. I'm naturally a low dopamine person (I think), so I think it makes me more predisposed to things like low focus/motivation and depression. It just makes it harder to conform to society's expectations, and a lot of times it just doesn't feel good. I'm not suggesting that we start handing out snus in schools the way doctors hand out Ritalin, but for me, if there's a product that helps me function and feel better, I'm interested.
              Damn, you sound like me! I'd be stoked to find out you were able to do without the Adderall altogether, in favor of the snus. And if all you've used so far is the Camel junk, just wait until you get a taste of true Swedish gold!

              And it may not be PC to say so...but I'd much rather schools hand out Snus then Ritalin and Adderall.

              Yep, now I'm on a watchlist of some sort...


              • Nate5700
                • May 2011
                • 58

                Originally posted by Mawdryn View Post
                Damn, you sound like me! I'd be stoked to find out you were able to do without the Adderall altogether, in favor of the snus. And if all you've used so far is the Camel junk, just wait until you get a taste of true Swedish gold!

                And it may not be PC to say so...but I'd much rather schools hand out Snus then Ritalin and Adderall.

                Yep, now I'm on a watchlist of some sort...
                Thanks bro. My first order of Swedish snus shipped today so I should have it at the beginning of next week.

                Here's an update on my experiment: I'm still getting used to how the nicotine affects me, I spent a good portion of this weekend asleep because I'm pretty sensitive still and I really start to feel the sedative effects if I leave a portion in for around 30 minutes. I realized people talked about nicotine relaxing them, but damn. I still was thinking of it primarily as a stimulant, I didn't realize how much it could knock you out with a higher dose. I'm finding I get the most stimulant effect if I leave the portion in for 10 minutes or less.

                I only took one dose of Adderall (15 mg) today, around 9:30 AM. Normally I'll take one around 7, a second around 11, then a half-dose around 2 PM. I went with the single dose today and when I started to feel my focus falter I'd alternate between having a snus portion and a cup of coffee, so I ended up using portions around 10 AM, 2 PM, and 4 PM. Worked like a charm! I actually felt today like I could kick the Adderall altogether and not miss it. I think tomorrow I'll see if I can get by with just a half-dose of Adderall.

                Also, a note on the Camel snus: I ended up picking up a tin of Mellow because the Frost started to taste like toothpaste. I like the Mellow better, it doesn't burn as much, but it still starts out too sweet. I think I'm going to like the real stuff a lot better, but after this weekend I'm worried the nicotine kick from the General will hit me harder than I'm ready for. I also hope I like the General Mint, since I'm now starting to think I like a natural tobacco flavor better (but maybe it's just because the Camel Frost sucks). When I get around to placing another order I might try some General Original. I'd been thinking I'd most likely get around to trying whites before originals, but I've been finding when I put a portion in I suck on it for a few seconds to get it nice and moist before I put it under my lip, so having portions that are moist to begin with might be more my style.

