A big hello to everyone on this excellent site.After spending many hours reading through the forums I decided that I needed to be a part of this community.Being an Aussie it becomes almost essential to join a community such as this because snusing is unfortunately very much an underground movement.
Getting deliveries here can be a heartbreaking experience at times and mostly I order 2- 3 cans max at a time and if I order los it's only 1 can.This is a complete pain but I guess the end result is that I cherish my snus even more and I have learned to be a far more patient man.Thank you Aussie Customs...
Getting deliveries here can be a heartbreaking experience at times and mostly I order 2- 3 cans max at a time and if I order los it's only 1 can.This is a complete pain but I guess the end result is that I cherish my snus even more and I have learned to be a far more patient man.Thank you Aussie Customs...