Too much nicotine? 1st time snus

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  • qui123
    New Member
    • May 2016
    • 1

    Too much nicotine? 1st time snus

    yo snus people.

    So my cousin just ordered some odens snus for me. I have never in my life tried snus. Its 22mg nic. I'm scared that its waaaay too much. I was used to nic for like a year ago when I vaped. I have not touched it since. Should I try and sell it when I get it and get some snus with less nic?
  • Andy105
    • Nov 2013
    • 1393

    Hi, qui123. Odens Extreme is a pretty strong hit. You could try it, you might like it. You can always spit it out if it's too much.


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        Yo...yo.....yodiyoyo. why start now?
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • Burnsey
          • Jan 2013
          • 2572

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          Yo...yo.....yodiyoyo. why start now?
          Agree, why grow an addiction?

          But, welcome qui123........ to answer the original question.....I use quite a bit of strong snus in the 15-16 mg or so range, and the 22 mg stuff is too much for me.....the Odens will probably just be a waste and make you feel crappy.....


          • OregonNative
            • Aug 2009
            • 647

            If you're body isn't currently used to nicotine that 22mg snus will give you a hell of a rush. I only use ES portions (16mg), and they still give me a bit of a nicotine buzz first thing in the morning after 5+ years of using snus. You're more than welcome to give it a try, but it'll give you a buzz.

            Also, its none of my business, but like others have said, if you don't currently have an addiction you shouldn't start. If you want to use snus either way that's your choice. Also, welcome to the forums.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Agree 100%.......if you are not addicted, don't do things that will get you addicted.

              Now if you were trying to kick a cigarette habit and were already addicted......snus is the way to go.

              Regardless of what you decide....welcome to the forum
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • ravekidd69
                • Aug 2015
                • 79

                Too much nicotine? 1st time snus

                I don't agree personally your a grown ass man, it's your choice if you chose to use snus or not, at least with snus it's less harmful. If you was to start any tobacco product id at least recommend snus, good for you for choosing the healthier option!

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                • psychicferret
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 418

                  Depends on how much you smoked or dipped, if you dont do either then dont start.

                  If its more then 4 cigs an hour go then extra strong or extreame may be neccecery to get over cravings, i quite smoking with extra starks but i was having a rolly every 10-20 mins. Chains, smoking when stressed and i think extrastrong was neccecery, i still want to smoke when i use regulars sometimes too.

                  You could try one if you get jittery anxious or nauseous remove it, gpthen get some tarks(strong) or regulars.

                  Btw i is not a doctor but if i was then i would probably be speking crap that all tobacco is evil and what not, but as im obviously not one... but they could always be right of cause


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