After you try the Thunder.............make your next order a variety (with a couple of more natural flavors thrown in for good measure)...........It is a wide world of snus out's good to have a feel for the range of offerings
And as always.........if you don't like something at first...........put it in the freezer and revisit it in a few months
Now about your original question..............I chained dipped (Copenhagen/Red Seal/Timberwolf, etc....)........and now I chain snus........when I came over from dip to snus............I found the regular strength snus was just fine.
Thunder is Extra Stark (i.e. Extra Strong)........If you get a slight headache when you first put it in.....that is the nicotine disagreeing with you
Anyway....keep us posted on what you try and how you like it
Oh..........and welcome to the forum!
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers