Going to try snusline soon

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  • NeonMouse
    • Apr 2013
    • 193

    Going to try snusline soon

    Hi, decided i need to broaden my horizons and try out the snus on snusline.

    One question how do eu/uk citizens find ordering from outside of europe. I know that customs siezes anyparcel it comes accross from the states(ive heard of dip being siezed) and duty free from spain. Is snus safe from the nazi border force?

    Also should i go for skruff which i never tried or get some odens, which is better?

    Thinking about getting two rolls of stark/extra stark. one dry white and the other original portions.

    I dont really want to risk £80ish if its going to get seized.

    Edit: just looked at their website which i should have done first and they dont have any stark/extrastark odens
    Is skruff really worth such the high price?
    Last edited by NeonMouse; 10-10-13, 03:10 PM.
  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    None of my packages have been seized from snusline ... my last order which was quite big was split in to 2 smaller packages. If it's in stock - they've always come within the week.

    From Northerner in the states I have once had a customs intervention - but I wonder if they delay the packages sometimes even if they don't ask for duty.

    As for Skruf ... in my opinion it is really worth the higher price ... it's a real premium snus. But your tastebuds may not agree with mine!

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • NeonMouse
      • Apr 2013
      • 193

      OK, decided to risk it. Got a roll of extrastak skruff white and a roll of portions coming.

      I quite liked the few extra starks that gn sent on the competition... Tempted to get some more 59 from odenssnus.eu but that will either mean Bank transfer or me getting a credit card which would be deadly, Given up with payson. Damn you Visa Electron.

      Edit: donno if snusline is going to like my electron. Their was no halifax secure verification or anything.
      Last edited by NeonMouse; 10-10-13, 03:58 PM. Reason: :p


      • Sato
        • Dec 2009
        • 133

        Can't you use a pre-paid card? The other day I bought a Vanilla Network top-up card at Walgreens, used it to fund a prepaid card, and bought 2 rolls internationally from BuySnus with the card - didn't have any problems. The only problem is that you have to treat it as a cash transaction - you can't get a refund or challenge a transaction if you aren't satisfied with what you get.

        Too little, too late, but I love Skruf. They supposedly only use the best parts of the tobacco, not the whole leaf .. I can't say how much of it's placebo effect but it definitely has a better feel to me. And the cranberry is sublime IMO!


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Originally posted by NeonMouse View Post
          One question how do eu/uk citizens find ordering from outside of europe. I know that customs siezes anyparcel it comes accross from the states(ive heard of dip being siezed) and duty free from spain. Is snus safe from the nazi border force?
          Where did you hear that? Only time I have had any stopped is when the value was over £15 so had to pay VAT, no duty, never had anything seized, its nit illegal so nothing to worry about.

          Only time you would get issues is if it were cigarettes.

          Also since snusline is free shipping just make several orders, won't cost you any more. Also, skruf is amazing, nuff said


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Never had a package stopped. I order two rolls at a time. It's a good company.


            • NeonMouse
              • Apr 2013
              • 193

              Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
              Where did you hear that? Only time I have had any stopped is when the value was over £15 so had to pay VAT, no duty, never had anything seized, its nit illegal so nothing to worry about.

              Only time you would get issues is if it were cigarettes.

              Also since snusline is free shipping just make several orders, won't cost you any more. Also, skruf is amazing, nuff said
              http://www.thewholesaleforums.co.uk/...ustoms.144095/ Just reread that thread and it looks like it was a screw up on northerners part not putting the correct info on the decliration. Its from 2011 anyway

              Still waiting for my account infomation to update, fingurs croseed that the computer says yes when they charge my visa electron.

              I've got a prepaid virgin credit card but ive forgotten the security pin for when i have to top up. Ill call them up if my order with snusline fails... Though i think i asked them if they excepted electron a few months back and they said yes... cant be totally sure as ive switched email adresses since

              update: Yay its been shipped!
              Last edited by NeonMouse; 11-10-13, 10:51 AM.


              • Skell18
                • May 2012
                • 7067

                Originally posted by NeonMouse View Post
                http://www.thewholesaleforums.co.uk/...ustoms.144095/ Just reread that thread and it looks like it was a screw up on northerners part not putting the correct info on the decliration. Its from 2011 anyway

                Still waiting for my account infomation to update, fingurs croseed that the computer says yes when they charge my visa electron.

                I've got a prepaid virgin credit card but ive forgotten the security pin for when i have to top up. Ill call them up if my order with snusline fails... Though i think i asked them if they excepted electron a few months back and they said yes... cant be totally sure as ive switched email adresses since

                update: Yay its been shipped!
                Northerner mark the package as snus, which is classed as snuff here, so NO TAX!


                • NeonMouse
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 193

                  Got my order today. To be honest im not overly impressed with skruf. It tastes a lot like Thunder original, sure the tobacco is finer and the portions are more comfortable but thats about it. I prefer Phantom and Odens Original i think.

                  Think im going to have to go down from extra strongs to 8/9mg portions. If anyone has any thoughts about the best way of doing that let me know.
                  I've only got 12cans of 9mg odens in my freezer, hopefully i can just step down, it will only be the equivalent of cutting back by a cig each hour. Thiers no way in hell im going to go up to Extremes/Ultra's just for more choice.

                  Quite impressed with snusline, think their going to be my main go to for snus now


                  • trebli
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 797

                    It sounds like you have a good idea. I use both Odens Original 8/9 mg and Odens Extreme as part of my regular rotation. I like them both.

                    It seems to me that Extreme has a slower release than most brands of extra strong portions.

                    For example, the General Sterks would hit all at once. I would sometimes get a bit dizzy and often get hiccups as well.


                    • NeonMouse
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 193

                      Thunder is a bit like that. hits you quick and hard.

                      Had withdrawals with lots of nasty palpitations when i tried going straight to Odens original. So stuck in a xtrastrong white skruf, seemed to stop em. I think ill alternate between xtra strong and original for a bit. Cant afford to get any more snus till monday or 2 weeks from now for a big order.

                      How do you cope with the tolerance using extremes and then going to regular. Is regular your main usage?


                      • trebli
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 797

                        Neon, I guess I've built up a tolerance to nicotine delivered via snus over the years. This is my sixth year of snusing. I just sort of mix them up. I have five open cans. General WP, General Original, Nick and Johnny White Heat, Odens Original and Odens Extreme #59. I usually have only 2 or 3 Extremes a day the rest are regular strength. Normally, I'll keep a portion in for a couple of hours, but only use 6 or 8 on a typical day. I don't feel any overdose systems with the Extremes.


                        • squeezyjohn
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2497

                          It's a good time to order from snusline if you're thinking about it anyway ... they've got their But 10 get 2 free deal on lots of brands until 7pm tomorrow CET (that's 6pm tomorrow for us in the UK) - including the Skruf.

                          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                          • squeezyjohn
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2497

                            And I can't believe you think Skruf tastes like Thunder original NeonMouse! They're poles apart in the quality stakes. But I suppose the old saying your tongue is not my tongue applies here

                            If you're as happy with the taste of Thunder Original - you'd be a fool not to buy that instead of Skruf as it's miles cheaper. Me - I'm afraid I must just have expensive tastes!

                            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                            • NeonMouse
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 193

                              Idk they have got the same balance in the different flavors. Perhaps I'm just not that keen on natural tasting tobacco.

                              I prefered the white skruf to the regular portions. One thing that skruf doesn't have that i appreciate is the nasty throat hit you sometimes get from thunder and as ive said the portions more comfortable while in and the taste is smother.

                              Ordered some Odens Original and Odens Melon last night. So that should be here shortly. Would have ordered some Fudge but alas they do not stock the stuff, boohoo.

                              I swear the shipping is faster then northerner and a lot less costly too.

