First time--buzzing and burning

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  • Barnacle Joe
    New Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 12

    First time--buzzing and burning

    So I got my first package of snus today, and it seems ok-ish. As I mentioned in my first post, I haven't had a real cigarette in over three and a half years, but I've been surgically attached to my e-cig since then. But I'm interviewing for jobs where my e-cig won't be allowed at my busy desk (and vape-breaks probably rare) so I'm looking for a truly smokeless (and vaporless) way to stay sane on the job.

    So I tried one Offroad portion in Coffee Supreme, and one Offroad portion Original and

    1. For those first 2 hours with the CS, I was ok without the e-cig. That is, I wanted the physical puffing act and taste, but I already felt like I'd had enough. Instinctively picked it up a few times and just as unthinkingly put it back down again, but
    2. Burning. Burning gum/lip, burning saliva, burning the back of my throat as it goes down, a touch of indigestion/heartburn. And
    3. Buzzing head. These 8mg sachets seem a little much for a moderate e-cig user of 18mg liquid

    I used the search function, but only found a few relevant posts among the sea of results. Am I correct in surmising that both bits of unpleasantness (the burning and the buzzing head) will go away with repeated use and a beverage on hand?

    Is there any trick to cutting down the potency until then?

    Suggested alternate brands would be welcome solutions, but for now I'm limited to what Northerner makes available to the EU (which seems to be a few variants of Offroad).
  • OregonNative
    • Aug 2009
    • 647

    Hey Joe,

    I'll do my best to answer you questions.

    1. If you are getting a head buzz, it is just your body adjusting to the nicotine. You will get used to this and soon the buzz won't even happen (or rarely happen). If it remains to much, you could try mini portions. They are lower nicotine, and will of course decrease the amount of nicotine that your body is absorbing.

    2. As far as the burning sensation goes, that will go away as well. Your gums are adjusting to having portions placed against them. Some snus burn more than others (especially mint flavours in my experience). Your gums will eventually be fine using snus at any time. When I first started using snus, my gums would get sore and I'd have to switch the portions around (left side/right side). Now my gums are never sore, and soon your gums will be adjusted as well.

    3. The burning in the back of the throat is just something you will have to adjust to. I had the same problem when I first started using snus. I find strong tasting drinks (coffee, soda, etc) help with the discomfort in the throat. Now I don't even notice it anymore even without a drink on hand. Even though I "dipped" for years, the change to snus which allowed me to swallow the saliva was a big change. It is something you will adjust to quickly.


    • Skell18
      • May 2012
      • 7067

      All normal mate, make sure you switch sides everyday until your gums are used to it, they heal fast so it won't take long. A buzzing head is normal, as ON said, try the mini portions (4mg nic) if its too much but it soon eases. The burn is again normal, you get used to it, I don't notice it any more except with extra sterks.


      • heders
        • Jan 2011
        • 2227

        I experienced all those things when I first started snusing. They dissapear very quickly though. I can now (although, 5 years later), take insanely big prillas and not feel any burning or any annoying buzz what so ever. Stick to it, and, if the symptoms are really debilitating - cut the portions in half for starters, or order mini portions to work your way up. Remember also that white portions drip less (less drip - less throat burning) than original portions.


        • Barnacle Joe
          New Member
          • Jul 2012
          • 12

          OK, all is normal, and I'll probably order some minis or whites or miniwhites depending on what Northerner has available (oh dear, looks like very slim pickings).

          The PITA at the moment I spend my last free days trying to train myself to snus instead of vape, and get through the breaking-in period before starting work at a new place? Or do I properly enjoy my last days of being able to vape anytime I want before starting a new job?

          Oh, my god, this Offroad Classic burns....


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            Phantom original classic minis are very nice, using some at the moment.


            • Kaplan
              • May 2011
              • 203

              If you let the portions dry out just a little, it'll have less dripping. The burning in the throat went away after a day or two for me, but to get through that first day, I'd squeeze the portion with a paper towel, get some of the excess tobacco juice out of it. It was a few months of using snus before the gums wouldn't burn after leaving in a portion for an extended period, but you have the benefit of not trying to quit smoking. So you can continue vaping when you get off work, give your gums a break. Eventually, they'll get used to it. And you may come to prefer snus over vaping.


              • Barnacle Joe
                New Member
                • Jul 2012
                • 12

                Originally posted by Skell18
                Phantom original classic minis are very nice, using some at the moment.
                That seemed the best choice to me based on what's available. Will by trying that, some Phantom classic whites and some offroad white mini licorice too.


                • Barnacle Joe
                  New Member
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 12

                  Originally posted by Kaplan
                  If you let the portions dry out just a little, it'll have less dripping. The burning in the throat went away after a day or two for me, but to get through that first day, I'd squeeze the portion with a paper towel, get some of the excess tobacco juice out of it. It was a few months of using snus before the gums wouldn't burn after leaving in a portion for an extended period, but you have the benefit of not trying to quit smoking. So you can continue vaping when you get off work, give your gums a break. Eventually, they'll get used to it. And you may come to prefer snus over vaping.
                  I'll try the paper towel trick in the meantime--thanks!!! I doubt I'll come to prefer snus--I rather hope not, actually. It's far too enjoyable.


                  • Reynard
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 804

                    If you're burned by Offroad Classic, you'd best avoid Offroad Wintergreen ;-)


                    • TheJanitor
                      • May 2010
                      • 260

                      I actually miss the burn....I use nothing but General ES Portions and General Long ES Portions.


                      • Reynard
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 804

                        I love the burn of General Wintergreen. Doesn't hit as quickly as Jak's WG, but it's there.

                        I'm preparing myself for my first taste of Grizzly WG, expected in the post. I hear the old bear burns like a beast :-)

                        Edit: Grizzly on Wikipedia
                        It's really been around since 1782? 40 years older than Cope and Ettan?!


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