having a problem tasting snus

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  • mh1972
    • May 2013
    • 29

    having a problem tasting snus

    I used to snus and vape last time I quit smoking, but then I started smoking for about a year. I recently ordered some snus and I can not really taste anything.
    So far I have tried is:
    odens extreme loose
    general extra strong loose
    probe whiskey loose
    roda lacket loose, i think i could taste the tobacco in this one a little

    I know smoking kills the tastebuds, but I can taste dip just fine, so wondering if anyone else has had this problem?
  • crullers
    • Oct 2011
    • 663

    I smoked for 25 years and quit 2.5 years ago. I can't pick out flavours in snus nearly as well as those who have written reviews that I've read. I don't know if this is because of the many years of smoking, or due to the fact that some can identify flavours more acutely than others. Compared to dip, snus is much more subtle in the taste department. You may want to try more heavily flavoured snus. Kronan loose is one that I find tasty, but it's a love or hate snus.


    • trebli
      • Mar 2010
      • 797

      That is a problem I have too, but only when using lossnus. I taste portion snus just fine.


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        I find that my tatse buds need to learn what the flavor of snus actually is before I can identify it and enjoy it, sort of a flavor learning curve for the lip. I seldom taste all of the flavors in any snus that the more experienced reviewers taste anyway.


        • Thunder_Snus
          • Oct 2011
          • 1316

          Maybe try drinking some water and swishing it around the gums a few minutes before snusing? Especially with oden's, general, or roda....havent ever tried probe. I know Oden's and general have much more subtle taste combined with being rather dry. Even i a non smoker have had this problem with tasting it. Something you just need to moisten itup in your mouth and then it will start having some flavor.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            I prefer a hot beverage to go with it.

            Anyhow, the flavors are subtle. Those that you've mentioned are amongst the strongest flavors out there. When one uses snus the mouth doesn't typically fill with juices so you don't taste as much. If you want that, I would suggest packing in the bottom lip. Maybe for me this comes from years of dipping. My mouth naturally salivates when there's snus in the bottom lip. My brain tells me to spit then. It's not my style but I think it gives more juice ergo flavor that way.

            Also, snus can be like wine. All wine tastes like wine, right? After drinking a ton of it you begin to notice the subtleties. Also can be said about lots of things...beer, scotch, women...you get the idea.


            • saberz
              • Feb 2012
              • 66

              I can taste the flavors. What I notice is the more you use a certain did you start to pick up on additional flavors.

              If your using a los, I read from others it's not as in your face as portions(since you can't juice it without an avalanche).


              • piks101
                • Sep 2010
                • 691

                Originally posted by mh1972 View Post
                I used to snus and vape last time I quit smoking, but then I started smoking for about a year. I recently ordered some snus and I can not really taste anything.
                So far I have tried is:
                odens extreme loose
                general extra strong loose
                probe whiskey loose
                roda lacket loose, i think i could taste the tobacco in this one a little

                I know smoking kills the tastebuds, but I can taste dip just fine, so wondering if anyone else has had this problem?
                Just add Ketchup, if still no taste then your taste buds are shot...


                • saberz
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 66



                  • talltexan
                    • May 2014
                    • 51

                    You may be packing your prilla too tight. To me Roda Lacket is the most subtle flavor of all of those you listed. Maybe try some portions. If you don't taste those then you may have a problem. I smoked heavy for 30 some odd years had the same issue with Jakobbsons Wintergreen. Took a couple weeks even for the taste to really come out.
                    My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I don't need to go there alone.:biggrin-new:


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