I always found the taste of the Tre Ankare White Portions to remind me of a good ol' Garcia Vega miniture. I second Ettan snus, in any form. I prefer white portions and loose.. you should try both.. Grovsnus also has a good tobacco flavor, flowery and with a sweet hint of salt.
Hello to all, new member here.
Originally posted by lapoltbaIn the past week I've only had a pack of cigars. I just can't seem to give up that one first thing in the AM.
Attention: Will a mod please edit this uncouth, uncalled for, and unwanted obscenity from an otherwise urbane, mannered, and civilized, thread
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
November 9, 2011
Stockholm Sweden
Dear Valued Members of Sunon
The leadership advisory committee (LAC) of snuson, in conjunction with wives against sex (WAS), the Northerner janitorial staff, and some guy named Walter (who apparently never got any in high school) would like to apologize to our members, guests, genny88, and all the nice folks spying on us from the FDA for MR. Dog’s latest outburst. We at the LAC in no way condone or support Mr. Dog’s views that blowjobs are a safe alternative to smoking or an acceptable manner of harm reduction. Mr. Dog’s views are obviously the product of a sick and troubled mind. We therefore recommend that our members simply ignore Mr. Dog until top specialists from our department are able to apprehend Mr. Dog for further testing.
Thank you for your patience and forbearance in these matters and rest assured of our commitment to their swift resolution.
Martha Stewart
President and CEO- WAS
VP Customer Service- Northerner
Conflict Resolution and Doily distribution Consultant- Snuson
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by MonkeyDog, how does giving a bj help not smoke? I never gave one.....help me out here.
Haha....just kidding.
See....we're all friends here.......
Put the hammer down........
Please sir!!!
See you all in a week after my ban is over.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by MonkeyHe's a one man kinda guy now......and still owes me a crisp 20.
That is really funny.................and I have no idea what it even meansWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
A quick follow up with my first impressions:
Northerner Citrus Menthol - This sounded like a great idea but I haven't been all that impressed. It's not horrible though. The first one was ok, not at all sweet, not really salty but very little flavor. I didn't get much menthol from it, but tasted the lemon/citrus quickly. Really quick nic hit but the flavor was gone within 15 min and started to taste very bitter. I'll put it in the freezer and revisit.
Catch Eucalyptus - Extremely bitter to me and not at all sweet. Had a nice tobacco numbing feeling for a bit and just a little drip at first. Again, it got bitter after a short period of time and very unpleasant.
I have yet to try the General Mint, that will be later tonight. One can was on backorder so I changed my order and got the Thunder Frosted that was suggested. That should arrive Monday.
The general mint is fantastic. It has everything I love about the Marlboro and Camel crap and nothing I hate. It's not too salty, just the right amount of mint and a great lasting flavor.
General Onyx <3
Jakobsson's Mint & Wintergreen <3
General Wintergreen - Love it but it doesn't last long
Grov - good, a little strong, tastes like licking a cigar which i'm not so fond of.
Revisited the Thunder Frosted and liked it alot. It's still a bit strong for me all at once. I find I like the dryer portions better but that's just my taste I guess.