WOW salty.

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  • Ban Pluak
    • Mar 2017
    • 15

    WOW salty.

    I have been lurking here a bit and recently joined as I am switching from vaping to Snus.

    I have read all over that Snus are salty and that the taste is less noticeable as time goes on. GOD I HOPE SO. LOL

    Had my first Snus today and between the tobacco taste, not been near tobacco for nearly 4 years, and the salt it sure was a shock to the system. Basically that is all I can taste at the moment. Really looking forward to my mouth getting used to it and it becoming a bit more palatable.

    Having said that the nicotine delivery is bloody nice. Smooth and constant. I am really enjoying that and it will definitely keep me persevering with Snus.
  • Burnsey
    • Jan 2013
    • 2572

    I don't notice the salt any more. I do remember it seemed salty when it was a new thing to me.

    What flavor are using?


    • Ban Pluak
      • Mar 2017
      • 15

      I only have Sian Snus, manufactured here in Thailand. SnusCENTRAL reported it to be good quality snus. I bought Whisky, Bergamot, Rape and chilli.


      • General1866
        • Nov 2016
        • 26

        Originally posted by Ban Pluak View Post
        I have been lurking here a bit and recently joined as I am switching from vaping to Snus.

        I have read all over that Snus are salty and that the taste is less noticeable as time goes on. GOD I HOPE SO. LOL

        Had my first Snus today and between the tobacco taste, not been near tobacco for nearly 4 years, and the salt it sure was a shock to the system. Basically that is all I can taste at the moment. Really looking forward to my mouth getting used to it and it becoming a bit more palatable.

        Having said that the nicotine delivery is bloody nice. Smooth and constant. I am really enjoying that and it will definitely keep me persevering with Snus.
        I can't speak to that brand, but I can say in the beginning most feel the same way or talk about snus being salty. In time, you won't notice it as much.


        • Ban Pluak
          • Mar 2017
          • 15

          After just my second day of snusing I am already getting used to the saltiness. Also more used to the tobacco taste in my mouth as well. Becoming much more enjoyable.


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            Wow. I completely forgot about the saltiness when first starting. It's been so long since I started. They are right though, it will go away, and you won't notice the salt.


            • General1866
              • Nov 2016
              • 26

              Originally posted by Veganpunk View Post
              Wow. I completely forgot about the saltiness when first starting. It's been so long since I started. They are right though, it will go away, and you won't notice the salt.
              You notice it so much at first! But after a few weeks you don't even notice it.


              • Mattkenry55
                • Mar 2017
                • 18

                This can be happen for the new users. But with the passage of time everything is okey. And users don't feel saltiness at all.


                • N1THC
                  • Jun 2017
                  • 139

                  I am about three weeks into my Snus adventure and I'm slowly starting to not notice the salt. The first time using general I felt like I had a salt packet in my mouth haha.
                  N1THC / WQYV607 - Ham / GMRS Operator


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    Originally posted by N1THC View Post
                    I am about three weeks into my Snus adventure and I'm slowly starting to not notice the salt. The first time using general I felt like I had a salt packet in my mouth haha.

                    Yep that sounds about right.......I think for most there is about a one or two week salt curve. After that the flavors and nuances begin to open up for you
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by N1THC View Post
                      I am about three weeks into my Snus adventure and I'm slowly starting to not notice the salt. The first time using general I felt like I had a salt packet in my mouth haha.
                      The only time I ever notice it now is if the snus contains salmiak.


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