is flavor important

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  • yanal
    New Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 3

    is flavor important

    I am new to snus and I will make it at home ( using youtube videos) as it is banned in my country.

    kindly I need to know ( is important at the end of snus preparation process to add flavor ? or I can leave the final snuss without flavor ? ) in case flavor is recommended , then , what is the good flavor for beginner ? I need to know a general nice flavor that will give nice smooth taste

    thank you all
    Last edited by yanal; 27-09-14, 05:06 PM. Reason: forget to give more exact description
  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    There is a guy here who does a lot of experimentation with snus. I can't seem to remember his damn name. Think he is from the UK somewhere, hopefully he will see this and help you.


    • Burnsey
      • Jan 2013
      • 2572

      Start here:


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
        There is a guy here who does a lot of experimentation with snus. I can't seem to remember his damn name. Think he is from the UK somewhere, hopefully he will see this and help you.
        SqueezyJohn is his name.

        The thread Burnsey provided will be of great help to you.

        I would think flavoring of some sort is important.......that said try it plain and if you like it don't add flavoring.....if it is a bit harsh or bitter.........find a flavor you like that will take the edge off.

        Keep us posted and let us know what you tried and how it worked out.
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • yanal
          New Member
          • Sep 2014
          • 3

          thank you guys, I will follow up the recommendations and I will let you know the results, I just bought the ingredients and now I am drying tobacco leaves next I'll grind and start. thanks


          • MojoQuestor
            • Sep 2009
            • 2344

            Good luck. I don't make my own snus, but if I did, I would probably try bergamot at first, and maybe smoke flavoring (liquid smoke and suchlike). I do like the natural flavor of tobacco, and if you like it without flavoring, that's less work and less to buy, so that's a win. I guess much depends on the particular tobacco.


            • yanal
              New Member
              • Sep 2014
              • 3

              thank you , i have few questions

              Thank you people for your help.
              I would like to tell about my first snus preparation.

              I have made snus at home , and it looks and tastes ok. as a newbie I am using little amount until I get used to and frankly it helped me to minimize smoking , I get used to smoke 16 to 20 cigarette a day , and now using snus I smoke 6-8 cigarettes sometimes I smoke 4 cigarettes , but I am working on myself until I fully switch to snus.

              I have few questions please , the snus I prepared is not burning so much ( so I think next time I have to use more soda in the mix , right ? )

              the snus I made is making me little of need to spit the liquid , my question is snus should be 100% spittless ? and what to do to make it 100% spittless ?

              but in general snus is great thing..... thank you all for helping me to get rid of smoking. very soon I will quit smoking
              Last edited by yanal; 15-11-14, 02:53 PM. Reason: wrong grammer


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                only tobacco flavour and a pinch of salt is important to me! YMMV.


                • whalen
                  • May 2009
                  • 6593

                  A careful read of Squeezyjohns numerous ramblings on the subject should bring you up to PH..D level quickly. Seek the knowledge of the search bar and behold the wonders that await you!
                  wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                  • pouchface
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 150

                    Agreed, read squeezy's posts.
                    As far as spitting goes, snus will produce some liquid. If the snus has been properly pasteurized, you can simply swallow it without upsetting your stomach or harming yourself in any way. If you prefer to spit it out, that's fine too.


                    • vogi tobacco
                      • Sep 2014
                      • 78

                      I know I am a little late on this... but I made my own NASAL snuff. The adding of flavor IMHO is all preference. I had some batches that were just natural, no scent added, and then I had some with scents that would last for hours. I myself prefer tobacco with a tobacco flavor, then I mix it up with some flavor as well. I started off with a wintergreen tobacco and a mint tobacco for my snus. Tastes change from hour to week to month to year. Tobaccos I used yesterday are not apealing to me today, and tobaccos I used years ago that I hated, are now in my regular rotation. My all day every day tobacco is now a once a month thing as well.

                      The best advice I could give you is try both. Try mixtures of different flavors as well.

