Learning to use Los (stop me if you've heard this before...)

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  • Nate5700
    • May 2011
    • 58

    Originally posted by LincolnSnuff
    Try placing the prilla a bit farther back. For more flavor I will usually place it right behind the canine tooth, instead of in front of it like I do with portions. I've also found this to generally be a bit more discreet (keeping los from getting all over my front teeth) as well as more comfortable after repeated los use.
    This works great flavor-wise but I can't keep the prilla together very long back there. D'oh.


    • alexdal
      • May 2011
      • 74

      I have Odens Extreme los and portion, I also found the taste very different.

      The portion have a nice taste, like hazelnut, instead los has a strange taste. At the beginnig didn't like at all, now I like more but still I can have the same taste of portion.

      But I think should be the same, ...or not?


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Los always tastes different to me than portions. Sometimes just a little bit, and sometimes they might as well be different products.


        • Nate5700
          • May 2011
          • 58

          Most of the los I've tried that I've tried portions of taste fairly similar but with los it's a different experience. Gotta say I'm learning to like it. Not as convenient as portions but more tobaccy for your money and I like that I can make a pris as big or small as I want.


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Okay so when i'm finished with a pris i get it out but a bit stays on my gum so i dab it with a tissue and a trace of blood is sometimes there... is that really bad?


            • Nate5700
              • May 2011
              • 58

              Originally posted by Ansel
              Okay so when i'm finished with a pris i get it out but a bit stays on my gum so i dab it with a tissue and a trace of blood is sometimes there... is that really bad?
              I doubt it, I'm not a dentist but if it was me I'd just blame gingivitis. Time for a good floss?


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                Originally posted by Nate5700 View Post
                I doubt it, I'm not a dentist but if it was me I'd just blame gingivitis. Time for a good floss?

                Well i brush them with this but i must admit i haven't been flossing.

                Other than that it feels like there is less wear on my gums than with portions.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Swedish Match says that lossnus causes gum recession more than portions do. I dunno. I find los more comfortable also, but there is more chance of it getting under your gums. Where's the blood coming from, the surface of the gum, or between your teeth?


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    Ah right :-/

                    Well it seems to come from the surface. Maybe i pushed the tissue on there too hard.


                    • Mawdryn
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 353

                      Originally posted by Ansel
                      Okay so when i'm finished with a pris i get it out but a bit stays on my gum so i dab it with a tissue and a trace of blood is sometimes there... is that really bad?
                      Gingivitis maybe?


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        I will phone my dentist tomorrow and get an appointment.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                          Ah right :-/

                          Well it seems to come from the surface. Maybe i pushed the tissue on there too hard.
                          Might just be raw. My gums get thrashed sometimes, but I'm not sure why. Sensitivity seems to come and go. I never looked for blood, but it doesn't mean it isn't there. Try switching sides, or maybe alternating with portions.


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            Well my gums felt much more raw with portions. Only in the last 24 hours or so i have been using los. I told my dentist i used snus. He checked my upper gum about 2 months ago and didn't seem to say much about it though poked it (when cleaning the teeth) which made me jump as i'd just had a portion in, and like i said with portion it tends to make the gum a bit more rawer if anything compared to the los.


                            • Mongrul
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 151

                              Originally posted by Snusify
                              After you snus for a while you will form a pouch in your lip and your snus will sit there nicely for a long time and never turn into a mudslide. as far as taste is concerned a tightly hand bake prilla takes a while for the flavour to break out this is why I stopped hand baking lös a while ago. I take pinch straight from the can press a little against the side of the can and put straight under my lip. Any loose bits i quickly bake with my tongue. This means the snus directly against my mucousa its not packed at all and you get immense flavour and a huge nic hit very fast.

                              The Hillbilly pinch is the best way to use lös.
                              I concur with this advise, although I like a tight prilla because it will eventually break down and release the flavor. When I need a quick hit, like in the morning, I'll pinch and shove. Later, when I'm already good and juiced up, I'll form a tight prilla and wait for it to break down. Once you figure out what you like, it's easy. Los is the best way to do it. Portions never taste as good to me for some reason.


                              • Nate5700
                                • May 2011
                                • 58

                                Originally posted by Mongrul View Post
                                I concur with this advise, although I like a tight prilla because it will eventually break down and release the flavor. When I need a quick hit, like in the morning, I'll pinch and shove. Later, when I'm already good and juiced up, I'll form a tight prilla and wait for it to break down. Once you figure out what you like, it's easy. Los is the best way to do it. Portions never taste as good to me for some reason.
                                I tried the hillbilly pinch and it just slid around in my mouth. I'm actually getting the hang of using los though. I've had the most success with tighter prillas, it's just a matter of having the patience for it to loosen up, then it releases aroma and just enough juice to get the flavor. I'm pretty much using los exclusively at home now, and saving the portions for work. I do use a portion first thing in the morning since at that time I'm not at all coherent enough to try to hand bake.

