Hello, my name is Anders and I'm a man living is Sweden, the land of Snus.
It's great to see that snus is becoming a complement to smoking. If you are a nicotine addict, this is by far the best way to get it in your system.
I'm a newbie to this forum, but I'm not a newbie to snus.
I took my first snus at the age of nine and was a regular snuser by the age of 12. Aside from several short breaks I've been snusing daily for over 40 years. I don't have any health issues, and I don't know anybody who had any health issues from snus. A couple of years back there was a warning label on snus here in Sweden that said that snus causes cancer. But they had to take that away as there where no conclusive evidence for that. Now it only say that snus is addictive, and I can't argue with that.
Now the government in Sweden is trying to taxing the users to quit. The snus is almost as expensive as cigarettes. Because of that there is a growing trend here in Sweden to make your own snus. You don't have to pay any tobacco tax of you buy raw unprepared tobacco prour. From one kg tobacco powder you get 2.5 kg snus (2500 gram, about 55 boxes) and that cost me around 400 SEK. A 40 gram loose snus cost me 38 SEK (January 2015), so I save a lot of money by doing my own snus. It is a lot easier than you think, and there is numerous of flavors that you can choose from. I have been surfing the American sites, but I haven't found anyone that sell powdered tobacco for making snus. But it's not to hard to mill your own from tobacco leaves.
It's great to see that snus is becoming a complement to smoking. If you are a nicotine addict, this is by far the best way to get it in your system.
I'm a newbie to this forum, but I'm not a newbie to snus.
I took my first snus at the age of nine and was a regular snuser by the age of 12. Aside from several short breaks I've been snusing daily for over 40 years. I don't have any health issues, and I don't know anybody who had any health issues from snus. A couple of years back there was a warning label on snus here in Sweden that said that snus causes cancer. But they had to take that away as there where no conclusive evidence for that. Now it only say that snus is addictive, and I can't argue with that.
Now the government in Sweden is trying to taxing the users to quit. The snus is almost as expensive as cigarettes. Because of that there is a growing trend here in Sweden to make your own snus. You don't have to pay any tobacco tax of you buy raw unprepared tobacco prour. From one kg tobacco powder you get 2.5 kg snus (2500 gram, about 55 boxes) and that cost me around 400 SEK. A 40 gram loose snus cost me 38 SEK (January 2015), so I save a lot of money by doing my own snus. It is a lot easier than you think, and there is numerous of flavors that you can choose from. I have been surfing the American sites, but I haven't found anyone that sell powdered tobacco for making snus. But it's not to hard to mill your own from tobacco leaves.