is it ok i take it in and out a lot

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  • wilkuz
    New Member
    • Aug 2015
    • 10

    is it ok i take it in and out a lot

    Hi great forum!

    heres me: UK, 45 years old man, smoked 25 years, vaped 4 years, snused one day so far!

    I put my first ever portion in (8mg, Knox) and loved it. But after 8 minutes was plenty nic, so took it out.
    Then wanted more a bit later, put the same portion back in, same thing, in out in out in out.

    I use the little door on the tin lid to rest it in (Is that what its for?).

    Loving it anyway. Always vaped only tobacco flavours, but snus taste is more real tobacco you know? I've not been tempted to vape since.

    I got into snus as i am not alowed to vape at work unless i stand in the rain. No thanks !

    I also got a 18mg (skruf xtra stark) but dont think I'll be going there as 8mg is so plenty.

  • codyg140
    • Jan 2013
    • 705

    I've done the same thing. Tossed in a snus then for whatever reason had to take it out a couple minutes later then just tossed the same portion back in. Waste not want not.

    and sure you can use the catch lid for it if you want. Most people use it for used portions if they don't have a trash can around but it serves well to just keep a semi used portion in it if you want.


    • wilkuz
      New Member
      • Aug 2015
      • 10

      Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
      I've done the same thing. Tossed in a snus then for whatever reason had to take it out a couple minutes later then just tossed the same portion back in. Waste not want not.

      and sure you can use the catch lid for it if you want. Most people use it for used portions if they don't have a trash can around but it serves well to just keep a semi used portion in it if you want.
      Thanks codyg140, I want to get to a situation where i've identified my favourite then order a couple of rolls of it, but for now I've got 8 different makes on order to try, knox my fav so far.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by wilkuz View Post
        Thanks codyg140, I want to get to a situation where i've identified my favourite then order a couple of rolls of it, but for now I've got 8 different makes on order to try, knox my fav so far.

        I would hold off doing a bulk order of just one brand for a few months......your taste will change (most here have wound up with rolls of a snus we thought was the best ever....only to have it turn on us) In turn, if there is a brand that you don't like at all.......throw it in the freezer and revisit it in a few months.......again your taste will change.

        Try a variety........grab a few extras of the ones you know you like.....but don't over commit.....

        Originally posted by wilkuz View Post
        Hi great forum!

        I put my first ever portion in (8mg, Knox) and loved it. But after 8 minutes was plenty nic, so took it out.
        Then wanted more a bit later, put the same portion back in, same thing, in out in out in out.

        I use the little door on the tin lid to rest it in (Is that what its for?).

        Now as far as the OP.....this is completely normal for most of the world........but it is far too disgusting for a Brit.......just be careful.......if you find yourself wearing jeans more than normal.......listening to country music......wanting to own a fire arm........and having a strange desire to watch Western Movies into the wee hours of the morning.........CALL US AT ONCE.........
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • wilkuz
          New Member
          • Aug 2015
          • 10

          Lol well cheers for that Snusdog, I'll keep my eye on that.

          I've heard about the changing taste thing now you mention it, I'm looking forward to the journey...


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            Knox turned on me, but skruf stayed true, particularly stark and Xtra stark slim white, my go to skruf now. Only one I have loved from day one, is general.


            • psychicferret
              • Jan 2015
              • 418

              Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
              Now as far as the OP.....this is completely normal for most of the world........but it is far too disgusting for a Brit.......just be careful.......if you find yourself wearing jeans more than normal.......listening to country music......wanting to own a fire arm........and having a strange desire to watch Western Movies into the wee hours of the morning.........CALL US AT ONCE.........
              Oh darn damit thats pretty much what has happened to me instead of country its southern gothica and instead of westerns its hammer horrors, not to mention wanting to own guns just incase north america invades britain... or you no dracula.


              • Andy105
                • Nov 2013
                • 1393

                Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                ....Only one I have loved from day one, is general.
                Same here, Skell, as far as General goes. I have other long time favorites that I switch-up from time to time, but I always have some version of General on hand.


                • wilkuz
                  New Member
                  • Aug 2015
                  • 10

                  Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                  Knox turned on me, but skruf stayed true, particularly stark and Xtra stark slim white, my go to skruf now. Only one I have loved from day one, is general.
                  Very interested in general (and ettan) and wondering if theres a reason why swedish match produced snus is hard to get to the UK when other makes come in ok from snusline or wherever.

                  I'm not 20 miles from Bristol where imperial is headquartered and I can buy their dangerous golden virginia at the shop 30 feet from my house but have to get their harmless snus from israel.

                  Anyway, i'm at the stage of wandering from brand to brand looking for 'mine'. when they all arive i'll have a mix of strengths and portion/white in knox, skruf, thunder, odens, LD, kapten, offroad, and smalands.

                  Coming from vaping I like the way the nic keeps coming after i've binned the portion. This is very useful at work. With an e-cig you come down pretty quick when you stop puffing.


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    To me, LD is my second go to, I could use it in place of General without any problem, Kapten too, is an instant winner! I have never really cared for thunder or off-road, they have improved but I just can't take to them. Just get what you can and try everything. You will find your groove, but that's the beauty of snus, there is so much to try.

                    The SM thing, there are a million threads in here about it, short story, they don't want to prejudice the snus ban ever being lifted so won't allow any web shops to sell into the EU.


                    • wilkuz
                      New Member
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 10

                      Well good luck to SM with that tactic, hope it pays off some day, i guessed it may be something along those lines.
                      Thats great news about LD and Kapten, really enjoying the discovery phase...cheers Skell.


                      • Premium Parrots
                        Super Moderators
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 9759

                        ..........I'm still thinking about the title of the thread.

                        I suppose it would depend upon if you are the giver or the receiver....and I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the term "take it".

                        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                        • wilkuz
                          New Member
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 10

                          Yeah, i noticed that after i posted. I forgot the golden rule, always re-read what you type before hitting enter so as not to startle the horses.


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