New Snuser (Fingers crossed) from Australia

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  • JatoOspry
    New Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 2

    New Snuser (Fingers crossed) from Australia


    I am 24, male (who would have guessed) and I hail from Australia!

    I've not been a smoker for three years give or take now due to ecigs. I was put onto ecigs by the ecig thread thread on SomethingAwful. Its been a good three years and I have had a lot of involvement with ecigs including running the largest Australian community forums for the entirety of that time.

    I have however never been under the illusion that I quit nicotine, just the practice of getting it through inhaling burning plant matter. This was important to me at the time as my mother had just been diagnosed with emphysema and I myself was diagnosed with a Sinus disease and was due to undergo surgery to address it and was informed that in order for it to truely be successful I should cease smoking. I knew this was going to be difficult though because I actually dont mind my nicotine habit, just the way I was getting it.

    Anyhow fast forward three years and I now find myself looking for something that I can supplement my ecig usage with due to a few reasons. While my employer for the last three years or so has generally been ok with vaping he has now handed down an office wide ban as too many of us now vape and it has received complaints from one of the non smokers/vapers as to his health risks with us vaping around him. My boss did not wish to institute it but can not risk that the employee could attempt legal recourse over this failure to address it.

    I did a google search for Snus usage and have ordered the following in two separate lots, the first from and the second from Australia can be prickly about this stuff apparently so I assumed my best chance was to order 3-4 in one order shipped to my office and three to four in another to my house.

    General Long Extra Strong Portion 1 pack 1 4.49 USD 4.49 USD
    General Long Portion 1 pack 1 4.49 USD 4.49 USD
    Thunder Frosted Longer Plus 1 pack 1 4.02 USD 4.02 USD

    Swedish-snus for some reason does not seem to have sent me a confirmation of what I ordered despite having charged me but I think it was Lucky Strike, Onyx something or other and I can not remember the third.

    A small part of me thinks of this as a failure or a step backwards after three years of ecig usage but on the other hand I find myself slipping at times back towards cigarettes the more difficult it becomes to control it with vaping in areas that it is restricted for me to do so.

    I am hoping that with Snuss ability for the main part to be easily hidden and administered I can use it in combination with the Ecigs to ensure I never return to being a smoker.

    From everything I have read so far I am expecting a nicotine supply that hits a fair bit harder than ecigs. At the moment I usage a provari at about 4.8 volts with a 2.5 ohm atomiser with either 24MG nic juice or 36MG nic juice and I pretty much have to chain vape to control my urges hence the issues with the office ban. Through vaping it seems to enter the bloodstream very slowly and minimally so you have to vape heavy and vape often to keep yourself level. I am kind of hoping that Snus can deliver a more "smoke" like nicotine hit.

    Anyhow just sort of wanted to pop in and meet up with some like minded people, This is pretty much a lift of my post from my introductory on another forum as well so if you have seen it elsewhere that is why!

    Also I would very much love to hear from any other Australians on the boards!
  • texastorm
    • Jul 2010
    • 386

    Well I am not from Australia, but here is my perspective on the nicotine hit from snus.

    From my perspective snus gives a level and steady nicotine delivery. I quit smoking and after several weeks of agony that friends swore would go away in a week I decided to try the nicotine lozenges. Well the cost of those drove me into finding snus, and finding happiness. I work as a salesman and I can stand in front of crowds and do presentations and smile and not worry about how I look, the snus stays hidden (this took a few weeks to perfect) The nicotine delivery from snus is calming and after just over two years now I can safely say I will never smoke again as long as there is snus.

    The nic hit though is not like smoking. It is more steady and lasts longer. You might try extra stark at first, but after two years I can barely use a strong snus. I use between 6-10 regular portions a day, so about 3-4 cans a week at the very maximum. If my decline in use continues I will probably quit after a few years.

    I wish you success on your snus journey, try every flavor you can at first, then stick with your favorites later.


    • Kaplan
      • May 2011
      • 203

      Originally posted by JatoOspry

      A small part of me thinks of this as a failure or a step backwards after three years of ecig usage but on the other hand I find myself slipping at times back towards cigarettes the more difficult it becomes to control it with vaping in areas that it is restricted for me to do so.
      I actually think snus is a step forward. It's been around for a couple hundred years and has been studied quite well in Sweden, and no real health concerns have surfaced, beyond the possibility of gum recession...but just do proper hygiene without being too rough on the gums and you'll be fine. It's a natural and regulated product. While e-cigs are still fairly new....

      The nicotine "rush" is very different than with smoking, but you get used to it, and it will become more satisfying. If I smoke now, it actually makes me feel a little nauseated because of the intense intake of nicotine. Of course, you have the advantage of still allowing yourself to vape outside of work. And Onyx is the best portioned snus I've ever tried, but I can't order them anymore because of a ban of some dye they use in the material.


      • Crow
        • Oct 2010
        • 4312

        Welcome to the boards!

        What part of Australia do you hail from? Love Australia, by the way.. The women in Perth are fantastic!
        Words of Wisdom

        Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
        Crow: Of course, that's a given.
        Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
        Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
        Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
        Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
        Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
        Frosted: lucky twat
        Frosted: Aussie slags
        Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


        • JatoOspry
          New Member
          • Sep 2012
          • 2

          Hey all!

          What part of Australia do you hail from? Love Australia, by the way..

          I hail from NSW. Sydney to be specific. I dont know about Perth women but the NSW ones dont look too bad from where I sit

          Yeah the ability to both vape and Snus will be handy, first because it will assist in situations that I can not vape and will also allow me to regulate my usage
          to ensure that I do not run out. I have heard difficulties can be had getting large amounts in so if I regulate my usage I should be able to ensure I do not run
          out before a new order comes in.

          Im very excited sitting here waiting for my order. Come on Swedish/Auspost!


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Welcome from a pommy (well I'm Irish but you guys still call me a pommy)

            Love Sydney...weird old place. Stayed in a hotel at Kings Cross (lol I know) walked outside the hotel and had a pair of eyes staring at me, looked around and there were about 50 pairs of eyes. Fruit bats all hanging from the tree. Walked down the road and there's a parrot walking beside me. Check your shoes for killer spiders. Nuts. Best company on a pub crawl the Aussies.

            Snus is amazing. I went from smoking for 20 years to nil overnight. I'm 4.5 years off the's been a breeze and very enjoyable to boot. It'll take you a week for your gums to get used to it and it will seem quite strong at first - if it is, just take it out.


            • CCC
              • Mar 2013
              • 41

              Hi Jato


              • Paco
                • Dec 2012
                • 396

                Originally posted by JatoOspry
                Hey all!

                I hail from NSW. Sydney to be specific. I dont know about Perth women but the NSW ones dont look too bad from where I sit

                Yeah the ability to both vape and Snus will be handy, first because it will assist in situations that I can not vape and will also allow me to regulate my usage
                to ensure that I do not run out. I have heard difficulties can be had getting large amounts in so if I regulate my usage I should be able to ensure I do not run
                out before a new order comes in.

                Im very excited sitting here waiting for my order. Come on Swedish/Auspost![/COLOR]

                MMMM the homeland of Claudia Black.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Welcome to Snuson!


                  • tattooer601
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 942

                    I hope snus can save your situation


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