Trying different styles on a budget

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  • eric_1982
    New Member
    • Jan 2013
    • 7

    Trying different styles on a budget

    I have been a pack a day smoker for 15+ years. I really think I am going to pull the plug and switch to Snus full time. I have had the camel Snus as well as all the american available General Snus (white, Mint, Wintergreen, nordic mint and classic) . I have a shopping cart loaded up at of a bunch of different brands, strengths, and flavors. Before I pull the plug I thought I would throw a quick post out and ask for your options. I have seen they have some sampler options but I know there are a few flavors I would wish to save my money and avoid. You would think I could handle the smell of Wintergreen after a bad experience many years ago in high school. The smell still makes me cringe.

    I was wondering if any places have a build your own six pack kind of thing to do a mix and match at a good price. Well more like a build your own 12 pack +

    Do you guys have any good tips on the best way to get a feel for different brands and flavors at the best price?

    When you order multiple new brands and flavors do you have a sample of each one or start with one and move on to the next when you have finished the first one?
    If so do you stick the half open containers in the freezer?

    I really don't feel confident on ordering a brick and a few new ones flavors at this time since I have not learned what I like best. Since shipping is so much i want to make sure I get the most bang for my buck. Any tips you guys have would be greatly appreciated.
  • Duff338
    • Sep 2011
    • 423

    A great and cheap way to try a good variety of snus is to order a roll or two or three of the "bag-o-snus" is a blind buy, but you always end up ahead. I may have one or two cans I don't love, but it is worth it.


    • Paco
      • Dec 2012
      • 396

      I concur with Duff the bag o snus is the best way to go. When I ordered it some months back the price was cheaper then it is now and I paid around $22 for a roll before shipping for the mini bag o snus but the portion was a comparable price. Unfortunately they went up around $8 a roll right after I got my order but it is still a good value. 2 pieces of advice. Don't forget to use the coupon for 10% off if it is your first time ordering with them and also since their customer service is amazing send them a polite email letting them know you would like to avoid a flavor or two. I sent an email (or perhaps I just put it in the notes when ordering I can't remember) saying please avoid licorice and very strong flavors. My 2 bag o snus rolls had a very good mix of 3 cans gotes rape, 2 cans general, 2 cans general mini mint, 2 lafayette street, 1 phantom, 1 catch euke, 2 offroad euke, 2 offroad mint, 1 tre ankare, 1 mocha mint. As you can see an extremely good variety with no thunder mini and better yet no licorice as I hate black licorice. So they may or may not listen but it worked for me. I ordered a few cans of some portions that I wanted to try to so all in all I got to try 10 or so varieties and realized there were some I thought I would hate that I liked and vice versa. Good luck.


      • Sato
        • Dec 2009
        • 133

        Mention any flavors you clearly do not want in the notes of your order and if possible they will likely help you out there. If ordering from BuySnus, the code "FB6000" still works for 10% off (only on the snus, shipping won't be affected sadly)

        Also throw in a can of any budget snus that sounds interesting; that's how I tried Offroad Coffee Supreme and it was awesome. The V2/Nordstrommen Julesnus isn't too bad either IMO, won't be around much longer, and is only about $2.20 a can.


        • crullers
          • Oct 2011
          • 663

          Originally posted by Sato
          The V2/Nordstrommen Julesnus isn't too bad either IMO, won't be around much longer, and is only about $2.20 a can.
          The portions are listed at $0.92 at Northerner right now. You have to wonder if that's a mistake though.


          • Sato
            • Dec 2009
            • 133

            I did see that, perhaps they're getting near enough to expiration that they're trying to get rid of them. Either way I'd order a few cans, if I was able to order from Northerner. Although it does seem this year's Nordstrommen isn't as good as last.


            • eric_1982
              New Member
              • Jan 2013
              • 7

              Thanks everyone for the input. I think I will do some bag-o-snus and some that sound catch my interest. How do a lot of you handle getting multiple new flavors and brands? Do you give each one a sample and stuff them away in the freezer until future use or take one can at a time?


              • Sato
                • Dec 2009
                • 133

                I pick out two or three varieties that catch my interest the most, open them at the same time, smell the snus and narrow that down to which one I want first After that I usually don't open another can until I at least finish one, and keep the currently opened snus in the refrigerator when possible. Finishing a can helps make sure you give it a fair chance to develop a taste for it I think.


                • Duff338
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 423

                  I have 7 cans of portions and 4 cans of los open in my fridge times I had 20....there is a great deal of debate about this, however, if I will use a tin within 6 months past the BB date, it stays in the fridge. I don't freeze snus unless it will be used 6 months past the BB date. I find some brands lose a great deal of flavor from freezing. Some guys freeze everything from the jump. I am not saying my way is right or the best, it is just what I found works best for me from trial and error.

