New to Los

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  • TheBlackVomit
    • Nov 2013
    • 83

    New to Los

    I'm new to los. I'm only on my 3rd can of it ever. I've been using an icetool because I can't make a decent pris otherwise. I'm getting no flavor at all really. The only time I do is if the prilla is loose enough to make a horrible mudslide. Am I just packing it too tight or what?
  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    yeah, if you pack the prilla too tightly with the icetool is squeezes the juices (water) out of it. When using an Icetool, I barely pack it and then place it. Now, once you place a prilla of los...leave it alone, lol. You can't poke it as much as you do a portion of snus. Hell, I really abuse a portion, but a prilla has to be gently prodded for flavor :-)

    Also, the more you use los, the better you'll be able to keep it in place. Just one of those things...keep at it brother.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      Now, once you place a prilla of los...leave it alone, lol. You can't poke it as much as you do a portion of snus. Hell, I really abuse a portion, but a prilla has to be gently prodded for flavor :-)
      I'd only somewhat agree with this. A new user may have some trouble manipulating lössnus, cause you don't know what you can really get away with, but I'm fairly aggressive with my snus, and I keep it together pretty well. I spin it, separate it from my gum, switch sides... It is more delicate than a portion though. I don't think my portion technique of using my teeth as a strainer, and sucking on it would work well with lössnus :^D

      Otherwise, Rick's right on. You don't want a dying strain when packing the IceTool. I pack mine so there's no big air pockets inside. Not a lot of pressure. Also, I know you said you had problems hand baking, but since you're using Röda, you should really keep trying that. Röda's one of the easiest snuses to handbake, and it'll be good practice. Start small. Pickup less than you think you want, and work with that. Mush it between your forefinger and thumb of both hands so it all sticks in a little shaped lump, then stick it under your lip. Push it in place with your tongue, then keep the sides corralled with your tongue. It'll take some practice... It's really a feeling thing, and can't be taught with text on a page. You have to get used to the way it feels, and learn what you can get away with without starting a mudslide.


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        It might help to place it at the side of your mouth instead of the front.


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          Soooooo, how are you faring with los? Is it getting any better?


          • TheBlackVomit
            • Nov 2013
            • 83

            Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
            Soooooo, how are you faring with los? Is it getting any better?
            I'm for sure getting better. I've been using portions only at work and los the rest of the time so I've got a decent amount of practice. I can deal with Ettan more than Roda as far as causing mudslides. I'm still not getting much flavor from either. I'm going to get some Grov los on my next order to see if maybe its just the brand that has less flavor to me. I'm going to stick with it though. I was a longterm dipper before and I never used pouches so I'm familiar with smokeless tobacco in a loose form, I just expected los to have more flavor than portions but thats not the case so far in my experience.
            Last edited by TheBlackVomit; 17-01-14, 08:40 AM.


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              The Roda is famous for it's mudslidability! The fine cut just can't hold itself together quite as well as the coarser varieties.

              Because you're new to los then you're probably playing it safe and keeping the prilla so under control that you are not getting the full flavour and nicotine it has to offer. The flavour with portions is instant because it's impregnated all over the outside - with los most of it will be inside the prilla.

              My suggestion would be to wait for an opportune moment (no-one around - easy access to a sink!) and try a proper Swedish style hillbilly pinch - It's a simple process:

              1. open the can of los
              2. take a small pinch between thumb and first 2 fingers
              3. shove it right up there
              4. tiny bit of rearrangement with tip of tongue (don't push hard) and wipe teeth clean with aforementioned tongue

              The release of flavour and nic should be way faster than with a tightly packed prilla. It can be a fantastic way once you get the hang of it.

              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Originally posted by TheBlackVomit View Post
                I'm for sure getting better. I've been using portions only at work and los the rest of the time so I've got a decent amount of practice. I can deal with Ettan more than Roda as far as causing mudslides. I'm still not getting much flavor from either. I'm going to get some Grov los on my next order to see if maybe its just the brand that has less flavor to me. I'm going to stick with it though. I was a longterm dipper before and I never used pouches so I'm familiar with smokeless tobacco in a loose form, I just expected los to have more flavor than portions but thats not the case so far in my experience.
                I have the same experience with the taste but I find los much more powerful in the nicotine department even allowing for a smaller amount.
                I just hand bake if I have los....takes about 4-5 seconds now and pop it in. Somehow your mouth learns to avoid a mudslide. A mudslide inevitably happens but it lasts a long time for me now. I prefer portions for the taste, convenience etc.


                • TheBlackVomit
                  • Nov 2013
                  • 83

                  Yeah. I think I prefer portions as far as flavor too but I agree that los seems to have more nicotine. I'll probably end up using mostly portions.


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