All kinds of stuff, but not much you'd find in modern radio. Lately I've been listening to more space music, post rock and jazz, but here's a very broad list of some general categories I like. Some stuff is hard to accurately pigeonhole...
Classic rock
Scandinavian folk rock
I Feel At Home With You by George Olsen & His Music with DeaDBeeF
Latest 10 Plays:
Splish Splash by Bobby Darin — 3 minutes ago
Baqara 2 (During Ascension), Surah II, 285-286: Baqara 2 (Du by NONE — 7 minutes ago
You're My Home by Billy Joel — 13 minutes ago
Dream Lover by Bobby Darin — 16 minutes ago
The Dirty Boogie by Brian Setzer Orchestra — 20 minutes ago
More Than I Deserve by Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters — 24 minutes ago
Story Untold by The Nutmegs — 26 minutes ago
Rock & Roll Music by The Beatles — 29 minutes ago
I'm A Man by Bo Diddley — 32 minutes ago
I will go ahead and answer for PP - anything by Lawrence Welk. Ahh wondafull ah wondafull.
lmao you just showed how ancient you are. I can remember sitting with my grandma and watching his show. It seemed like the whole world stopped for my grandma for that hour every week. Shed pull up a kitchen chair a foot away from the screan and stare away.
anyway, if I were to answer the OP's question myself I would have to say......anything thats loud enough for me to hear.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
lmao you just showed how ancient you are. I can remember sitting with my grandma and watching his show. It seemed like the whole world stopped for my grandma for that hour every week. Shed pull up a kitchen chair a foot away from the screan and stare away.
anyway, if I were to answer the OP's question myself I would have to say......anything thats loud enough for me to hear.
Lmao I dreaded that night. My grandmother watched it every week come hell or high water. I would end up having to watch it. This was long before cable. When you had about 8 channels at best and the rich neighbor had an antenna rotor for better reception.
Iron Maiden - The Doors - Jimmi Hendrix - Zeca Afonso (portuguese icon)
Diferent styles, diferent stages of my music passion.
I really love music and despite the wonderful thing that internet does for us I miss those days when I had to save some dimes to buy an LP vynil and ear it over and over again with my big old headphones.
I'm trying to play bass nowadays. I still suck but I'll get there.
lmao you just showed how ancient you are. I can remember sitting with my grandma and watching his show. It seemed like the whole world stopped for my grandma for that hour every week. Shed pull up a kitchen chair a foot away from the screan and stare away.
anyway, if I were to answer the OP's question myself I would have to say......anything thats loud enough for me to hear.
Originally posted by GoVegan
Lmao I dreaded that night. My grandmother watched it every week come hell or high water. I would end up having to watch it. This was long before cable. When you had about 8 channels at best and the rich neighbor had an antenna rotor for better reception.
Btw 44 is the new 20
Hahha, Yeah I guess I'm among the ancient's, I also remember when my grandparents watched and listened to Lawrence Welk when there were like 8 channels and they were like the whole world stopped along with watching Jeopardy and I got stuck watching that and was like WTF.... These days I like anything that won't put me to sleep except Country and rap, Can't stand country and rap is crap.... But to each their own....
PP.... I guess you mostly listen to AC/DC these days
Jag, sad to say but I am of the chubby checker/brenda Lee era. I couldn't name a single song by AC/DC, tho I have heard of the band. I love the beatles, zepplin, the who, tull and a few others.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I listen to everything, and I mean everything, regardless of genre. I am a part time working musician. The key to being a working musician is to be ready, able, and willing to play anything, anywhere, with anyone, any place. From Jazz to classical to Rock to country to R&B, you name it.
Although the funny thing is after a show and all the music I tend to just listen to NPR, you know just the news, or blue grass/folk music. After a night of music at stage volume that is what I like to relax to.
Although the funny thing is after a show and all the music I tend to just listen to NPR, you know just the news, or blue grass/folk music. After a night of music at stage volume that is what I like to relax to.
I'm similar, i collect vinyl and play music alot too much sometimes and then sometimes all i want to listen to in an evening is the talk radio station LBC which i leave on the radio constantly.
I'm a huge fan of old, acoustic, Delta/Piedmont/Texas style blues. All-time favorites are Skip James, Lightnin' Hopkins, Blind Boy Fuller, Bukka White,...