OK - OK - I been Snusing for two months and still dizzy

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  • dtman
    New Member
    • May 2013
    • 4

    OK - OK - I been Snusing for two months and still dizzy

    Hi -

    I cant seem to regulate my intake, either too much (dizzy) or too little (dizzy). Don't know what I am doing wrong. I use all 8mg portions one day (seemed not enough). Added some 16mg Thunder here and there (maybe 2 or 3 a day) way too much. I was a pack a day smoker for almost 30 years and could smoke 2 packs in a day when I was younger. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong here. I never get the overdose symptoms of flush face or increased heart, just dizzy with too much or too little. Some feedback on others experience would be helpful. What can I do? I don't ever, ever, ever want to smoke again but this is becoming very, very hard.

    Thanks Everyone!
  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    When I first started, 8mg portions gave me a buzz for about a week... when I switched up to strong portions, they also gave me a buzz for about a week. I never intermixed regular and strong portions at the same time for about 6 months after starting. I too was a pack a day person. My advice is to start off slow and then increase the nic levels to where you feel comfortable. It took me less than a week to transition from cigarettes to snus.

    If you find 8mg to much, try mini portions to start and you can work your way up from there.

    Snus WILL get you off the smokes! I was a 30+ year smoker and snus was the ONLY thing that got me off the cigs.

    Good luck.
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    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      ya know some people pay big money just to get a bit dizzy. I think they call it drugs.

      wa3zrm has some good advice mate.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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