Hi great forum! 
heres me: UK, 45 years old man, smoked 25 years, vaped 4 years, snused one day so far!
I put my first ever portion in (8mg, Knox) and loved it. But after 8 minutes was plenty nic, so took it out.
Then wanted more a bit later, put the same portion back in, same thing, in out in out in out.
I use the little door on the tin lid to rest it in (Is that what its for?).
Loving it anyway. Always vaped only tobacco flavours, but snus taste is more real tobacco you know? I've not been tempted to vape since.
I got into snus as i am not alowed to vape at work unless i stand in the rain. No thanks !
I also got a 18mg (skruf xtra stark) but dont think I'll be going there as 8mg is so plenty.

heres me: UK, 45 years old man, smoked 25 years, vaped 4 years, snused one day so far!
I put my first ever portion in (8mg, Knox) and loved it. But after 8 minutes was plenty nic, so took it out.
Then wanted more a bit later, put the same portion back in, same thing, in out in out in out.
I use the little door on the tin lid to rest it in (Is that what its for?).
Loving it anyway. Always vaped only tobacco flavours, but snus taste is more real tobacco you know? I've not been tempted to vape since.
I got into snus as i am not alowed to vape at work unless i stand in the rain. No thanks !
I also got a 18mg (skruf xtra stark) but dont think I'll be going there as 8mg is so plenty.