Hello! A brief introduction, a thank you, and a question

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  • postjack
    • Feb 2012
    • 46

    Hello! A brief introduction, a thank you, and a question

    First, thanks for the wealth of information on this forum. I have lurked for a while and have found a lot of useful info.

    Second, hello! A brief history of my tobacco use:

    I smoked from about age 15 to 25 when I quit. I was a PAD smoker from age 18 on. Two years after I quit I started piddling around with cigars, which I enjoyed maybe twice a month. This past may I was introduced to snus via Marlboro at a music festival. I enjoyed the little boost it gave me walking around the fest and enjoying the music. It was nice getting some energy and pleasure since I also quit drinking 6 years ago. I did worry that snusing could lead me back to smoking, and sure enough this past July I found myself in a stressful flying related travel situation. After a long day at the airport dealing with cancelled flights and what not, I end up back at a hotel the airline put me up in, and I bought a pack of cigarettes and lit one up. I continued to periodically smoke after that time, but never coming anywhere near the level of my previous habit.

    After doing some reading online I heard about "real" snus. I found out my local tobacconist carries the General brand. I bought some General White Portion and immediately disliked it. I found myself craving the sweetness I get from the Camel/Marlboro snus. But after just a few short months of the american stuff I grew tired of the sweetness. I began tasting the artificiality, and just like with cigarettes I don't like not knowing exactly what I'm putting in my body. So I decided to give General another shot. Well, now I love it! Way more complex and satisfying then the american stuff. In fact I have the aforementioned General White portion in my lip as we speak, and I love it. I also love the ingredient list posted right on the container.

    I do have a question. I find that when I would use the american snus, I still craved a cigarette. But when I use real snus, I have no cigarette craving. Do you think this is strictly because of the nicotine level of the real snus, or do you think there is something more nefarious going on? I have zero love or trust for the American tobacco companies, and am suspicious they could possibly put something in their snus that makes you still want to consume their most profitable product, the cigarette. Am I being paranoid? We know for a fact that american tobacco companies have no qualms about putting additives in their product to make them more addictive. Like nicotine itself isn't addictive enough!

    Now that I'm on the real snus I find if I have a craving for the act of smoking a few hits off my blu e cig satisfies me. Honestly, the cigarettes I've smoked the past few months have for the most part not imparted much pleasure. They just deliver such a wallop to my brain that it makes me feel more ill and guilty then anything else. The snus nicotine delivery mechanism on the other hand comes on slow and lasts a good long while.
  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    Welcome aboard and congrats on enjoying snus.

    My opinion on the matter of still craving a cigarette is what the intentions are of the manufacturer. Swedish snus makers really want you to use their product and it's a product of itself.

    On the other hand, american tobacco companies market snus (at least camel) as a "while you can't smoke, use our other product that will take the edge off but not totally kill the desire for a cigarette or we won't make any money" type of a product.

    Every business is here to make money, that's the reality. Big american tobacco is trying to stay relevant but at the same time keeping their cash cow going strong. I seem to recall camel snus as having 7mg of nicotine or less but I think the PH level is lower so absorption is lower than other brands which target a ph of around 7.5. The higher the ph the higher the absorption of the nicotine.

    Regardless, make sure to explore the other flavors and brands out there. Shipping may be more expensive but with as many flavor choices as there are, I'm sure you will find other that hit the spot too!

    Also don't feel guilty about having a smoke now and then. It takes a while for the cravings to drop down and most of us have one now and again. I snused for 2 years exclusively, started smoking again and did that for about 2 years and then about 2 months ago finally drop kicked that shit again.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by Ainkor
      Welcome aboard and congrats on enjoying snus.

      My opinion on the matter of still craving a cigarette is what the intentions are of the manufacturer. Swedish snus makers really want you to use their product and it's a product of itself.

      On the other hand, american tobacco companies market snus (at least camel) as a "while you can't smoke, use our other product that will take the edge off but not totally kill the desire for a cigarette or we won't make any money" type of a product.

      Every business is here to make money, that's the reality. Big american tobacco is trying to stay relevant but at the same time keeping their cash cow going strong. I seem to recall camel snus as having 7mg of nicotine or less but I think the PH level is lower so absorption is lower than other brands which target a ph of around 7.5. The higher the ph the higher the absorption of the nicotine.

      Regardless, make sure to explore the other flavors and brands out there. Shipping may be more expensive but with as many flavor choices as there are, I'm sure you will find other that hit the spot too!

      Also don't feel guilty about having a smoke now and then. It takes a while for the cravings to drop down and most of us have one now and again. I snused for 2 years exclusively, started smoking again and did that for about 2 years and then about 2 months ago finally drop kicked that shit again.

      Welcome to the forum bro!!!
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • vendetta
        New Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 7

        Welcome...I'm a new poster too, lol. Been lurking for quite some time and snusing for even longer than that. It's funny to me that I read so many similar intros and "how I found snus" stories, it's great. Just think of how many people there are out there that haven't found snus yet. I really hope that snus catches on here in the US.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Welcome! I don't think the American companies are up to anything more than wanting it all :^D They sell uber sweet, low nic snus so smokers don't flake out, OR quit cigarettes.


          • postjack
            • Feb 2012
            • 46

            Thanks everyone for the welcome! That makes sense about possible different PH levels in American snus.

            And I'll definitely be ordering some different brands online. I really like general but am interested in trying everything. I've got a cart full of good stuff at snus central I'm ready to order. I'd like to go with northerner for the cheaper shipping but reading here it appears they are having some fulfillment issues.


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