Help with 2nd order please (first time ordering los)

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  • Rwarawrawr
    New Member
    • Oct 2011
    • 4

    Help with 2nd order please (first time ordering los)

    Hi everyone decide to try snus to quit cigs and cut back on drinking and I am in love with snus now. With my first order I got a mix of every kind of portion except maxis, and lots of different brands (regular, minis, white, stark, extra stark). I enjoyed the regulars for a couple of days but now I only enjoy extra stark and I really enjoy all the thunder brands especially normal and frosted. In order to go through all my other cans I had to double up on portions to enjoy them even with some of the strongs but two was too many and one was too little lol.

    So now with my 2nd order I have heard a lot about los and how great it is so I want to split my order to about 10 los and 10 portion cans. With the portions I know I'm getting mostly Thunder and some extra stark Skurf. But I need help with what kind of los to order. Is extra strong los similar to extra strong pouches or is it even stronger? Should I bother ordering regular strenght los even if I couldnt get a noticeable effect from regular strenght portions? I really want to try a lot of the los brands and flavors especially Goteborgs rape and prima fint los. So hopefully los has more of a kick to it then portion. Thanks for any help.
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Los does not have a bigger kick than can just vary the amount you use (thus using more for more kick)

    That said, I would mix in a few starks along with some regular strength to see the difference.

    Try some

    Grov and Extreme los

    Goteborg Rape and General ES

    Phantom Blue, Prima Fint and the two Thunders

    In the meantime, chack out the Dipper's Guide to Snus...............It is full of all things los and has a lot of great advice for different folks here on the forum. You might find it helpful as you venture into the world of los

    you can find the guide here
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      I love skruf stark los...


      • jagmanss
        • Jul 2010
        • 12213

        Originally posted by Ansel
        I love skruf stark los...

        I agree with getting skruf stark los, But If i were you I would take it a step further and get the skruf Extra stark Los, Nice nic kick to beat the smokes and to me has a better flavor than the stark los... A must have and you won't regret it... Besides that...

        General Ekstra Sterk Los is awesome and a must have...

        Since you already like the Frosted, The Los version is better to me than the portions...

        Ettan Los is top notch in my book and another must have...


        • Rwarawrawr
          New Member
          • Oct 2011
          • 4

          Thanks for the help guys, this is what I ended up ordering.
          2 x Skruf Xtra Stark Loose Snus
          2 x Thunder Frosted ES Loose Snus
          2 x Thunder Extra Strong Original Loose Snus
          2 x Goteborgs Rapé Loose Snus
          1 x General Ekstra Sterk Loose Snus
          1 x Goteborgs Prima Fint Loose Snus
          1 x Thunder Blue Long + Strong Portion Snus
          2 x Thunder Wintergreen Extra Strong Portion Snus
          1 x Thunder Original Extra Strong Portion Snus
          2 x Thunder Frosted Extra Strong Portion Snus
          2 x Thunder Berry Extra Strong Portion Snus
          1 x Thunder Coffee Supreme Long + Strong Portion Snus
          2 x Skruf Xtra Stark Portion Snus
          1 x Nick and Johnny Crushed Ice Xtra Strong Portion


          • Rwarawrawr
            New Member
            • Oct 2011
            • 4

            Did not mean to order the winter green so sent them an email asking if they could take those out and add two more frosted, same price so hope it works out.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              No Ettan? That makes me sad panda.


              • AtreyuKun
                • Aug 2009
                • 1223

                Not a huge Los fan myself, but Ettan is the proverbial shit when it comes to Los. Good stuff.


                • timoteo
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 583

                  yes well there will surely be a 3rd order.


                  • Rwarawrawr
                    New Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 4

                    Got my order rather quickly and im trying the los thunder right now. Took me 3 trys to get a los pris under my lip without it crumbling, on the last try It crumbled a bit and I just said oh screw it let me just try it out even though its a mess. Since thunder is really moist maybe thats why I'm having so much trouble, hopefully after being in freezer for a bit it will toughen up. I don't know how people hand bake and then transfer it to their lips, seems impossible to not get it to crack in half when placing it under your lips with your hands. Only way I was able to do it was depositing it with the icetool, I can see myself improving on this technique so I'm glad I ordered one.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      Check out the how to videos on YouTube .. just search like snus handbake, or icetool tutorial etc. There are a few videos that helped me out.


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