Saying hi and have a question.

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  • dquinn104
    • May 2014
    • 135

    Saying hi and have a question.

    Hello everyone! I've recently taken up snus to drop my vaping habit and so far i am really enjoying it much more. I have a few local places that carry General and I am putting together an order to get some variety.

    The snus that is really catching my eye is the Jakobssons flader. I've been reading the forum for last week or two and really havent seen anyone talk about it. I love elderberry wine and was wondering if the snus has that nice sweet and sour kind of flavor to it or if its going to be a bit more earthy/herbal. Probably going to get some anyway just want to know how much.
  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    Jakobssons Flader is flavoured by the elder plant ... but not the berry! It is flavoured with elderflowers. The flower of the elder tree taste nothing like the berry.

    The taste of the elderflower is nothing like anything else! But I am going to try and describe it anyway ... some say it smells like cat's piss, others say it's fruity and like the most aromatic apple or the best muscat wine. Both are true in their own way!

    When it comes to the Jakobsson's Flader - fortunately, the aromatic apple is the best description. Green apple is probably as close a match as real elderflowers to the taste I get from it. If you like a kind of natural fruitiness then I would definitely have a go at it - it is a quality snus.

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • CzechCzar
      • Jun 2010
      • 1144

      It's quite good. Not really sweet per se, as sour, sort of like biting into a lemon. So, yes, sweet and sour, but the elderberry taste doesn't overwhelm the tobacco. A warning: I liked it so much I bought a roll and promptly burned out on it to the point where I had to struggle to finish it. I would recommend only using it occasionally.


      • trebli
        • Mar 2010
        • 797

        Hello dquinn, welcome to Snuson. I like Jakobsson's products, but I have not tried the Fläder. Until someone comes along who can answer your question you might enjoy these threads on Jakobsson's Fläder.


        • dquinn104
          • May 2014
          • 135

          Thanks for the quick responses, probably going to go with a few and see how it is.


          • dquinn104
            • May 2014
            • 135

            And im making that wine in the third link 😃


            • Thunder_Snus
              • Oct 2011
              • 1316

              I only ordered a few cans of it once. One of the big snus retailers I will not name sent me extremely expired cans that I did not enjoy at all. It did seem like it would taste quite good fresh though.


              • dquinn104
                • May 2014
                • 135

                Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                I only ordered a few cans of it once. One of the big snus retailers I will not name sent me extremely expired cans that I did not enjoy at all. It did seem like it would taste quite good fresh though.
                Good to know, was out of it and just became avalible again so im going to assume its pretty fresh.


                • LordJ
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 190

                  Originally posted by dquinn104 View Post
                  Good to know, was out of it and just became avalible again so im going to assume its pretty fresh.
                  For what it's worth, Buysnus or Snuscentral have never sent me expired snus. Not even close. He's probably referring to The Northerner. They're an absolute joke.


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    Originally posted by LordJ View Post
                    For what it's worth, Buysnus or Snuscentral have never sent me expired snus. Not even close. He's probably referring to The Northerner. They're an absolute joke.
                    inb4 Piks


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      I sense a storm brewing


                      • piks101
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 691

                        Originally posted by LordJ View Post
                        For what it's worth, Buysnus or Snuscentral have never sent me expired snus. Not even close. He's probably referring to The Northerner. They're an absolute joke.
                        To answer your disclaimer "For what it's worth" ... that comment has no value or relevance. Just your opinion based on total bias and no first hand experience on you receiving expired snus from them. I think we all knew Thunder was referring to Northerner, as he has made his feelings on Northerner well known, so you didn't provide any insight by naming them.

                        Thunder, if you rcvd expired snus from Northerner then it was bought with that understanding or you didn't notice that was the reason for the sale price stated in the promotion otherwise you could have kept the snus and Northerner would have replaced at no cost. Kinda like when people buy mystery snus and complain about the snus flavors they received.


                        • dquinn104
                          • May 2014
                          • 135

                          Originally posted by LordJ View Post
                          For what it's worth, Buysnus or Snuscentral have never sent me expired snus. Not even close. He's probably referring to The Northerner. They're an absolute joke.
                          Havent heard anything bad about buysnus. I am going with them because it appears they scale shipping cost to the US instead of a flat rate. If i am incorrect could someone let me know. My wife would kill me if i dropped $200 on 50 cans, however $50 on 12 or so is more reasonable, i can offset the 5.80 a can with the 1.99 general down the street ☺


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            BuySnus ships delivery duty paid (DDP), so you won't get an extra bill from UPS, or have to give the UPS guy cash like some have when ordering elsewhere. Also, BuySnus won't sadistically wrap your loose cans in a big sticker that tears your labels off. They shrink-wrap them neatly.


                            • piks101
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 691

                              Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
                              BuySnus ships delivery duty paid (DDP), so you won't get an extra bill from UPS, or have to give the UPS guy cash like some have when ordering elsewhere. Also, BuySnus won't sadistically wrap your loose cans in a big sticker that tears your labels off. They shrink-wrap them neatly.
                              Not saying BuySnus isn't a good option depending on your needs and what final costs would be. I pay approx $9.00 duty for my orders and it is still less to buy form Northerner, so that is not an issue with me. LJ stating that Northerner is an absolute joke is just baseless. My last order was $124.00 for 32 tins including 2 day shipping and duty, $3.87 a tin all in, so I am happy.
                              Last edited by piks101; 05-06-14, 07:09 PM.


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