New Snuser, 2nd order, looking for suggestions...

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  • threecommas
    • Aug 2011
    • 47

    New Snuser, 2nd order, looking for suggestions...

    Hey all, this is my first post here...
    I started out on "Cramel Snus" for about a year in an attempt to quit smoking, eventually switched to the Skoal mint "snus" until reading blogs from a few guys that post on these forums (thanks, you know who you are!). I live about 300 miles from anywhere that sells Swedish snus, even General. So I sucked it up and placed an order with Northerner a few weeks ago and got some General Mint & Wintergreen, Thunder Frosted ES, and N&J Crushed Ice ES, and some General trial packs. I have gotten over the initial flavor shock, in fact I tried a Skoal again today and it tasted like I was licking the candyman's &$%hole... Also, the General White, I cannot get over the flowery/herbal taste after the salt wears off, it makes me want to vomit, not sure why... I'm a huge mint fan, would like to find some regular flavors i might like too, as well as an everyday snus. The Thunder Frosted, flavor wise, is my favorite taste so far but too strong to use every time, i use maybe 4 strong portions a day between regular portions. The General Wintergreen is my runnerup, although I only had these few to choose from, and it seems like the portions break open a lot or was it just my can?

    So here's my current cart at Northerner -

    Röda Lacket, White Portion
    Thunder Berry Blend, Extra Strong Portion
    Thunder Frosted, Strong Loose
    Thunder Frosted Long +, Strong Portion
    Olde Viking Spearmint, Portion
    Offroad Frosted, Loose
    Jakobssons Fläder, Portion
    General Nordic Mint, Portion
    Jakobssons Icefruit, Portion
    Jakobssons Mint, Strong Portion
    Offroad Frosted, Portion
    Jakobssons Wintergreen, Strong Portion
    Catch Pure Mint, Medium Portion

    I ordered a prismaster for the loose as i'd like to try it as well...
    Any additions / subtractions?
    Likes / dislikes?
    I know it's all objective but any favorites (and why), suggestions, observations or recommendations would be appreciated... Thank you!!
    BTW, been smoke free since my order arrived without even a look back, a real testament to the power of this stuff.

    P.S. Looking for a case as well and have only found the IceTool ones... I really like the design of them, especially the one with the ashtray lid, but is it worth the price? Anyone here have one? Anything else out there? Cheapest I could find was direct from them for $40 something with free shipping...

  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    Why don't you try some plain snus along with all that flavored stuff. The best selling snus in the world is General, Grov, and Ettan regular portions. Real tobacco taste!
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I second whalen. You have a crapload of mint there. Grov portion is a favorite of mine, and Olde Viking original, or Odens regular(non stark) are worth a try..


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        I started off with mostly mints... and stayed that way for a few months. The regular flavors just weren't that good. Now I rarely use a mint snus. It's just how your tastes will change over time.
        Just get what looks interesting honestly.


        • threecommas
          • Aug 2011
          • 47

          I definitely will try some plain, it's just I tried General White 3 times now and I can't stand it. So the tips on the other plain types, I will order! Like I said, I like mint so I know those won't go wasted unless they are nasty and I feel like I'm missing out unless I've tried it at least once. I guess that's why I'm here, not sure which plain and don't want to get stuck with a bunch I don't like... So Grov, Ettan I had heard good things about, Olde Viking & Odens is a start


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Catch Eucalyptus!

            And make sure you get some starks/sterks (strong) edit: oh you have lol


            • threecommas
              • Aug 2011
              • 47

              What's that like? I was curious... I wanted the Catch Pure Mint cuz of the can, hehe...


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Originally posted by whalen
                Why don't you try some plain snus along with all that flavored stuff. The best selling snus in the world is General, Grov, and Ettan regular portions. Real tobacco taste!
                First of all welcome to the forum mate!!!!

                I would have to second what Whalen and Lx said.....................have the mint as your go to and then buy a bit of variety to try in between the mints

                Be careful about ordering huge amounts of anything at first and don't throw anything away just because you don't like it....................stick it in the freezer and revisit it in a few months......................your taste will might always be your thing..................but you might find a few other non mints that you really like as well.

                Anyway..............glad you are here..............keep us posted and let us know what you finally order.
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • Mongrul
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 151

                  "I tried a Skoal again today and it tasted like I was licking the candyman's &$%hole..."

                  Yep, General will give you the same experience! Or make you feel like you put a lemon flavored dry sponge in your mouth. Like Whalen said, get some plain snus. Ettan portions and Skruf, Gotesborg Rape los. (Skruf portions are a little harsh) There's other really good ones, but I don't have them right now cause I'm working through my frozen stash. I do a little Jakobssons every once in a while, but mostly stick to Ettan and Skruf. Odens is too much like General for me. I've done some Thunder, but will not order again. The really strong snus gives me a headache. I've been hooked on nicotine for over 35 years, 33 of that as a smoker. Snus is the only thing that can keep me from smoking...period! It taste good, last long time, and no stinky stinky! (Flashed back to my military days overseas...sorry)

                  For los, once you get the hillbilly pinch down, you won't need any tools. I still use them everyonce in a while, but mostly just do the grab and stuff now. It taste better, and you get a massive nic hit.


                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    for mint I think the jacobsons its the best, I see you have some coming. and no one here ever talks about it but I really like general long sterk. and of course buy some ODENS!!!!


                    • NewYork
                      Banned Users
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 98

                      I hated General white for the same exact reasons. My favorites are: Thunder Frosted Long Strong (for a mint), Ettan White or regular portion (for straight tobacco taste), and my 80% of every day use is Probe Whiskey! Tastes smokey, a little sweet, closest I could find to american dip like copenhagen. Nothing else tastes even remotely close.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by threecommas
                        I tried a Skoal again today and it tasted like I was licking the candyman's &$%hole
                        haha I love it, hilarious analogy.

                        Welcome to SnusOn brother!

                        You'll like the Flader, it's one of my favorites.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          The jaks wintergreen is awesome..

                          Get some ettan los my friend its bees knees!


                          • threecommas
                            • Aug 2011
                            • 47

                            Originally posted by wadetheblade
                            and of course buy some ODENS!!!!
                            I was afraid Odens would blow my head off... They have some non extremes thoughI assume?


                            • threecommas
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 47

                              Originally posted by wadetheblade
                              for mint I think the jacobsons its the best, I see you have some coming.
                              That's what I keep hearing!


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