Whats the most popular brand in terms of sales?

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  • Brutecraft
    • May 2012
    • 43

    Whats the most popular brand in terms of sales?

    Fairly new to snus.. been using General as my starter to true seden snus.. used camel before (shitty)

    Currently snus 8mg is my standby

    General mint white portion 8mg for desert

    and General extra sterk for them I WANT A CIGG!!! feelings
  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by Brutecraft
    Fairly new to snus.. been using General as my starter to true seden snus.. used camel before (shitty)

    Currently snus 8mg is my standby

    General mint white portion 8mg for desert

    and General extra sterk for them I WANT A CIGG!!! feelings
    Where? In USA , Sweden, Greenland


    • fcamel
      • Feb 2012
      • 141

      I believe the best seller would be General or Ettan in Sweden


      • bill77.017
        • Jul 2010
        • 2279

        Originally posted by fcamel
        I believe the best seller would be General or Ettan in Sweden
        That's probably true...........as far as Sweden go's, but the best seller here in Dublin is a Viking god


        • bill77.017
          • Jul 2010
          • 2279

          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          Where? In USA , Sweden, Greenland
          GN, how are your sales in Sweden and Europe? I'm sure Oden has been victorious


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            Originally posted by bill77.017
            GN, how are your sales in Sweden and Europe? I'm sure Oden has been victorious
            Let's see: all the time we do not have snus for Swedish market, our most selling snus brand is Odens Original Portion, our demand on that snus 10 times more then we can produce , but we can not produce that quantity at the moment, so I would say we are in 3 position in Sweden after Swedish Match, BAT... The reason that BAT is stronger it because we always do not have snus and that is why we not dear to go to big chaince like Coop which has 3000 stores and supply them, but BAT is there and other chance, the most saleable snuses are : Swedish Mutch products like
            Göteborg Rape among students till 30 years of age, Ettan loos (but not Ettan Portion) in north , General snus in general And Grov loose among men after 30 , in Russia 1 snus today is Odens Extreme Portion , Odens Cold portion Philip Morris sales snus only in Sankt Petersburg, we sell all over Russia in UK amongst British very popular are after SM brand BAT brands, but at odenssnus.com our mainly customers are UK and Germany and it is UK Odens 69 Germany Odens Wintergreen Extreme Portion, USA I think that market did not decide yet which brand has most potential I think who puts most money in addvertisment that will be most popular but , and i think Thunder Fristed does best in general and has potatiol but General and Ettan has lots off money so , now what i think worldwide :
            1 General Portion
            2 Ettan loose
            3 Göteborgs Rape Portion
            4 Grov snus

            and in Norway does best imperial tobacco with Skruf

            And i am talking about Swedish snus and not American dip , or Indian snus


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              That was very interesting. When you expand the manufacturing output that could put you at number 1.

              Still can't wait to get my hands on Odens Extreme Cold.


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by Extreme
                That was very interesting. When you expand the manufacturing output that could put you at number 1.

                Still can't wait to get my hands on Odens Extreme Cold.
                We never will be 1 , and we do not want to , and never can I think, let's be realistic SM is around for dosens of years and no one can shake they're strength , if they do right decisions but for us to be 1 .... It is like me and you fly to MARS


                • bill77.017
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 2279

                  Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  We never will be 1 , and we do not want to , and never can I think, let's be realistic SM is around for dosens of years and no one can shake they're strength , if they do right decisions but for us to be 1 .... It is like me and you fly to MARS
                  Yeah, but being 3rd GN, in Sweden, that's still a great accomplishment. Well done.


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    Originally posted by bill77.017
                    Yeah, but being 3rd GN, in Sweden, that's still a great accomplishment. Well done.
                    Bill it is my guess ... Not accurate but bassed on daily reports from sealers and store owners


                    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 7035

                      And I hope no one thinks that it means that our snus better then any other producers snus, it just we have been in cigarette business and that is why it was easier for us to gain that place just as explanation


                      • bill77.017
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 2279

                        Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        Bill it is my guess ... Not accurate but bassed on daily reports from sealers and store owners
                        It's close enough GN. These reports must be a good indication of sales, right? Well done brother.


                        • bill77.017
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 2279

                          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          And I hope no one thinks that it means that our snus better then any other producers snus, it just we have been in cigarette business and that is why it was easier for us to gain that place just as explanation
                          And because you make great Snus GN. It's that simple.


                          • Crow
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 4312

                            Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            ... USA I think that market did not decide yet which brand has most potential
                            America is still fresh territory when it comes to snus. Maybe you should focus a little harder on the US market, and seize the opportunity from your competitors... Then you will become #1!

                            It's great to hear that business is good. Just remember: you'll always be #1 with Seattle!
                            Words of Wisdom

                            Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                            Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                            Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                            Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                            Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                            Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                            Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                            Frosted: lucky twat
                            Frosted: Aussie slags
                            Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                            • guiness187055
                              • Mar 2012
                              • 89

                              GN you are number one in my book


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