Update and praise from a new user

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  • Patnotron
    New Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 14

    Update and praise from a new user

    Hey everyone,
    So I've been using snus consistently for a month and a half and since my first post have been a lurker on the forum almost every day. I must say that the community on this forum is very friendly and helpful and I enjoy reading up on all the info that gets posted (good or bad).
    So basically i started out with a roll of 06 and 5 mystery tins, phantom blue and thunder coola extra strong mix. I almost regretted ordering a whole roll until I got it and I'm glad I did. The kick was intense but exactly what I was looking for and the taste only got better in the following weeks. quality and portion length was also a plus.
    As for v2 products... I think I may have developed a bias, the taste was enjoyable but the overall quality seemed to be lacking in all other aspects. Not to mention immediately after I began using v2 snus I developed an ulcer under my tongue which was so bad that I had to burn it off, but after that only the occasional bump that would cause no problems and clear up. Nothing serious enough to quit over though.
    As for the battle in wanting to dip or smoke, it was much easier than I thought. I have not touched either and have curbed all cravings easily by just popping in a portion. Thank you snus!
    Another comment I wanted to make was after reading the thread about being priced out of snus I did a bit of quick math. I came up with this: smoking a pack of day at 7-8 dollars a pack came out to about 2800$ a year, using a can of snus every 3-5 days came out to around 500 a year even with shipping(changing a bit with different variables). So to be priced out of snus as an ex smoker/dipper, it would take an extreme price increase.
    To finish off, I just placed my next order and this is what it looks like
    10x lab 06
    10x n&j orig.
    10x skruf xtra stark slim portion
    5x general green harvest
    5x general onyx
    5x odens extra strong classic
    5x lab 02
    2x goteborgs rape no.2
    2x skruf tranbar
    2x catch eucalyptus
    2x grovsnus svart
    2x gote prima fint Los
    2x roda lacket Los

    I've felt ashamed for not getting Into Los yet so I figured those 2 were a good starting point and if I like it will be stocking up, hopefully before they start pulling more Los products off the shelf.

    Overall I just wanted to share my experience with you guys, seeing as it has been great so far, any other suggestions or tips anyone wants to throw my way, I'm always open. You guys have been extremely helpful so far and I am thoroughly pleased with this forum and my experience. Thanks again everyone and hope your snus experience stays enjoyable despite all the bad news that seems to be in rotation every so often.
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    That sounds like a really good order to make. Welcome to the forum and happy snussing!


    • saberz
      • Feb 2012
      • 66

      Welcome to the forum, I myself just joined and started using Snus as well (General Mint and General White). So far it has been curbing my smoking habit really well (2 yesterday, none today!). Hoping to order up some online for a different variety to try and yes I did the math as well and it is farrrrrr cheaper to buy a snus tin every few days(or buy bulk) than it is to smoke a pack a day.

      Again welcome!


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by Patnotron
        Hey everyone,
        So I've been using snus consistently for a month and a half and since my first post have been a lurker on the forum almost every day. I must say that the community on this forum is very friendly and helpful and I enjoy reading up on all the info that gets posted (good or bad).
        So basically i started out with a roll of 06 and 5 mystery tins, phantom blue and thunder coola extra strong mix. I almost regretted ordering a whole roll until I got it and I'm glad I did. The kick was intense but exactly what I was looking for and the taste only got better in the following weeks. quality and portion length was also a plus.
        As for v2 products... I think I may have developed a bias, the taste was enjoyable but the overall quality seemed to be lacking in all other aspects. Not to mention immediately after I began using v2 snus I developed an ulcer under my tongue which was so bad that I had to burn it off, but after that only the occasional bump that would cause no problems and clear up. Nothing serious enough to quit over though.
        As for the battle in wanting to dip or smoke, it was much easier than I thought. I have not touched either and have curbed all cravings easily by just popping in a portion. Thank you snus!
        Another comment I wanted to make was after reading the thread about being priced out of snus I did a bit of quick math. I came up with this: smoking a pack of day at 7-8 dollars a pack came out to about 2800$ a year, using a can of snus every 3-5 days came out to around 500 a year even with shipping(changing a bit with different variables). So to be priced out of snus as an ex smoker/dipper, it would take an extreme price increase.
        To finish off, I just placed my next order and this is what it looks like
        10x lab 06
        10x n&j orig.
        10x skruf xtra stark slim portion
        5x general green harvest
        5x general onyx
        5x odens extra strong classic
        5x lab 02
        2x goteborgs rape no.2
        2x skruf tranbar
        2x catch eucalyptus
        2x grovsnus svart
        2x gote prima fint Los
        2x roda lacket Los

        I've felt ashamed for not getting Into Los yet so I figured those 2 were a good starting point and if I like it will be stocking up, hopefully before they start pulling more Los products off the shelf.

        Overall I just wanted to share my experience with you guys, seeing as it has been great so far, any other suggestions or tips anyone wants to throw my way, I'm always open. You guys have been extremely helpful so far and I am thoroughly pleased with this forum and my experience. Thanks again everyone and hope your snus experience stays enjoyable despite all the bad news that seems to be in rotation every so often.
        Great post mate and welcome to the forum!!

        Do I even want to ask how you burned an ulcer off your tongue..............OK Randy you hold the lighter......... and when I stick my tongue out you just..............

        One thing to consider is that both Roda and Prima are very similar...........Prima is the base snus in Roda.......both are very finely cut and pretty mild (to this day I still cannot pick up anything from prima).............Roda is in my regular rotation.

        As an x-smoker/dipper you might want to work in some Granit, Grov, Phantom Blue, and Extreme los (just use smaller amounts and the nic wont bother you). These are all bolder in flavor and have a bit more variety in grind.

        Anyway looks like you are off to a great start. Keep us posted and don't be a stranger
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Fazer
          • May 2011
          • 663

          That's a really good starter order to make, you're going to like that little stash ... You NEED more los, really, you do ... Everything about los is a love song ... Welcome to the forum and happy snussing mate!


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Originally posted by Fazer
            Everything about los is a love song
            Spoken well...........and spoken true............ from the land of Poets

            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • wadetheblade
              • Jul 2009
              • 572

              Welcome to the board,

              That is indeed a mighty fine order, many of my favorites there.


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                Very good choice on these:

                10x lab 06
                10x n&j orig.
                10x skruf xtra stark slim portion
                5x general green harvest
                5x general onyx
                5x odens extra strong classic
                5x lab 02

                You can always find these in my freezer. One word of warning though... 06 is STRONG! I like 02 better for daily use. You are gonna love the N&J and Skruff! I love Onyx and Green Harvest too. You have one hell of a good order on its way!
                If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                • Patnotron
                  New Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 14

                  Thanks everyone,
                  I will admit, alot of my choices were made in reference to most of the information circulating around this forum, I think I'll be pleased with my order almost soley because of that

                  I do have a feeling that an Ice tool and a bulk order of Los may be on it's way after this order, as an ex dipper I see the appeal and everyone can be wrong about the Los experience. I actually had no idea prima and roda were so close in comparison, so thanks for the heads up

                  As for the ulcer burning... It's not that bad. A little trick I learned is to take a match, light it, put it out, and apply quickly until it's not hot. I guess i wouldn't really advocate doing it, but in my experience it drains ans dries it out quite quickly, heals quick too.

                  As for the strength in 06, my first roll did kick me right in the ass at first but that's why I ended up liking it too, quality is on point as well.

                  One question. Is there ANY way possible to get lucky strike brand to the US?

                  Thanks again!


                  • Patnotron
                    New Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 14

                    My mistake: CAN'T be wrong about the Los experience

                    *having a bit of trouble finding how to edit post on the mobile.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Originally posted by Patnotron
                      One question. Is there ANY way possible to get lucky strike brand to the US?
                      There is no way to order it due to a trade mark restriction that prohibits it from being sold here in the USA (same with the Swedish variety of Camel Snus....which unlike the American type...........is real snus)

                      As far as getting LS………………… every now and then you will run across some for trade or sale on the Snus Exchange here on the forum...........that will be your best bet.............that or finding a Swede who wants to trade you some for American dip/chew/snuff
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • Patnotron
                        New Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 14

                        Well that's just outright dissapointing, I suppose I'll have to scavenge the auctions.

                        Maybe I'm wrong (I have little knowlegde of the tobacco trade) but wouldn't the American companies, lucky strike, camel, ect. Be able to make a profit by cutting some kind of deal with the Swedish companies so they could distribute to the US? Then people here with little knowledge of available snus here in the US wouldn't have to settle for the swill they try and pass off as snus here in the states.


                        • Snusdog
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 6752

                          Originally posted by Patnotron
                          Well that's just outright dissapointing, I suppose I'll have to scavenge the auctions.

                          Maybe I'm wrong (I have little knowlegde of the tobacco trade) but wouldn't the American companies, lucky strike, camel, ect. Be able to make a profit by cutting some kind of deal with the Swedish companies so they could distribute to the US? Then people here with little knowledge of available snus here in the US wouldn't have to settle for the swill they try and pass off as snus here in the states.

                          They are protecting their cigarette sales...........they don't want a better snus available...............snus is a threat......the whole idea behind American snus is "for those times when you can't smoke".
                          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                          • voodooman
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 255

                            Originally posted by Snusdog
                            the whole idea behind American snus is "for those times when you can't smoke".
                            also, i believe, to convince americans that what they are selling is real snus, and comparable to the foreign product. they don't want you to know how good the real stuff is.


                            • Patnotron
                              New Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 14

                              Yeah I thought about it and besides wanting to protect their cigg sales I'm assuming that the profit margin wouldn't be enough for them to
                              care wether or not we had access to a better product, and they certainly arnt going to do it out a the kindness of their heart.

                              On a side not, this order is from snuscentral, everything from price to selection was great. One thing I am a bit worried about is that i received a phone message from UPS, the customs division I believe and the only thing i could understand is that they were calling about a package that was yet to arrive in south Carolina (tracking says it's in Germany), I have yet to be able to reach them back, is it common for them to have to notify you about a package on it's way and should I be worried about them holding my snus? I have such a terrible history with communicating with these people, they never seem to know what's going on, and they work for the postal service!

                              Last order was from northerner, shipped from PA. So no problems.


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