Another smoker trying to switch

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  • swarname
    New Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 4

    Another smoker trying to switch

    Alright, so first post but I've done a bit of lurking the past few days and it's been extremely encouraging. Like many others, I'm trying to snus my way off smoking. And, by and large the people I know just don't get the rational, much less what this experience is like. I'm lucky to have a couple of friends in .NO who have gone the same route.
    I certainly do enjoy smoking...P.S. Amsterdam blend at 5 lb. for $100, and 50 count boxes of Rizla Silver papers, hand rolled, no filters. The great irony here being that I could smoke more than I have at my most frequent for well under a dollar a day.
    I don't know that I even miss the nic so much as the whole ritual of hand rolling, going outside (I do not want to smell like smoke!), and taking a break from whatever it is that I'm doing. But the thing is, twenty years from now I don't want to be one of those people who smoke. I can try to tell myself that the thin papers and good tobacco are different, but I'm only 30, and I already look down on people who are 50 and still smoking, much less the dead common sucker smoking packs of lawd knows what they swept off the floor.
    I snused for a couple of months five or six years ago, but it never really stuck and the ciggies took over. I'm hoping to make the switch from smoking to snus to nothing, but after reading other people's experiences here, I'm being more patient with myself and taking my time. In just over a week, I've easily cut down to three of four smokes a day, but I'm just about ready to start tossing in two of the weak American General's "Classic" portions at a time when a good strong craving hits. It's a 30 minute drive just to get those...these sellers don't even have cans yet. However, I'm just glad to see it coming to market here, and paradoxically pleased when I find one of these nearby retailers have sold out their stock...go snus.
    Well, that's probably more than enough. Thanks again all of those who have shared their quitting experiences, it great to know I'm not alone in this endeavor. And if I'm fortunate, the postman might just have a few cans of weapons-grade snus for me today which I'm hoping will help snap me out of the big cravings. And thanks all the contributors who've shared their knowledge, questions, and experiences.
  • billfrombyron
    • Jun 2012
    • 41

    Hello swarname,

    I went the nuke the craving route, and I now enjoy regular strength Snus with a Stark followed by a ES at night before bed to wind down.

    For the first week I used only ES portions to ween me, then for the rest of the month I used Sterk and ES alternately.

    I also found that by going outside when everyone else took a smoke break helped at work the most so I got to keep the social aspect of smoking while avoiding the stench and everything else that went along with the old habit. Just pop in a Sterk when everyone else lights up. You may even convert a few people like I have at work.

    I now find that I sleep better, use less tobacco overall and for the most part I want nothing to do with the old me. I have also started to loose weight, this may or may not have anything to do with the Snus, but I ain't complaining.

    I started snus back in june and have only had 2 cigs since. One was due to what I call a nic freak out due to overstress and one was stupidity. I regretted it instantly both times.

    When you make the switch keep this in your head......Smoking is a sprint, snus is a long run at a steady pace. When the cravings hit you hard just remember snus will get you there, a bit slower but in my opinion more efficiently as time goes on.

    Just throw out all the smokes save what you can finish that day. Then first thing wake up and take a big portion of thunder ultra or similar and the first thing in the morning nic monster will melt away, slowly but steadily. I also recommend that if you start with the ES like I did you keep a bottle of water handy to help with a sore throat that may occur if it starts to drip.

    Keep it up! After 4 days you will feel like a new man, after 3 weeks you won't even want to look back. BTW you may find that once you can actually taste things again that cooking dinner is fun again.



    • stubby2
      • Jun 2009
      • 436

      Another cheese head finds the wonderful world of snus.

      I was also using RYO before I found snus. When the big tax increase from the SCHIP bill hit in 2009 for RYO I went looking for alternatives. Of course RYO was my alternative when ready roll taxes went through the roof. So it goes in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

      I'm curious how much you are paying from B&M stores for snus. It's about $7.00 a can for general where I am. I suspect you may be able to jump the boarder into Minnesota but I'm not sure how much improvement that would be.


      • swarname
        New Member
        • Sep 2012
        • 4

        I can only find the trials tins, and that's a 30+ minute drive. They're just over $3 each, but Genl's site has a bogo coupon that helps. I'm set with several cans of ES, and it's been 36 hours w/o a smoke...didn't realize how much nic I was getting before, but I suppose, unfiltered halfzware. From what I've read I expected it to knock me on my...bottom.
        Oh Madison...What I wouldn't do to have Two Hearted Ale on tap.


        • SnusoMatic
          • Jun 2009
          • 507

          one thing that helped me give up those last few cigs was to not let my nicotine level drop. at first i would kind of use snus like cigs... like wait until i wanted a cig and then snus. problem was when i waited until i wanted to smoke it was real hard sometimes to snus and i would smoke. so i started keeping the snus going and not letting myself get into the cigarette state of mind. i smoked for 35+ years and liked smoking all the way to the last one I ever smoked. honestly I am glad that I don't smoke though.


          • spinyeel
            • Aug 2009
            • 175

            I suffered with N.R.T. for six weeks,before my Snus arrived from Sweden 18 months ago. This product has changed my life and the cigarette cravings are a distant memory. I smoked heavily for 40 years previously.


            • tn2
              • Sep 2012
              • 25

              My suggestion is to start with something strong like I did. Don't lose your time with 8mg stuff like Ettan but start with a strong or extra strong snus. This actually worked for me. You are used with hand rolled filterless cigarettes so you are used with big nicotine amounts - like I was used. Camel non filter were the cigarettes I was smoking before skipping to snus. If you start with a 8 mg snus you will probably come back to cigarettes as you will miss the nic hit and you won't feel satisfed. Buy a roll of Skruf xtra stark or Odens extreme and once you will experience a strong nicotine kick you won't miss cigarettes anymore.


              • swarname
                New Member
                • Sep 2012
                • 4

                Hey guys, thanks for the advice and encouragement. I've been using General ES Longs, trying a can of the same as los (first time with los, wanted to give it a try), Oden's Extreme, and for a change from the muddy taste I get after a while with the ES's, got a couple cans of GR Lingon. There's always snus in my mouth at this point, but at least some of the time, this is because I've forgotten about it.
                I had my last smoke Monday morning, and without being overconfident, I really feel like I'm going to make it this time. I've been taking bupropion the last month for other reasons, which does least with the smoking
                Still one funny moment yesterday, I took the dog outside yesterday morning and found my put my hand in my pocket feeling for my lighter...I chuckled.
                If anyone would care to offer suggestions, I'm looking some strong snus where the salt/citrus flavor is more dominant. The high-proof stuff seems to me to overwhelm these flavors with the strong tobacco taste. Any ideas would be appreciated.
                Got my brother to try the ES los tonight (Cope dipper) and gave him one of the US trial tins of the General "classic" for a friend of his at work. Mind you, I couldn't care less about their health...but if I could get them to switch, I could reduce my $$hipping costs by 2/3...aye, I ked. But once again, any recommendations for switching from Cope?
                Thanks all for the advice and kind words. If I didn't say it already, it's more encouraging than you guys know. Now I'm craving, so it's time for another portion.


                • Mill
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 198

                  Buysnus has an unreal sale right now so....The General ES and Odens Extreme are what seems to help the most in what I have seen other people go through.

                  Really think you don't need to worry about smoking when trying to quit with snus. Just make sure you have a few different types around and gradually you'll get to a point when you won't even think about cigs.

                  Not really salt/citrus flavor, but you owe yourself a can of Odens Wintergreen Extreme and the Nick & Johnny Radical Red. With Odens the wintergreen taste is smooth and in the background. Different but very good. With the Radical Red it is chili. Both are very long lasting and a few people who were new to snus found these the best of all I had in the fridge... and that was a lot.


                  • Brian74
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 46

                    I am one who has smoked off and on for years, quitting cold turkey a few times and also using gum, dip, patches, you name it... I quit a year ago after going straight to snus and haven't looked back since. I will occasionally smoke if I am in a social setting with friends but that is around once every few months, and I usually feel disgusted the next day by the smell and taste in my mouth.

                    I had quit by switching to dip in the past, so snus was sort of similar in that regard, making it relatively easy for me. I agree with the suggestion of using stronger portions at first, especially in the morning, as this will elevate the nicotine levels in a matter closer to that of cigarettes. The nice thing about snus is the delivery is relatively strong yet sustained, so one doesn't find themselves going through the constant frequent withdrawals common to cigarettes. You wont get quite the same instant satisfaction you're used to simply because the delivery is slower, but to me, snus is more satisfying because it keeps my nicotine level very consistent, unlike the frequent spike and withdrawal from cigarettes. I used to smoke a pack a day. I now use about 3-6 snus packets a day and that maintains my nicotine level adequately, and I can snus anywhere I want, all day long. My advice would be give it a solid week and see how often you are still thinking about cigarettes. It seemed like it took about a week for me, although everyone is different. Be sure to try as many snus flavors as you can; each brand has quite a unique taste and nicotine hit to it and that in itself makes it rather enjoyable.

                    Ive read a ton about quitting smoking and many people try and say its all psychological, but the bottom line is it is the nicotine your body craves and that addiction will let your brain convince you damn near anything to get its fix in whatever form it can.


                    • Reynard
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 804

                      I seem to be on a roundabout with regards smoking, NRT and snus - one that started in Jan of '09 and one I am desperate to get off and just stick to snus. I am reminded by my family and friends how much better I am on the Swedish classic, and how much of a crap time I have off tobacco. I have been off the forum for a month, as I've been on nicotine therapy. It's been a crap month, but it all comes about when I feel 'I want to be pure, and off substances' etc. if I could just come to terms with how helpful snus is to my condition and quality of life.

                      So what usually happens is, I spend a couple months on snus, then get that nagging thought (which is unsound, as I am healthier on snus) and go onto NRT. Then when the misery becomes too much, and all my snus has been 'traded', I get onto cigarettes, which exacerbates my asthma and is generally filthy, then I get some snus (many thanks to the person who sorted me out ) and I have a better time of it. I only seem to able to cope (not Cope ) on 8/9mg snus, anything more makes me worse. But standard strength and I feel much better in (and on, hehe) general.

                      Perhaps only trumped by Facebook, Snuson is the site I have invested most time in (and felt most welcome on), of all of them I've been on - in a decade and a half. I have made one good real life friend and many others that I'd like to meet.

                      One thing I don't struggle with is quitting the smokes and going onto snus, I guess I should be thankful for that. Good luck to all making the switch


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        Originally posted by Vulpes
                        'I want to be pure, and off substances'
                        Vulpes, tobacco is a medical plant. All people need medicine (except puritans who probably love to feel miserable all their life, and also like to die at the ripe age of 50).

                        Keep in mind that the pharma-industry bastards, who started the modern day anti-tobacco-movement, those who want to make us feel like "pathetic addicts", are just trying to sell us their own snake oil.

                        Tobacco is no 'substance', it's a gift from god!



                        • Reynard
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 804

                          Originally posted by chainsnuser
                          Keep in mind that the pharma-industry bastards, who started the modern day anti-tobacco-movement, those who want to make us feel like "pathetic addicts"
                          Here here.

                          For the record, I totally agree, and I stress that my reasoning at these points IS unsound

                          Tobacco is wonderful medicine :-)


                          • swarname
                            New Member
                            • Sep 2012
                            • 4

                            Well guys, I think I've done it.I know it's early, but the hardest part has been just getting out of the habit of "I think I'll go have a cigarette." Apart from the nic factor, the snus has helped in that it gave me something to do when I felt like smoking. Just pop in a pouch and forget why it's in there. I've had a couple cigarettes, but simply getting out of that old routine has been the biggest help. I'm now using snus less often too. One unexpected benefit has been that by not taking a smoke break I'm much more productive. Instead of stopping what I'm doing, smoking, and trying to figure out where I left off, just chuck in some snus and keep on keeping on. I don't want to declare victory too early, but previous efforts at quitting have never gotten to the stage where I'm at now. I just don't remember to think about smoking most of the time. It's a lot easier now.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              You might smoke the occasional cigarette, and that's ok. Just make sure that's what you really want, and aren't just doing it out of habit. It took me a year to quit smoking. I didn't start with snus to quit smoking, it just happened. After I got to a certain point, where I wasn't smoking much, I said 'screw it, I might as well take it the rest of the way', and dropped them almost altogether. I still smoke a cigarette every so often, but I don't have to. I can smoke a cigarette, and not want another for days/weeks at a time. When people go out for smoke breaks, I go out with them, and have no desire to smoke. It's just nice being outside, and tobacco users are better people. If you stay inside all the time, you'll be stuck with the people don't believe in fun :^P :^D

