Fell off the wagon!

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  • angrylollipop
    • Apr 2011
    • 209

    Fell off the wagon!

    Ugh! Man I fell off the wagon hard a few months ago after leaving my snus at home during a short vacation to my wife's parents house. Didn't want to try out the skoal, and knew camel wouldn't get me through the day so I bought some cigarettes and started smoking again.

    But I'm tired of smoking, hate smoking, wish I didn't smoke. I still had a boat-load of snus on the freezer and now before the holidays I'm determined to get back to snus and kick the smokes for good. This forum is a bit like a support group in many ways. Nice to know you're not the only person in the world snusing and choosing tobacco harm reduction.
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    It happens. Don't worry!


    • clint404
      • Jul 2011
      • 317

      I've never had a hard time quitting with snus. I remember the day well when I put that first snus in and never thought twice about a cig. Is it that instant hit you get with cigs that hold you back?


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        Everyone falls off the wagon sometimes......a few months ago I went through a couple cans of dip and almost forgot about all of my snus. Got right back with the snus and all was well. Snus is awesome like that....it is easy ti get back o I with.


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          Good luck quitting again! Don't be too hard on yourself for falling off the wagon. It happens!


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752


            Good to see you back bro.................no worries..........the snus forgives
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • PipenSnus
              • Apr 2010
              • 1038

              It's only a problem if you give up completely and go back to cigarettes as your primary nicotine source. I still smoke a cigarette or two per week, but that number keeps going down as the months roll by. I used to smoke 1.5 to 2 packs per day. Just let the ciggys drop away naturally, don't try to force it.


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                I smoke the occasional cigarette just to piss people off.


                • Joe234
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1948

                  I have fallen of a few times myself. The nice thing about
                  snus is that I can climb back on the wagon relatively easily.

                  Relapses happen


                  • Reynard
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 804

                    Originally posted by Joe234
                    The nice thing about
                    snus is that I can climb back on the wagon relatively easily.
                    Exactly the same with me, doesn't really feel like I've quit anything when I get back on snus from ciggies. In fact, I went through a period when I was on cigarettes and waiting for a snus order to arrive, and was craving snus, licking my gums etc lol.


                    • Ansel
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 3696

                      Originally posted by Vulpes
                      Exactly the same with me, doesn't really feel like I've quit anything when I get back on snus from ciggies. In fact, I went through a period when I was on cigarettes and waiting for a snus order to arrive, and was craving snus, licking my gums etc lol.
                      yep, for me too.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Ansel
                        I smoke the occasional cigarette just to piss people off.
                        I can't think of a better reason to smoke :^)


                        • charmando
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 151

                          Since my roommates steal my snus all the time I'm trying to even things out by occasionally dipping. Cope wintergreen is really growing on me. Grizz and skoal wintergreen aren't too bad either; they burn my throat though. My one buddy makes the same mistake every weekend of putting in two thunder coffee chrome or chocomint. I come home from the bar and find him falling out of his chair drooling everywhere.


                          • muddyfunkstar
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 967

                            I still smoke occasionally, never really sweated it, tbh.

                            Over the summer I did find myself smoking quite a lot more than occasionally, so decided to stop just to prove to myself that I didn't need them. Not had one for a month now, with no problems at all.

                            Don't worry about it, is what I say. As long as you keep up with the snus, it's easy to dip in and out of smoking the odd ciggie.


                            • Mikko
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 103

                              Originally posted by Ansel
                              I smoke the occasional cigarette just to piss people off.

                              snus has allowed me to smoke a few times a year just for this sole purpose!

                              And angrylollipop, Don't worry at all, After I first started snusing last December I stopped in february and picked up smoking again (weekend social smoking without inhaling, but it was a habit to some extent because I did it every weekend) but then in april I stopped doing any form of tobacco until about august when my summer holiday ended, then I picked up 'smoking' again until about early November when my Uncle called me on his deathbed in the hospital, he was dying of lung cancer from smoking and he could barely talk to me to tell me goodbye and that he loves me. After this my father told me "Look I know the extent of your smoking isn't like your uncle's, but even social smoking and without inhaling will probably lead to the inevitable inhale and then addiction, I'm not forcing you to quit now but you should quit in a few years, at least before you're 30 like I did". My uncle passed away a few days later and that got me thinking "Looks like it's time to go back to snus", I informed my father of this decision and he was proud, he knows snus is harmless. Nowadays I'll only smoke a few times a year during a celebration or maybe at a big party at a club, without inhaling as usual. So have your mind at ease, like snusdog said snus is very forgiving, a lot of us have fell off the wagon but what matters is if you get up and climb back on!


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