Hello from Toronto, Canada

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  • FCitrolo
    New Member
    • May 2013
    • 8

    Hello from Toronto, Canada

    Hello everyone.

    I found about about snuson through ecf and I've been lurking around here for the last couple days so finally decided to sign up.

    I quit smoking cigarettes after 20 years in January 2011 and had been using ecigs exclusively. I started at 24mg and I am down to about 4.5mg to 6mg of juice.

    During this time frame I really haven't been myself and felt like something was missing...not to mention anxiety/panic attacks.

    I just returned from a family vacation to Florida and while I was down there I had ordered some WTA ejuice (to my P.O. Box) really like the stuff - DK-Tab and 555 and started feeling good.

    So when we were in Daytona my kids wanted a slurpee so we stopped in at a 7-11 and I inquired about the snus behind the counter.

    I had heard about it on ecf but never fully understood what it was, until the lady at the 7-11 explained it.

    So I picked up a couple of tins of camel snus and didn't try it until we got home, three days ago.

    All I can say is with a couple pieces a day and still using my ecig in between, I am feeling like myself again; calmer and no anxiety.

    So I have placed an order from both snuscentral and snusline for some snus.

    If anyone has any advice or pointers I am willing to listen and learn.

    Thank you for listening.

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome! The only tip I have, is real snus may take some getting used to. It isn't as sweet as Camel for the most part, though there is a couple sweet brands.


    • Paco
      • Dec 2012
      • 396

      Also since you are down to 6mg ejuice I would highly recommend staying away from sterk and extra sterk although they could be tempting because of the flavors. I can only assume you tried the frost as it is the most popular and if you liked that wait until you try General Mint its a billion times better. As the supreme commander said real snus takes some getting used to probably because most aren't use to the salt content but you'll be glad you did. Any specific questions feel free to ask I'll do the best to answer and I'm sure others will help too...and most importantly Welcome to the revolution!


      • crullers
        • Oct 2011
        • 663

        Welcome, and get ready to be raped by Customs.


        • Paco
          • Dec 2012
          • 396

          ^...Ouch ya I feel for you guys.


          • Faylool
            • Dec 2012
            • 496

            And your mouth gets sore for three days and never gets sore again


            • whalen
              • May 2009
              • 6593

              Originally posted by crullers
              Welcome, and get ready to be raped by Customs.
              I think this anytime we get a new Canadian on the board!
              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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