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  • kimjames
    New Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 2


    Pretty new to snus and was surfing and found this place, just wanted to say hi.

    I started trying it for fun with a couple guys I work for who use it a lot when I went on 4 month trip with them to a customer site. They asked me if I wanted to try some. It was much better than I expected and I got this really cool glow almost right away, but after a bit I really wasn't feeling so hot. I guess thats normal. They felt bad and said since I had never used tobacco I wasn't used to nicotine and had kept it in too long, they said they should have had me be careful and I just needed to go slower so it was a more enjoyable experience. I kept trying it more with them and have gone from just having fun to really enjoying it to enjoying it through the day now.

    I am feeling a little uncomfortable and am glad I found this place. I never thought I'd be a snus user, but since the day I had some around lunch I've been using it a lot more, 4 or sometimes 5 times a day now. And I'm also a female, and I don't know any other females who enjoy it. Looking forward to reading in the community.

  • trebli
    • Mar 2010
    • 797

    Hello Kim. Welcome to Snuson. We have several members who are women. Snus helped me to stop smoking so naturally I'm fond of snus. Good to have you aboard.


    • BlackBart
      • Sep 2008
      • 115

      Welcome aboard fellow snuser


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Welcome Kim

        Like trebli said we have several female members and snus is quite popular in Sweden/Norway with female (especially those trying to quit smoking).

        On Notherner.com and Buysnus.com you will find a number of mini portions which tend to be smaller and thus with less nicotine............ In fact minis began as a type of snus marketed to the growing number of female users.....however, now their use is pretty gender neutral. You might want to check them out if you have not already.

        Also, my standard advice to anyone new to tobacco is to think seriously before you develop a habit. Snus is a great product and on par with tea or coffee health wise........that said it is expensive, it can be a pain to order (depending where you live) and it is addictive. Thus before you get tied to it, it may be wise to weigh all the options.

        That said, all things given, if you need a vice, snus is a pretty benign one to have.

        Regardless, we are glad you found our site.............. kick back and make yourself at home.
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Burnsey
          • Jan 2013
          • 2572

          Welcome Kim.....


          • kimjames
            New Member
            • Sep 2014
            • 2

            Thanks! Snusdog, thanks for the advice... I thought of that for a bit early on... Have to admit it is a bit of a habit now, I feel it.... but I really enjoy it. Just not something I'd share with family lol


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Originally posted by kimjames View Post
              Thanks! Snusdog, thanks for the advice... I thought of that for a bit early on... Have to admit it is a bit of a habit now, I feel it.... but I really enjoy it. Just not something I'd share with family lol
              Got it!

              Make yourself at home and let us know what you try and like
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • vogi tobacco
                • Sep 2014
                • 78

                Originally posted by kimjames View Post
                Pretty new to snus and was surfing and found this place, just wanted to say hi.

                I started trying it for fun with a couple guys I work for who use it a lot when I went on 4 month trip with them to a customer site. They asked me if I wanted to try some. It was much better than I expected and I got this really cool glow almost right away, but after a bit I really wasn't feeling so hot. I guess thats normal. They felt bad and said since I had never used tobacco I wasn't used to nicotine and had kept it in too long, they said they should have had me be careful and I just needed to go slower so it was a more enjoyable experience. I kept trying it more with them and have gone from just having fun to really enjoying it to enjoying it through the day now.

                I am feeling a little uncomfortable and am glad I found this place. I never thought I'd be a snus user, but since the day I had some around lunch I've been using it a lot more, 4 or sometimes 5 times a day now. And I'm also a female, and I don't know any other females who enjoy it. Looking forward to reading in the community.

                Welcome Kim. I need to agree with snusdog. Snus is habbit forming and addictive. I live is the US and need to pay out the nose for shipping. (but i order in bulk.) This website is a GREAT place to ask questions. Stay as long as you like. We are all gender nutral here and dont judge. I know this is not in THIS toppic, but I will put it here so hopefully you see it. Order in bulk if you are ordering online. Keep it in the freezer or fridge. Saves on shipping small orders. hope you stay on here so we can help.


                • elenamylove
                  • Nov 2014
                  • 58



                  • Mill
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 198

                    I would second both snusdog and vogi.....if you aren't a nicotine user now do you really want to be?

                    Snus is a lifesaver for smokers!

                    But welcome to the forum regardless....
                    Last edited by Mill; 21-11-14, 08:55 AM.


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