Do all V2 snus' suck? or just thunder?

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9758

    Originally posted by sgreger1
    Keep sucking that coffee flavored dick PP, they still ain't ever going to make it! lol
    lol. I'm pretty sure my last post proves I ain't suckin dick to get them to make it again.

    but I suppose I should suck a bit and mention that I really like the Vogel Boys and wish them all the best success and I will always support them. They went out of their way to send me a roll of the new OR coffee supreme as soon as it came off the line because I was almost completely out of the C/V. Thats greatly appreciated customer service thats rarely seen today. For the last few years they have always sent me samples of the different formulas of C/V and the coffee supremes to get my opinions before they started production. Not that they listened. I know the new OR coffee supreme won't be popular at all so hopefully they will turn their attention back to the C/V soon. waa waa
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Love the title of this thread.

      IMO, they are not all bad... only about 90% are.

      I must admit though, I do like their Thunder product line... especially Frosted.
      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


      • southwestsnuser
        • Sep 2011
        • 46

        I found the frosted portions really heavy on the drip side so never ordered again but i thought the offroad frosted los was great, easy to bake, held well in the lip and was had a nice subtle flavour for over an hour.


        • Randall
          • May 2010
          • 753

          to me the thunder berry portion, phantom classic and phantom classic brown ops are really good.


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9758

            in all fairness I did order a roll of the new OR coffee supreme to see if that batch tastes different than the roll V2 sent me. I really do want to like it but..........
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              Do all V2 snus' suck? Or just thunder?

              Yes - in fact I find Thunder the best of a bad bunch. I find most of V2's output really artificial/chemical tasting.

              Of course - that is just me - and you might find one of them delicious ... why not order all of them and find out?

              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • Patnotron
                New Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 14

                Figured I'd put in my 2 cents,

                I commend v2 for making snus...

                Other than that I've never had much luck with their products. Many years ago I tried snus, one of the 2 rolls was offroad coffee, it wasn't bad but I found it to be too salty in the end and enjoyed the catch euc more, years later I got 2 phantom classic portion cans and 2 thunder coola es. I liked the phantom but at the end the flavor just wasn't good, I was using 06 too and switching between the 2 was like drinking an old E forty and then switching to a nice micro brew ipa. I did like the coola but again the flavor just kinda gets old after the first can. Not to mention I got a few ulcers popping up in my mouth immediately after using v2.

                In the end I'd say v2 doesnt suck because they make affordable snus and they have a following but in the end you may just have to bite the bullet and throw down the cash for something else, I had to and I dont regret it at. V2 just isn't the brand for some people. Different strokes for different folks right?


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  I really enjoy Thunder OT5 Classic. The flavor is near perfect. I have run into a few flat portions but not often. The only thing I dislike is the excessive amount of nicotine but that seems to be the Thunder way.


                  • sirloot
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 2607

                    I actualy like the Phantom/Rothbrix line of V2 not so much of Thunder or offroad


                    • stubby2
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 436

                      Okay I'll break with the crowd and admit that I am liking the OffRoad line more and more. The two I am using are OffRoad original and Cola. I only wish they made the original in a white as that's what I normally use. I still have to have Ettan, Skruf and Grov, and V2 doesn't match up, but it's not to bad and I use them on a regular basis. The price doesn't hurt either.


                      • mattarios
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 110

                        I personally love thunder. I've had skruf, ettan, grov, granit, odens and what not ... I like the in your face nicotine kick that settles into a smooth lasting buzz and I love mint. With that said in terms of mint, I have never had any dip, chew, snus, hookah flavor, anything, as good as thunder frosted, nothing even comes close. It depends, if you like subtle flavors that come through slightly with the tobacco most thunder won't please you. I personally enjoy in your face taste with snus so thunder is a winner when considering the price, nicotine, and flavor profiles. I also enjoy their original flavor quite a bit, it has some type of tang to it, not the lemon but something else that I don't find in any other original flavor that I truly love.

                        I can handle nicotine like a beast, when I use grov, granit, skruf, ettan or any of those in los form, I feel nothing, I get nothing, it's almost like I might as well use nothing instead of them, other than for flavor. (I use snus for enjoyment on certain occasions, I don't use it regularly all day every day) When I use tobacco I like to know it's there, it's doing something, which makes me a big fan of thunder. I found oden's to be more of a slow smooth buzz that isn't so in your face.

                        If I used snus daily for nicotine fixes, I would probably use a much lower nicotine snus.

                        In terms of flavor, I don't taste any chemicals or nasty stuff, just good ole flavor that hits you in the face.

                        With other tobacco products such as hookah I am more of a fan of traditional flavoring like nakhla that mix tobacco taste with flavor and not fantasia or starbuzz that are super sweet and in your face flavor, but with snus, I love that strong flavoring!

                        As for other v2 such as offroad or phantom, I haven't had either.

                        Too each their own, but for my circumstances and amount of use, I like the stronger brands that have a strong flavor profile and thunder fits that perfectly.


                        • supremekizzle
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 23

                          I guess its not just me considering all of you mentioned the reasons why I personally found thunder to suck. I actually gave up trying to quit with snus thrice because of how bad I thought thunder was. But my mom got ill from cigs and I just bit down and did it. That was with frosted and original. Frosted grew on me a wee bit until the heart burn and artificial flavor I just couldn't take anymore. Well thunder was economical so I tried all of them including all of the chrom but none of them seemed right. I was beginning to think all of you were crazy for liking snus if it all tasted liike that. Finally tried some good stuff and fell in love with snus. Actually I just realized the first los I tried was phantom brown and I actually liked it. So I guess a couple of my dollars will go to v2 again. Btw los rocks! I guess all in all I would akin good snus to a micro brew beer and thunder to natural ice. Sure natty ice is cheap and will get the job done but it tastes like shit working towards a hangover and a night of regret...


                          • MJ26
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 333

                            V2 Products I tried

                            Offroad Lös and portion. (Didn't like, never buying again.)
                            Thunder Frosted (Didn't like, never buying again.)

                            Offroad Frosted lös and portion, (Ok snus, I'd use it at times.)


                            • muddyfunkstar
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 967

                              I like the Phantom loose range a lot. The portion equivalents are OK, but not as good as the loose. Brown is probably my favourite Phantom portion, the blue portion has that artifical taste you talk of which the loose doesn't.

                              I've got some thunder loose on the go at the moment, it's pretty good, but there is a bit of a funny taste that doesn't sit well after a while.

                              After I've used up my current stock of Phantom portions I doubt I'll buy them again, and just stick to the loose.


                              • heppycat
                                • May 2009
                                • 220

                                I've used many of v2's products over the years. Their lös grind is my favorite. There is something about their portion material that I don't quite like. It seems to be least noticeable in the Thunder line of portions. Something about the awesome flavor of Thunder Frosted cuts right through it.
                                That said, I have had issues with their quality control in the past. When I brought up my concerns with v2, they responded promptly. They are very easy to contact and at least in my opinion, appreciate comments from their customers. It's like they appreciate feedback and strive to produce snus that people like want. Crazy, I know.

                                Thanks v2!

