Brand new snuser

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  • Heathen
    New Member
    • May 2014
    • 4

    Brand new snuser

    Hey guys! Just started snusing, and so far I'm loving it!

    I recently (two days ago LOL) decided to quit smoking due to the achey lung and horrid cough when I woke in the mornings. The soreness upon waking as been a recent development in my 9 years of smoking so I figured it's time to quit. I'm almost positive its because after another awesome smoke-able my cigarette usage went from a pack a day to 1 1/2 to 2 pack a day habit.

    I discovered snus entirely by accident. I had intended to go back to dipping since I was already familiar with it and it pretty much killed my cravings since the e-cig thing continued to be a huge failure for me. When I went to go pick up the dip I remembered talking to a Camel rep about a year ago about their spitless "Snus". The store had a dollar off tin of it so i picked one up for $2.09 plus tax so how bad could it be? Turned out I loved it. A pouch lasted forever! I could leave one in for 2-3 hours and it didnt' get all flavorless!

    So after my introduction to snus I started researching what it was and found that Swedish Snus was the real deal. I began researching where i could buy some of this General or Ettan (I like the "straight" or original flavors of the higher end dips, things like grizzly I have to do wintergreen or mint since it just tastes funky). I was at my local gas station(town of 2,000 people in South East Alabama) and guess what was sitting on the counter in a refrigerator? General portions! So i quickly snagged up their larger can for $449, they also had one for $0.99 but I'm not sure what they were. Got home ate some dinner and popped one of this comparatively huge pouches in. Tastes like what I remember Copenhagen silver top tasting like, which I enjoy. So now all my camel snus is sitting in the freezer for a rainy day while I enjoy this delicious long lasting strong Snus, and two days with no cigarettes or achy chest!

    I will be talking to the store manager tomorrow and see if I can work something out with her to get the Los. Any way guys thanks for checking out my ramble and I look forward to Snusing!

    PS any one know how the General Portions Mint or Wintergreen taste? I like a good mint/spearmint or wintergreen after eating, but prefer straight/originals as an all day kinda deal.
  • piks101
    • Sep 2010
    • 691

    Hey Heathen...congrats and welcome aboard. General Mint is a good option imo and nice flavor but can irritate gums more than other white portions for some reason, so be mindful. I personally like the Northerner (TillCe) brands for work and discreetness and great option if are not an experienced dipper and coming from a smoking background. The Tillce is no drip, very small, and nice nic hit out of the gate. I currently use Northerner Wintergreen but am going to try the new Nclub Mint next order. Good luck and keep the questions coming.


    • Heathen
      New Member
      • May 2014
      • 4

      Thanks for the advice! Would you say the wintergreen is a better option? No real preference in flavor just something a bit sweet after eating is nice

      While I won't say I am the most experienced dipper I've used my fair share of logs. I was upper lipping for discretion before I even heard of Snus haha. Oh another question before I dive into the Los. Can you tongue pack(just pinch and drop on your tongue and pack it into the desired lip) or is baking sort of required? I'm competent at tongue packing fine cuts if that matters.


      • piks101
        • Sep 2010
        • 691

        I would get a few of each Mint and Wintergreen. The Mint TillCe is new, so I will have to try myself to offer an opinion but peppermint is my preference over Wintergreen overall. I would pass on the los until you are fully on-board with snusing over logs. The good thing about snus is that you can still have the occasional smoke say at a party/bar etc...without falling off the wagon.


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Out of general mint and wintergreen the mint is the best,the wintergreen is terrible, the mint is a bit sweet and pleasant, the wintergreen tastes like puke!


          • piks101
            • Sep 2010
            • 691

            Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
            Out of general mint and wintergreen the mint is the best,the wintergreen is terrible, the mint is a bit sweet and pleasant, the wintergreen tastes like puke!
            I was saying Mint or Wintergreen on the TillCe never had Wintergreen General but usually not partial to WG anyways, but TillCe WG has a good flavor to me. Also agree on General Mint nice flavor, could be toned down a notch but very nice flavor overall imo.


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by piks101 View Post
              I was saying Mint or Wintergreen on the TillCe never had Wintergreen General but usually not partial to WG anyways, but TillCe WG has a good flavor to me. Also agree on General Mint nice flavor, could be toned down a notch but very nice flavor overall imo.
              The original question was about general not the northerner stuff


              • piks101
                • Sep 2010
                • 691

                Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                The original question was about general not the northerner stuff
                I know and I referenced General in my initial message but you did state out of General which I didn't catch. I stand corrected Sir! I've found smokers transition well from TillCe to regular snus...just my experience and dippers take to regular snus immediately but generally still want to bottom lip it.


                • Burnsey
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 2572

                  Welcome aboard.......

                  You can get General Los here, in the US:


                  • hoarfrost
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 12

                    General Los (original) is my current favorite, I also like the white portions. The General mint is good, the wintergreen smells and tastes just like the Skoal wintergreen dip to me, which I personally don't care for.


                    • Brian74
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 46

                      Look into some of the Swedish-sold moist stark portions from Lab, Odens, ect. and you wont even need los. IMO that General stuff they sell in US stores doesn't remotely compare in strength, quality nor flavor. I used to dip Copenhagen and I find the Lab 06 most comparable in terms of flavor, burn and strength. General Onyx is the best IMO, but unfortunately it cannot be shipped to the US due to our wonderful FDA.
                      Last edited by Brian74; 09-05-14, 03:36 PM.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Welcome to snuson bro

                        Check out the sites that sell on line and try a variety......there are a lot of good snus out there waiting for ya
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Heathen
                          New Member
                          • May 2014
                          • 4

                          Thanks for all the replies guys! So far so good on the no smoking. No real issues to cravings just yet.

                          I've looked at the lilbrown website before, but as it stands now they will not ship to Alabama. Any other suggestions for online retailers?

                          I'm still enjoying these General Original portions. No real complaints. Tastes fine and gives me the nic kick I want so overall pleased. It's far better than the camel at any rate. Thanks again for the supports guys!


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            Originally posted by Heathen View Post
                            Thanks for all the replies guys! So far so good on the no smoking. No real issues to cravings just yet.

                            I've looked at the lilbrown website before, but as it stands now they will not ship to Alabama. Any other suggestions for online retailers?

                            I'm still enjoying these General Original portions. No real complaints. Tastes fine and gives me the nic kick I want so overall pleased. It's far better than the camel at any rate. Thanks again for the supports guys!
                            They still have a sale on at They've always shipped great to Illinois.


                            • Brian74
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 46

                              Originally posted by Heathen View Post
                              Thanks for all the replies guys! So far so good on the no smoking. No real issues to cravings just yet.

                              I've looked at the lilbrown website before, but as it stands now they will not ship to Alabama. Any other suggestions for online retailers?
                              I just ordered over 50 cans to Enterprise, Alabama from Order took 3 days from Sweden. Ive never had any issues with them.

