Coffee flavored Snus and storage question from snus neophyte

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  • bottledair
    New Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 10

    Coffee flavored Snus and storage question from snus neophyte

    I am new to snus (moved from 30+ years of copenhagen). I am really liking all the different flavors and choices. So, far my favorites have been general white and OP, Ettan, GR, kaliber. I see some people mention coffee flavored and that sounds tremendous as I love a cup of coffee with a good snus in. I only drink coffee in the AM so, this would be a good taste/pickme up for the afternoons. Can anyone recommend one? As far as that goes any other interesting flavors or types I should look at. I am not that big on minty flavors. I usually have a can open for an occasional change up. GR #2 was good and different and it will make it into every order I make going foreword.

    I have one last question and that is on storage. I will be vacuum packing all cans that will not be used in 3-4 weeks time. Do you separate the packs into brand, type, flavor? An example do you keep all mint flavors together and tobacco flavors together or only type per pack(only ettan in one pack and general white in another ....)? does it matter or do you put them in 3-4 groups of the types you want to use/rotate? Does it really matter(will minty or other flavors corrupt my ettan?

    These issues where a problem with dip. I only used copenhagen which was always available.

    Guess that enough rambling. Thanks for the great resource.
  • hokiehi82
    • Jul 2012
    • 227

    As far as the coffee goes good luck. I don't believe there are any for sale right now. If you can find someone with offroad or thunder coffee supreme try those. As for other flavors, I'd have to recommend odens cinnamon, roda lackett, and odens original. All excellent flavors.

    As for storage, twenty people will give you twenty different answers. IMO as long as they are sealed it shouldn't matter.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I believe Hokie is right, there's no coffee snus atm. If GN releases their coffee snus, jump on it. I've had three different coffee snuses now by three companies, and GN's is the best by a long shot.

      For storage, keep similar flavors together. strong flavors will sometimes creep, and there would be nothing more disappointing than having your Ettan taste like wintergreen D^:

      Others? Try them all. Everyone has different tastes, and you may love something most hate. Here's a few I like...

      Odens snus with caveats - All the GN made snus is first rate, but most is too strong for me. I like regular strength snus, and once there's more from GN, they'll be a regular company for me. Also, there's snus made under contract using the Odens name. It's a good snus, but nothing like the GN made stuff. Most is GN made, but you have to be careful.

      Röda Lacket - very fine, with a taste of dried dark fruit. MUCH better than the portions, and not really like the portions.

      Göteborgs Prima Fint - Very fine ground like Röda. but not as much flavor. It's like a mellow Ettan. Ettan could really take it's place in your fridge, but you should try it for the experience.

      Pioneer - dark tobacco, and I'm told bergamot flavor. Damned if I can taste the bergamot though. It's subtle, and blends well with the tobacco. Comes in an honest 50g tin. Snus like it's meant to be.

      Jakobssons Classic(not the strong classic) - heavy bergamot flavor that tastes kind of hoppy, with a touch of orange citrus. One of the few portions I use.

      Jakobssons licorice - Not really licorice, but anis. Herbal tasting, and not sweet at all. Good for cool weather.


      • bottledair
        New Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 10

        Thanks for the quick replies. I was afraid of the creep looks like I have some repacking to do. Oh well I get to play with all the different kinds again. I must refrain from opening them all.

        I will definitely try out some of the suggestions. I am a little concerned with trying Los as I have only been off cope for a month which I used 1-1 1/2 cans of a day. Any other ex dippers out there that have experience with Los and not reverting? I have read the dippers guide which I thought was excellent.

        Only problem is there are so many choices and so few dollars to go around


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I was never really a dipper. Aside from a year or two of Skoal in my early teens, I haven't used dip until very recently. Lately I've been getting the occasional tin of Copenhagen, and I've been enjoying it a good bit. BUT; it isn't snus. The experience and flavor are different enough that I don't really associate the two. YMMV since you were a full time dipper, but I wouldn't assume one form will lead to another because they're too different from my pov.


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