Recommended sites to order from

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  • silverfire
    • Jan 2015
    • 34

    Recommended sites to order from

    So I've been snusing for a couple days now, and I've discovered that I'm going to need a strong snus since I was a heavy smoker (7-12 cigars a day or up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day for the past 4 years.) because I've been chaining General White Mint. Anyway, I know about SnusCentral and BuySnus, but what I'd like to know is are there any other great sites with a broad selection of strong snuses?
  • BlackBart
    • Sep 2008
    • 115

    Northerner and they have a USA warehouse so shipping is cheaper, selection is somewhat limited though.


    • Burnsey
      • Jan 2013
      • 2572

      I like I've ordered twice from them with no problems. The prices are reasonable and there was an additional discount at check out which I had not expected.


      • halocog
        • Oct 2011
        • 649

        My personal favorite is BuySnus. They've never once let me down, and they always deliver to the US within 3 days.
        Originally posted by Frosted
        I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana


        • silverfire
          • Jan 2015
          • 34

          Originally posted by BlackBart View Post
          Northerner and they have a USA warehouse so shipping is cheaper, selection is somewhat limited though.

          They don't have Maryland listed, unfortunately


          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            Originally posted by silverfire View Post
            They don't have Maryland listed, unfortunately
            I answered in the other can get standard strength snus at many MD locations. You have absolutly no domestic ordering choices.
            So buysnus for you....good company BTW. I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that 8 mg snus will be enough for your nicotine needs. Give me a pm amd I will hook you up with some stronger snus.
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


            • silverfire
              • Jan 2015
              • 34

              Originally posted by whalen View Post
              I answered in the other can get standard strength snus at many MD locations. You have absolutly no domestic ordering choices.
              So buysnus for you....good company BTW. I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that 8 mg snus will be enough for your nicotine needs. Give me a pm amd I will hook you up with some stronger snus.

              Aren't General White Mint and Classic Blend 8mg? And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass and just order online


              • pouchface
                • Jul 2013
                • 150

                Originally posted by silverfire View Post
                Aren't General White Mint and Classic Blend 8mg? And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass and just order online
                Both of those are 8 mg. However, the thing to be careful of is that you're not just using the same amount of, say, 16 mg as you would with 8 mg. Then you're just paying more to get snus from overseas. If I was you, I would take Whalen's advice and stick with 8 mg snuses so that you can continue to use gas station general--which is far cheaper--supplemented with variety from overseas on occasion.
                Still... your milage may vary. Just my 2p


                • silverfire
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 34

                  Originally posted by pouchface View Post
                  Both of those are 8 mg. However, the thing to be careful of is that you're not just using the same amount of, say, 16 mg as you would with 8 mg. Then you're just paying more to get snus from overseas. If I was you, I would take Whalen's advice and stick with 8 mg snuses so that you can continue to use gas station general--which is far cheaper--supplemented with variety from overseas on occasion.
                  Still... your milage may vary. Just my 2p

                  Yeah. I'm thinking a roll of 10 would last me over a month. I dunno. Think I'll order a variety box of different strengths and see how long sterk and extra sterk last, then go from there. A can of White Mint lasts about 2 days, but 10-20 minutes after I spit out a portion that's been in for like an hour, another goes right in. Might just be because I'm still getting used to a lower nicotine level since this is only my second day of snusing


                  • codyg140
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 705

                    Originally posted by whalen View Post
                    I answered in the other can get standard strength snus at many MD locations. You have absolutly no domestic ordering choices.
                    So buysnus for you....good company BTW. I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that 8 mg snus will be enough for your nicotine needs. Give me a pm amd I will hook you up with some stronger snus.
                    well looks like whalen can just hook me up if silverfire doesn't like free snus


                    • silverfire
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 34

                      Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                      well looks like whalen can just hook me up if silverfire doesn't like free snus

                      Love free, just got the feeling Whalen lives like 2-3 hours away. Not a drive worth taking imo. If he lived in say, Frederick or Taneytown, then it's worth it. But I don't know


                      • joserra
                        • May 2014
                        • 191

                        I think you only have to get used to a certain amount of nicotine. For example, I have forced myself to use only around 4 portions a day, now that's all my body needs for a day and a can lasting a whole week is pretty cheap


                        • Burnsey
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 2572

                          Originally posted by joserra View Post
                          I think you only have to get used to a certain amount of nicotine. For example, I have forced myself to use only around 4 portions a day, now that's all my body needs for a day and a can lasting a whole week is pretty cheap
                          I agree, to an extent....I have weened off of starks and feel reasonably comfortable using just 8mg portions most of the time with the occasional strong one for a change........slow changes are possible...


                          • joserra
                            • May 2014
                            • 191

                            Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
                            I agree, to an extent....I have weened off of starks and feel reasonably comfortable using just 8mg portions most of the time with the occasional strong one for a change........slow changes are possible...
                            Some weeks I use 8 mg and others I use sterks, for me it's just a matter of variety. However, after one week of using only extra sterks I can use 8 mg snus the next week without craving for more. 3-4 pouches uniformly distributed during the day is all I need. Weekends I smoke, I can't stop smoking when I'm drinking


                            • silverfire
                              • Jan 2015
                              • 34

                              Well, I've been using 8mg all day at work for the last two days, and that's held me over so far. Still gonna get a can of extra sterk to try


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