So I've been snusing for a couple days now, and I've discovered that I'm going to need a strong snus since I was a heavy smoker (7-12 cigars a day or up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day for the past 4 years.) because I've been chaining General White Mint. Anyway, I know about SnusCentral and BuySnus, but what I'd like to know is are there any other great sites with a broad selection of strong snuses?
Recommended sites to order from
Originally posted by silverfire View PostThey don't have Maryland listed, unfortunately
So buysnus for you....good company BTW. I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that 8 mg snus will be enough for your nicotine needs. Give me a pm amd I will hook you up with some stronger "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Originally posted by whalen View PostI answered in the other can get standard strength snus at many MD locations. You have absolutly no domestic ordering choices.
So buysnus for you....good company BTW. I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that 8 mg snus will be enough for your nicotine needs. Give me a pm amd I will hook you up with some stronger snus.
Aren't General White Mint and Classic Blend 8mg? And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass and just order online
Originally posted by silverfire View PostAren't General White Mint and Classic Blend 8mg? And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass and just order online
Still... your milage may vary. Just my 2p
Originally posted by pouchface View PostBoth of those are 8 mg. However, the thing to be careful of is that you're not just using the same amount of, say, 16 mg as you would with 8 mg. Then you're just paying more to get snus from overseas. If I was you, I would take Whalen's advice and stick with 8 mg snuses so that you can continue to use gas station general--which is far cheaper--supplemented with variety from overseas on occasion.
Still... your milage may vary. Just my 2p
Yeah. I'm thinking a roll of 10 would last me over a month. I dunno. Think I'll order a variety box of different strengths and see how long sterk and extra sterk last, then go from there. A can of White Mint lasts about 2 days, but 10-20 minutes after I spit out a portion that's been in for like an hour, another goes right in. Might just be because I'm still getting used to a lower nicotine level since this is only my second day of snusing
Originally posted by whalen View PostI answered in the other can get standard strength snus at many MD locations. You have absolutly no domestic ordering choices.
So buysnus for you....good company BTW. I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that 8 mg snus will be enough for your nicotine needs. Give me a pm amd I will hook you up with some stronger snus.
Originally posted by codyg140 View Postwell looks like whalen can just hook me up if silverfire doesn't like free snus
Love free, just got the feeling Whalen lives like 2-3 hours away. Not a drive worth taking imo. If he lived in say, Frederick or Taneytown, then it's worth it. But I don't know
Originally posted by joserra View PostI think you only have to get used to a certain amount of nicotine. For example, I have forced myself to use only around 4 portions a day, now that's all my body needs for a day and a can lasting a whole week is pretty cheap
Originally posted by Burnsey View PostI agree, to an extent....I have weened off of starks and feel reasonably comfortable using just 8mg portions most of the time with the occasional strong one for a change........slow changes are possible...
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