Good luck. I also switched from ecigs to snus (after a brief relapse with smokes). Ecigs are a pain the butt and I'm also not convinced that they're really a safe alternative. They haven't been around long enough for any solid evidence. I think snus is the way to go, my friend, so don't give up. Keep trying new brands and you'll find your favorites. There's a learning curve but it's not near as steep as it is for ecigs imo...
Newby Need help choosing sweet snus
The Basic Rules of Snus for Beginners
Try a variety
Give it time your taste will acclimate, change, and adjust
If there is something you don't like at first, stick in the freezer and revisit it in a few months (your taste are going to change)
At first snus may seem salty. Your taste will acclimate. In two weeks you will not notice the salt. Give it time
At first, the snus will feel funny under your lip. Your gums will want to push it out. In a week or so you will be used to the feel and will not even notice it is there.
At first, the juice from the snus may bother you. Carry bottled water with you. Also know the juice is safe to swallow and will usually taper off after the first five minutes.
Avoid buying rolls of anything at first....your taste will change. There is a lot to try. Let your first few orders focus on trying a good deal of what is out there.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Thanks allgreat help !
I have to buy with Northener and ...which other shop for europe?
Can't wait for the first order to arrive...
I believe snus will help me more than's a shame because in France I did not hear about snus at all. Nor snuff...
I was lurking on the us "ecf" forum and by real chance I saw this strange word snus with a link...and here I am
Than I googled and youtubed snus 5 hours non stop... curiosity won't kill the cat this time