Argh sooo hard to fight it right now.

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  • saberz
    • Feb 2012
    • 66

    Argh sooo hard to fight it right now.

    Not sure what it is, I had a White Portion at 3:50 PM and took it out at 4:45PM. Around 4:30 PM I felt like I my body was clawing at me for a cigarette, like I am still feeling it hardcore like its begging me for one. I don't have any on me, and I've been very good with the smoking(only 2 on my first full day of Snus use, and 1 last night) and none today so far.

    I don't think I could do the chain snussing because even with one I might get the highkick/super buzz going initially and not sure if thats what I am feeling but my god its eating at me like crazy!
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Have a cigarette then mate. Don't punish yourself.


    • Fazer
      • May 2011
      • 663

      I was craving for a cigarette when I first quit, then I realized I was probably addicted to more than just the nicotine. I’m sure after smoking for over 20 years you actually get addicted to the carbon monoxide, and all the other chemicals. That’s why it’s so hard to quit, it’s not just the nicotine you’re coming off.

      Have a fag mate, don't kill yourself...


      • crullers
        • Oct 2011
        • 663

        I agree with Ansel and Fazer, go ahead and have one. When I quit the smokes about 5 months ago, the first few days I would have a couple of smokes when I needed to. After that I skipped a couple of days and had a single cigarette. Did this a few times. It gets easier, and eventually you won't crave the cigarette. At the same time this is going on you will be used to how snus delivers the nicotine and cigarettes will become a thing of the past.


        • saberz
          • Feb 2012
          • 66

          Thanks all, i actually did have one and it subsided immediatly. Bummed one off my wife, which then led to an argument about it(snus use, its bad ect and she called me her brother who dips). Then the oral cancer schpeal, and i told her to look it up and of course doesnt make it better. Lol.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            So she gave you a cigarette........and THEN.................. lectured you about cancer..................women

            I'll tell you man is ever born chauvinist..............we are bludgeoned into it
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • 6pieceperal
              • Jan 2012
              • 49

              you can do it saberz! almost 30 year smoker here - little over a pack a day habbit. quit cold turkey 3 weeks and 1 day ago. snus does help. try a stronger brand or double up on the portions. i usually do two at a time. get the wife to quit also, save the money and buy a Corvette. good luck


              • crullers
                • Oct 2011
                • 663

                If she smokes, buy some mocca pomegrainte (grantapple). Let her try it and see if she enjoys it and then go from there. She may quit smoking too. Its working here. Eventually she will be doing some snuff with you too!


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I quit smoking(mostly) after a year of using snus, and I didn't even want to quit smoking. As the others said, if you want a cig, have a cig; just make sure you really want it, and it isn't just a conditioned desire. You'll quit eventually. You smoked this long. Another few months or a year isn't a big deal.


                  • Patnotron
                    New Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 14

                    One reason I think that for me it was easy to not smoke even after the first day I started using snus is that I used a fairly strong portion, I would get the craving for a cigg, then I Would pop in a 06 portion and wait 5 minutes and id be fine. Granted at first it would sometimes be so much nicotine that I'd feel a little off kilter for a bit but i couldnt even comprehend being able to smoke a cigg after that and I certainly didn't want another portion for a few hours after, but maybe this will help you? It may be a bit uncomfortable because of the mass amount of nicotine but if you really wanna kill that craving maybe look into an extra strong portion, worked for me, hope it may help and good luck!


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by Snusdog
                      So she gave you a cigarette........and THEN.................. lectured you about cancer..................women

                      STORY OF ALL WOMEN EVERYWHERE.

                      Me: "No babe, I swear it doesn't cause cancer".

                      Her: "I bet it does"

                      Me: "No really I'm right, look it up in the.."


                      Me: Okay :/


                      • saberz
                        • Feb 2012
                        • 66

                        Lol all so true. Oh she wont try it, she thinks it to be dip even after reading things. I told her to stick with what she wants and ill stick with mine.

                        Cant wait to try another flavor this pay period.


                        • Snusify
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 623

                          Saberz explain that even if it were dip it is not devil she thinks it is. Recent publications have shown that dip does not statistically increase your chances of getting oral cancer and snus is even safer than that.

                          read page 146 of this recent study
                          Snus and Dip Video Reviews


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