Experiment Cans of Snus

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  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    Experiment Cans of Snus

    So on hand i've got 5 cans of offroad original. To be honest, i dont know what it tastes like to have someobody swallow bleach have it pass through their system and come out of their asshole onto a can of snus, have lemon windex thrown on it, and have somebody take puss out of a boil season it and throw it the can as well, but im guessing if somebody did that I wouldnt notice the difference between that and this kind of snus.
    That being said, I've got 5 cans of this garbage to mess around with. What can I add into it to try to change the flavor up? I remember i had a tiny bit of odens extreme left so i tried adding in some lemon juice but that make it a muddy mess. Anything you guys sometimes do? I'll take any suggestions even fi its something you wanted to try and let you know how it turns out. This stuff is absolutely disgusting
  • WolfenJack
    • Nov 2011
    • 140

    Seems to me like you get what you pay for. I hate paying over $4 a can for snus but, it's worth it for the quality. Perhaps you could add some sort of flavored extract, like mint, or licorice.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      well I love offroad frosted so i thought for 10 bucks i'd give original a try. Maybe it was going through 2 cans of ettan and 2 cans of general before that stuff but bleck this stuff is bad


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        Whatever you add, make sure it is concentrated or reduced to make it not too moist.

        Or booze. Booze is always a good answer.


        • russki
          • Jan 2011
          • 464

          Throw it in the freezer. As i'm sure you are aware, your tastes will change. I have a feeling once your tastes mature you might become impartial to offroad original, speaking from experience of course. I was the same way with it at first, simply giving it a try to see what it was like, especially for the price; Needless to say I wasn't too fond of it at first either. Later I found myself using it after pulling it out of the freezer trying different snus. Has a unique earthy tobacco taste with hint of lemon, as you mentioned, which seems to appeal to me much more as time has passed and I continue snusing.

          Seems like every post you contribute some disgust for this particular snus, you should probably simply write a review of it in the proper thread and leave it at that. I'd also suggest searching the forums as some of these experimental snus type threads have popped up before with people attempting to change the snus with mixed results, though I personally don't understand why someone would go so far as to do that as opposed to cutting their losses and finding a good snus they like. Throw them on the trade post if it disgusts you that much to even keep them in your possession; Someone somewhere will give the snus the love which you so adamantly deny


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            I apologize russki i was unaware that there were people who were so fond of unwiped asshole


            • jagmanss
              • Jul 2010
              • 12213

              Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
              I apologize russki i was unaware that there were people who were so fond of unwiped asshole
              HaaHaaa.... Dude you are a tool....


              • sandman1911
                • Jun 2009
                • 394

                Mmmmmmm unwiped asshole puss flavored snus, where do I sign up?


                • Slidingblues
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 316

                  5 out of 7 in the review section liked it. Just goes to show you....different strokes for different folks

                  Just like General. Some hate it and love Jackobssons. Me I like General but will take a pass on Jack's. Just take a pass...no hate


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    Originally posted by Slidingblues
                    5 out of 7 in the review section liked it. Just goes to show you....different strokes for different folks

                    Just like General. Some hate it and love Jackobssons. Me I like General but will take a pass on Jack's. Just take a pass...no hate
                    Yeah I'm about the same way... I like any General over Jackobssons any day and will never buy any jakes again, I don't hate.... But Probe is another story along with Dick pickle snus or umm Kronan.... Kronan White is the exception though... Well! Sort of....


                    • Thunder_Snus
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1316

                      It's not that I'm trying to be a tool its that I'm sick and tired of seeing these "No you actually do like it just not yet" bullshit I see people spew over and over. Yes I know. When i went through 5 cans of oden's extreme i wasnt too fond of it. Now i kind of crave it here and there. It is good advice to "Let it sit for awhile" and I'm sure some people have gone back to some instead of throwing it away. It's just irritating that some people can't accept that I dont like a kind of snus. I'm not going to like it now, tomorrow ten months from now or 10 years from now, thats it. I know I mentioned this fact a few times because i was skeptical to get the northerner 10 for 13 deal because I was afraid this might be included, and wanted to know if anyone got that with their order. It's reminiscent of my friends that were a year older than me going to college while i was still in high school and turning into tools because they "were in the real world now bro, its so different you dont even know, once you go to college you'll realize this or that." Don't tell me i like something I dont. If you're going to make a smart ass post I'm going to make a smart ass response. If you dont like my favorite snus so far (ettan) I'm not going to tell you you're stupid and that your "tastes havent matured" I'll just accept we have different tastes. And for ****'s sake I asked a few people that might know the answer if they got offroad original in their soon to expire order because I hate it and would hate to receive it.


                      • Thunder_Snus
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1316

                        Originally posted by Slidingblues
                        5 out of 7 in the review section liked it. Just goes to show you....different strokes for different folks

                        Just like General. Some hate it and love Jackobssons. Me I like General but will take a pass on Jack's. Just take a pass...no hate
                        I was reading reviews on another site and they seem to be about even or love and hate no real middle ground. The people that like it had far different descriptions too some said it was like general but with lime, some said carmely some said chocolatey some said lemony. Then the people that hated all said the same thing...tastes like asshole...smells about the same


                        • desirexe
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 1170

                          Bleached arsehole and lemon snus??? Sounds like it is missing one ingredient...Tequila!!


                          • Thunder_Snus
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1316

                            Originally posted by desirexe
                            Bleached arsehole and lemon snus??? Sounds like it is missing one ingredient...Tequila!!
                            no no no no no....not bleached....bleach coming out your asshole....there is a difference....but i can see the confusion


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Originally posted by desirexe
                              Bleached arsehole and lemon snus??? Sounds like it is missing one ingredient...Tequila!!
                              lmao. Its posts like that is why I love Deserex so much.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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