I am new to snus but I would love to just say one thing. Recently i bought a whole variety of snuses cause I wanted to be stocked up, thunder(frosted, orange, coola, and berry), skarf(cranberry), odens(extra stark cinnamon, regular), goteborgs rape(regular, lime, lingon), jakobssons (flader, ice fruit, melon), #12 Mint, general original and general fresh taste. I would love to say that odens has by far been my favorite snus the extra cinnamon packs a kick that at times is overwhelming but I love it at home and sometimes at work, the regular has an excellent taste the tobacco is delicious with a nice peppery with a hint of citrus. I did enjoy others such as all goteborgs rape line, jakobbsons melon even tho flavored is delicious and I somewhat have enjoyed the thunder products. The only problem I have with the thunder products is the drip(expecially the orange), I find it makes me sick to my stomach and the most I can leave a portion is, is 1 hour whereas odens even tho same nicotine (maybe more) packs a kick but doesnt make me feel sick. I am surprisingly finding that I am enjoying the more traditional flavors compared to artificial. I am wondering does odens cold taste different from thunder frosted as the thunder products just dont seem to be doing it for me with so much drip.
One snus that i can only tolerate for so long 30min-1hour most is jakobssons ice fruit, which after awhile to me tastes like a cough syrup. The rest are good but just dont stand out average taste/nicotine something I will have in my regular mix but not a must have so far the odens is the first to really stand out. Any reccommendations for odens? I have heard the lakrits is actually a good flavor even for those that dont like the taste of licorice, but havent heard alot about cold is it comparable to thunder does it have the same taste or more natural?
I am new to snus but I would love to just say one thing. Recently i bought a whole variety of snuses cause I wanted to be stocked up, thunder(frosted, orange, coola, and berry), skarf(cranberry), odens(extra stark cinnamon, regular), goteborgs rape(regular, lime, lingon), jakobssons (flader, ice fruit, melon), #12 Mint, general original and general fresh taste. I would love to say that odens has by far been my favorite snus the extra cinnamon packs a kick that at times is overwhelming but I love it at home and sometimes at work, the regular has an excellent taste the tobacco is delicious with a nice peppery with a hint of citrus. I did enjoy others such as all goteborgs rape line, jakobbsons melon even tho flavored is delicious and I somewhat have enjoyed the thunder products. The only problem I have with the thunder products is the drip(expecially the orange), I find it makes me sick to my stomach and the most I can leave a portion is, is 1 hour whereas odens even tho same nicotine (maybe more) packs a kick but doesnt make me feel sick. I am surprisingly finding that I am enjoying the more traditional flavors compared to artificial. I am wondering does odens cold taste different from thunder frosted as the thunder products just dont seem to be doing it for me with so much drip.
One snus that i can only tolerate for so long 30min-1hour most is jakobssons ice fruit, which after awhile to me tastes like a cough syrup. The rest are good but just dont stand out average taste/nicotine something I will have in my regular mix but not a must have so far the odens is the first to really stand out. Any reccommendations for odens? I have heard the lakrits is actually a good flavor even for those that dont like the taste of licorice, but havent heard alot about cold is it comparable to thunder does it have the same taste or more natural?