Hey Snuson!
Firstly I wanted to say thanks to everybody here for all the help and information to be found on this site. I have been lurking and using snus for a couple of months and loving it. Smoked over 20 a day for about 10 years and was sick and tired of the cost, smokers cough, etc.. Tried e-fags for a while and enjoyed them for a time but found the nicotine/WTA’s lacking, equipment expensive and could not be arsed with all the filling, charging and what-not.
I wasn’t completely sure at first that snus would be for me as I found they hurt my lip, throat and made my stomach feel a bit funky but after a short while all these problems disappeared save for the nice lip burn with strong snus. I have ordered from all the shops that will ship to the EU, trying most of the plain tobacco/bergamot/citrus original and white portions. The EU ban is absolutely ludicrous but that is the sort of incompetence we are used to, sadly. Desperate to try some of the swedish match products but more than happy with what I have used so far.
I have used portions mostly but have tried loose and enjoy getting used to making pris/prilla followed later with a mouth full of tobacco! Strong/Extra strong portions are nice for a boost during the day but I mostly use them if I am drinking, love odens lime extreme with a beer. Also, I have been using nasal snuff to supplement the snus and enjoy the flavour, nicotine and that it keeps my hands busy.
I thought I would leave some of the impressions of some of the snus I have tried so far. My mini reviews below are sort of in the order that I tried them.
Offroad original portion – Nice tobacco and citrus flavour. My first snus! Offroad cans look a bit cheap though.
Offroad Silver original portion – Similar to the offroad original but with the citrus toned down and a bit of smoke flavour. Not too keen on the smoke flavour.
Odens original portion – Lovely pepper and citrus flavours. My favourite so far. Cool can.
Skruf original portion – Quite subtle flavour to me but very pleasant. Can get bitter after a while. Cool cans.
Odens White dry portion – Love this snus! Very strong citrus and tobacco, no pepper like the original. The dry portions do take a while to get going but last for ages.
Jakobssons Classic original portion – Smells like booze to me upon opening, weird. Nice enough I suppose, a citrus tobacco flavour. Not really for me though. Love the compass on the can though.
Skruf Selection white portion – I find this really rather plain, really subtle flavours. Not bad by any means, just boring.
Smalands original portion – Nice citrus tobacco flavour with a bit of rose/floral taste. Small portions though.
Nord 66 strong white portion – Nice citrus/tobacco flavour but matched with a really strong floral rose taste that I find a bit cloying. Not for me.
Odens No3 original portion – Similar to odens original but with a toned down pepper flavour and more smoke flavour. Still not really liking smoky flavour snus. Cool can.
Olde ving original portion – Really nice citrus/tobacco flavour. Like the Odens white dry portion but not as white or dry! Will be ordering more. Can is lurid.
Odens Extreme original portion – Nice flavour similar to odens classic OP. Nice and strong.
Odens Lime Extreme/Extra stark portions – Both are really nice, love the lime flavour. Can’t really tell them apart to be honest other than the strength difference.
Thunder chew bags – White portions with a nice citrus/tobacco flavour. Good nicotine and street legal in the UK. Not much in most of the portions though. Crap can.
Islay whisky snus – I know everybody raves about these but I’m not so sure. Nice plain flavour, don’t get any whisky really. Portions are really wet with a smoky flavour and do seem like a premium product . It’s probably that I don’t get on well with smoke flavouring that I hven’t fallen in love with them. Awesome tin though.
Whew! Hope I haven’t bored anyone, I didn’t intend to create this wall of text. Probably more than I wrote in my entire time in education!! Please suggest any snus you would think that I would like and keep snusin’ on!!
Firstly I wanted to say thanks to everybody here for all the help and information to be found on this site. I have been lurking and using snus for a couple of months and loving it. Smoked over 20 a day for about 10 years and was sick and tired of the cost, smokers cough, etc.. Tried e-fags for a while and enjoyed them for a time but found the nicotine/WTA’s lacking, equipment expensive and could not be arsed with all the filling, charging and what-not.
I wasn’t completely sure at first that snus would be for me as I found they hurt my lip, throat and made my stomach feel a bit funky but after a short while all these problems disappeared save for the nice lip burn with strong snus. I have ordered from all the shops that will ship to the EU, trying most of the plain tobacco/bergamot/citrus original and white portions. The EU ban is absolutely ludicrous but that is the sort of incompetence we are used to, sadly. Desperate to try some of the swedish match products but more than happy with what I have used so far.
I have used portions mostly but have tried loose and enjoy getting used to making pris/prilla followed later with a mouth full of tobacco! Strong/Extra strong portions are nice for a boost during the day but I mostly use them if I am drinking, love odens lime extreme with a beer. Also, I have been using nasal snuff to supplement the snus and enjoy the flavour, nicotine and that it keeps my hands busy.
I thought I would leave some of the impressions of some of the snus I have tried so far. My mini reviews below are sort of in the order that I tried them.
Offroad original portion – Nice tobacco and citrus flavour. My first snus! Offroad cans look a bit cheap though.
Offroad Silver original portion – Similar to the offroad original but with the citrus toned down and a bit of smoke flavour. Not too keen on the smoke flavour.
Odens original portion – Lovely pepper and citrus flavours. My favourite so far. Cool can.
Skruf original portion – Quite subtle flavour to me but very pleasant. Can get bitter after a while. Cool cans.
Odens White dry portion – Love this snus! Very strong citrus and tobacco, no pepper like the original. The dry portions do take a while to get going but last for ages.
Jakobssons Classic original portion – Smells like booze to me upon opening, weird. Nice enough I suppose, a citrus tobacco flavour. Not really for me though. Love the compass on the can though.
Skruf Selection white portion – I find this really rather plain, really subtle flavours. Not bad by any means, just boring.
Smalands original portion – Nice citrus tobacco flavour with a bit of rose/floral taste. Small portions though.
Nord 66 strong white portion – Nice citrus/tobacco flavour but matched with a really strong floral rose taste that I find a bit cloying. Not for me.
Odens No3 original portion – Similar to odens original but with a toned down pepper flavour and more smoke flavour. Still not really liking smoky flavour snus. Cool can.
Olde ving original portion – Really nice citrus/tobacco flavour. Like the Odens white dry portion but not as white or dry! Will be ordering more. Can is lurid.
Odens Extreme original portion – Nice flavour similar to odens classic OP. Nice and strong.
Odens Lime Extreme/Extra stark portions – Both are really nice, love the lime flavour. Can’t really tell them apart to be honest other than the strength difference.
Thunder chew bags – White portions with a nice citrus/tobacco flavour. Good nicotine and street legal in the UK. Not much in most of the portions though. Crap can.
Islay whisky snus – I know everybody raves about these but I’m not so sure. Nice plain flavour, don’t get any whisky really. Portions are really wet with a smoky flavour and do seem like a premium product . It’s probably that I don’t get on well with smoke flavouring that I hven’t fallen in love with them. Awesome tin though.
Whew! Hope I haven’t bored anyone, I didn’t intend to create this wall of text. Probably more than I wrote in my entire time in education!! Please suggest any snus you would think that I would like and keep snusin’ on!!