I have been a 2-3 pack a day Marlboro Red smoker for the last 25 years and finally have been able to quit those darn things using snus. I have been using snus for around 10 years now on and off but always kept smoking due to the snus just not quite doing it nicotine wise. That all changed when I discovered Siberia Red,i found it while browsing online and when I saw the roughly 42mg nicotine I had to try it. I popped the first one in and even with being a heavy smoker I was sweating within minutes due to the nicotine,since that first one though 2 months ago I have not smoked one cigarette. Just thought I'd post this for anyone that is a heavy smoker and needs that huge Nicotine hit and hasn't found it from other snus before,i'm a nicotine junkie and if it worked for me I'm sure it can work for others. I go through roughly half a can of Siberia Red per day now so the savings money wise is awesome along with the ability to breath and smell starting to come back slowly. Thanks for reading my first post here,seems like a great board y'all have here.
Snus finally kicked the cigarettes
Welcome and congratulationsGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.