Snus Delivery/MAOIs/buzz/etc.. question

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  • SnuserSnuffer
    • Jul 2012
    • 211

    Snus Delivery/MAOIs/buzz/etc.. question


    I've been on these boards off and on for awhile. I first tried swedish suns 7 or 8 years ago. I was smoking 2-3 cigs a day, and would use snus once a day.

    Anyways, I stopped snusing after a couple months basically, and started my cigarette journey. American Spirits..

    A month ago I ordered a bunch of thunder frosted sterks.. extra strong portions.

    One day I ran out of cigs and just decided to snus.

    But in my experience, and I want to shoot ideas off anyone here..

    It seems when push comes to shove, I can't really achieve a calm feeling off of snus.

    I was wondering if the nicotine is first absorbed in snus, and then any remaining calming alkaloids trickle out over an hour or two. Since I never keep the snus in longer than 10-20 minutes it seems. Its just been my case that I get so much stimulation from the snus, that I can't keep it in.

    Would it make sense that the nicotine trickles out first, and then if you keep the snus in for a longer period, 1-2 hours, you get more of the MAOIs or alkaloids that produce that calm feeling from a cigarette?

    I'm trying it now, and maybe it is working.

    I did order snuff, waiting on that. Sometimes I just need calm in a pinch.. and sitting there waiting through the nicotine rush of snus, to a maybe non-existent body calm that might happen with snus... isn't really working.

    And I've basically been snusing as my main form of tobacco for a week. But a few days ago I was feeling quite crazy, trying to mainly just snus all day long. Instead of feeling calm, I just felt even more stimulated.

    So then I started smoking, and also using the rest of my Ariva tablets, which actually give me that calm, since I basically chew them up and the whole tobacco powder goes into my system.

    I'm thinking its possible snus, being just a saliva extract, leaves a lot of stuff left in the tobacco, stuff that I have come to rely on to achieve a sense of inner calm/peace....

    So maybe I'll never find this with snus. I don't need anymore stimulation, although since snusing I can understand the niceties about a nicotine feeling.

    So again, does the delivery of the calming alkaloids, at least in a ratio spectrum, start dominating after 30 minutes say, in snus? Or does it never really pop its head up in your consciousness...

    Its nice to be able to smoke and extract the entire tobacco plant into your lungs and get that calm feeling instantly, because I do need that sometimes. If I knew, and I'm presently holding this snus in for a long time this time, if I knew snus could get me there, then I could manage this probably. !
    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question
  • UsualSnuspects
    • Nov 2011
    • 278

    That's an interesting thought! I know that when it comes to steeping tea leaves, most of the caffeine (theophylline) is washed into the water within the first 30 seconds, whereas the "calming" aminos like theanine take longer to extract. So the less time you agonize the leaves, the greater the ratio of stimulant-to-sedative.

    On the other hand, snus tobacco has essentially been steeping since it was blended and cooked. It's also generally thought that the calming sensation from nicotine is mostly a result of satisfying the craving for it. What's more, everyone responds differently to nic, and high vs. low doses can have opposite effects buzz-wise.

    All I really know is that Pioneer is godclay.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Each brand of snus has a slightly different effect in regards to calming and stimulating. You should probably try some varieties with lower nicotine. Lössnus also acts a little more immediately than portion snus in my experience.

      It also takes some time to get fully used to snus. After some weeks of constant snus-use you will no longer feel any unwanted effect, partly because your body will by then be used to the new kind of nicotine (and MAOI?) - delivery and partly because you will have found your preferred brands and a time-schedule of consumption that fits best with your needs.

      At first I also was a little sceptical if snus could be a long-term substitute for cigarettes. I found snus very pleasurable from the beginning, but It really is a different experience at first for someone who is used to smoke. After about 3 weeks and trying different brands it was definitely clear to me that I had become a snuser.

      Give yourself some time and try some other brands. You won't regret it.



      • stubby2
        • Jun 2009
        • 436

        I don't know if you are using anything other then thunder, but if not I would suggest going with a more modest nicotine hit. You could very well be simple getting to much of a good thing which is going to overstimulate you. Try doing some standard strength snus. In comparison to thunder that Ariva is very low strength. Even the Stonewalls are only 4 mg and the Ariva's are less.

        The minor alkaloid mix in smokeless tobacco is very likely slight different then smoking. It's a very different delivery method and combustion can change things around a bit. When I switched to snus it took a while to adjust. The MOAI's are there, perhaps in slightly different ratios, but the instant hit is not. It can take some time to adjust.


        • SnuserSnuffer
          • Jul 2012
          • 211


          Thanks for the replies.

          Yeah I think its kinda ridiculous using the Thunder for me. But I was smoking organic american spirit, which is pretty much the heaviest nicotine buzz on the market I think.

          I find I have zero tolerance for coffee seems. Getting off smoking has just changed up my routine so much.

          I'm not complaining, its just.. with ariva something "clicked"... and I think its something in the tobacco that I might not be getting with snus. Some days I am okay with snus, but I can't seem to stick with it as its only because I'm trying not to smoke. With ariva it just clicked.

          I am going to have to only be using american convenience store snus now, because I can't get it shipped here by law now. : /

          Which is only 8 mg nicotine.

          I rlly wanted, really, the work. But I have snuff now, same thing it seems.

          It been two weeks. So after a few more tins, and if Skoal doesn't change it for me, I'll probably just smoke and use skoal snus. If skoal is better than thunder, i'll try to not smoke. !
          To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


          • SnuserSnuffer
            • Jul 2012
            • 211


            I am pondering now, that it may be another supplement that is making this transition extremely difficult. Because I think I have adjusted to the delivery mechanism.. so, I'm stopping the supplement, but we'll see.

            To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              Originally posted by SnuserSnuffer

              Thanks for the replies.

              Yeah I think its kinda ridiculous using the Thunder for me. But I was smoking organic american spirit, which is pretty much the heaviest nicotine buzz on the market I think.

              I find I have zero tolerance for coffee seems. Getting off smoking has just changed up my routine so much.

              I'm not complaining, its just.. with ariva something "clicked"... and I think its something in the tobacco that I might not be getting with snus. Some days I am okay with snus, but I can't seem to stick with it as its only because I'm trying not to smoke. With ariva it just clicked.

              I am going to have to only be using american convenience store snus now, because I can't get it shipped here by law now. : /

              Which is only 8 mg nicotine.

              I rlly wanted, really, the work. But I have snuff now, same thing it seems.

              It been two weeks. So after a few more tins, and if Skoal doesn't change it for me, I'll probably just smoke and use skoal snus. If skoal is better than thunder, i'll try to not smoke. !
              I'm sorry are you equating ariva with real tobacco and snus is not. I'm glad it's working for you but it pretty much makes no sense. Ariva is as fake as anything and snus is real tobacco and contains all the things your blathering about whereas ariva does not. Seriously, quit thinking about it so much and use snus and if you want to smoke do that as well. Sooner rather than later you will find out if you want the snus more. It's a process if you are hanging on to ideas that snus won't give you what you need then it prolly won't till you let it. Their are hundreds if not thousands on this board alone who found it worked almost magically. Now look at the Swedes and their statistics and wait for a total mind blowing. Otherwise go and suck on your ariva.....


              • Crow
                • Oct 2010
                • 4312

                Arriva/Stonewall consists of compressed, flue-cured powdered tobacco with other added ingredients (flavoring, binders, fillers, preservatives, etc.)

                Snus is pure tobacco that is steam-cured with a few food-grade ingredients added (flavoring, pH adjusters, salt, humectant).

                Choose whatever you prefer, and whatever works for you.
                Words of Wisdom

                Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                Frosted: lucky twat
                Frosted: Aussie slags
                Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                • spinyeel
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 175

                  I find that I get much more satisfying levels of nicotine flowing through my system by using Snus,as opposed to cigarettes,which I smoked heavily for 40 years.Snus has a more subtle delivery system than cigarettes but it is a much more effective way of maintaining a decent level of vitamin N,without a doubt.
                  I feel a lot healthier too.


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    You ain't snussed until you've tried Skruf Stark.


                    • willc
                      • Jun 2012
                      • 107

                      Originally posted by Ansel
                      You ain't snussed until you've tried Skruf Stark.
                      Yes indeed.
                      The Skruf Stark is amazing, I just got a roll and could not be happier.


                      • heders
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 2227

                        I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Also, you mentioning you have zero tolerance for caffeine now (I'm assuming when you snus?) - I have the exact same thing!

                        Also, snus rarely calms me down, It's to me way, way different than cigarettes. The feeling of smoking a cig is much more calming and euphoric to me. Snus is much stronger nicotine-wise, and hits a totally different way (like a slow and heavy steamroller instead of a quick spike like with cigs). If I chain snus stronger brands like Thunder, I can feel stressed out, believe it or not - like seriously overstimulated. Add coffee to that and I can feel really strange. When I smoked, I could chain smoke and drink coffee all day long and not feel a thing.


                        • SnuserSnuffer
                          • Jul 2012
                          • 211

                          i'm not really blathering.. just contemplating

                          i've kinda stepped down on the snus. and now i seem to just use it instead of using higher amts of caffeine.

                          i like it, and i haven't smoked really in awhile.

                          i just found ariva, better.. more like smoking actually, since its the entire tobacco that goes into you, instead of a saliva extract from snus.

                          i suppose who really cares. i like snus..especially when i haven't snussed in awhile and its nice to feel a rush.

                          its all good i guess
                          To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            what flavour ariva do you like?


                            • Crow
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 4312

                              I've never tried Ariva/Stonewall. But their StarCure process sounds interesting (it's their patented system to reduce TSNAs).

                              The Java sounds good... I might have to try one for the hell of it.
                              Words of Wisdom

                              Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                              Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                              Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                              Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                              Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                              Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                              Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                              Frosted: lucky twat
                              Frosted: Aussie slags
                              Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


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