Originally posted by Snus6930
Another newbie! - England
Im starting to see why people get a little peeved with Northerner! Placed my order the other night, all confermed and what not. I heard nothing from then the next day so i thought id check if all my snuses that id ordered were in stock. Everyone of them but one was in stock so no doubt they're holding my order back now. Iv sent them a message but again, from what iv heard I doubt they'll get back to me. All the stuff is making me want a ciggy...
The palarver with Northerner still isnt sorted out but Iv just placed another order with Odens.
3 portioned and one loose snus, cant wait to try them but im looking forward to the liquorice one the most. I just love strong liqurice tasting things! I might even get the parcel by next saturday if im lucky! Was a little shocked at the price of shipping though.
Originally posted by lxskllrSwedish Match has issues with selling to EU. There's a lot of nonsense going on behind the scenes, so I have no idea what's going on, but they may have told Northerner to stop selling to the UK.
Welcome Mate.
I thought I was the only one who had some recent issues with the Northerner website. The first time I used them, they were great, got my delivery in about 4 or 5 days. Then a couple of weeks later, I couldn't even log in, or add anything to the basket. When this eventually got fixed, I ordered again but it took about 5 weeks to arrive, during which time I had already got fed up and ordered some from the Oden's Snus website (which I strongly recommend). I have also used snusline once, they offer free shipping.