Hmmm...... after Odens extreme?

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  • rschmaus
    • Apr 2017
    • 29

    Hmmm...... after Odens extreme?

    First let me apologize for any punctuation issues or grammatical errors. I'm not one to care over much for correctness in my writing or typing as the case maybe! As long as it's semi readable who cares! Lol

    So I have just about adjusted to odens extreme portions! Not getting dizzy anymore and I'm not even half way through the first can! This bodes not so good for me as I love my nic hits! So what is the next logical step up in terms of strength for snus? Is it straight up to Siberia -80 or is there a step up between the 2? Or possibly multiple steps between the 2?

    I suppose I should start with what I'm looking for in my rotation start high in the morning then a slow slide down ending in say catch 22 licorice or general portion of say 8 mg/g nic. Like I said I like my nic hits but it gets damn hard to fall asleep when one is absolutely flying on nicotine. Which is where the long slow slide down comes in.

    Oddly enough I haven't settled on any favorites yet to set up for a rotation. Way too many things to try first. Right now I have a nice jakobsson's wintergreen stark in and barely feel the nic hit. Quite tasty though!

    I still have a long list of snus to try out. Right now am averaging 8 to 12 portions a day depending on if I start out with an odens extreme first thing. Seems that one portion an hour works out well if I start out that way, otherwise I tend to use more if I don't.

    I will say that i am thoroughly enjoying snus on the whole and unlike what others have reported I don't really taste the salt, maybe it's because I love salt on pretty much everything food wise. It takes a lot of salt for it to become noticeable to me and I'm just not noticing the salt as much as others have. Instead the tobacco flavors come out very prominately for me. I have noticed out of the los that I have tried 2 stand out very well to me as ones that I will definitely continue to use. Ettan and roda lackett they have the most defined tobacco flavors at least to my tastes.

    The others are varying degrees of bland with thunder original los as being something altogether not to my tastes period and I don't think anything will change there as it taste way to much like red seal dip to me and I will never go back to something that tastes like that crap again. Used red seal for 2 years because it was what I could afford do to bills catching up with me. Got to where I simply couldn't stomache the taste anymore! Was so glad when the bills finally got paid off and I could go back to my much beloved Copenhagen!

    Still have some versions of thunder to try but I'm thinking thunder of any kind will not be on the list of things to add to my rotation as the 2 I have tried were like yuck even at the end of the cans. Still have 4 cans left that came in the mixed lós and mixed portions I received will finish them! Who knows maybe one of them will magically change my mind! Lol not likely but we all know anything is possible and tastes routinely change for unknown reasons!

    Anyway if you all have any thoughts on how to proceed with the step up to Siberia-80 I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    I've told people for years not to chase a "buzz". The reason for that is that snus delivers nicotine completely differently than cigarettes. Please reference the below chart:

    With snus, nicotine delivers steadily into your blood over a period of time. With cigarettes, you get a spike and then a crash. So you're constantly chasing a "buzz". It's a smoking related thing. I always advise people not to use these high nicotine products all the time because it desensitizes you to nicotine.

    Me personally, I use regular strength (8mg/g) full time. After meals I use a strong, so that when I want a little extra, I can use a little extra and be satisfied. I suggest to try to not chase a buzz, but to find a level of satisfaction that works for you. If you're constantly using insanely strong snus, that level of satisfaction will raise and raise, until you can't be satisfied with anything but these insanely strong strengths.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      words to live by.............literally.

      good explanation mate
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • rschmaus
        • Apr 2017
        • 29

        Thank you chad!

        That is probably the best explanation I've seen of different nicotine delivery methods and the levels of nicotine in the blood. Having said that I have to be honest I am a guy that has always taken my different addictions to one extreme or the other.

        I have always tested the boundaries of what is possible to see where my comfort level is. Usually it takes me several months to settle on where I want to be and that has never ended up being at one extreme or the other.

        I usually end up somewhere in the middle and happily maintain that level for how ever long I decide to indulge in that addiction. Except when it comes to alcohol ugg just can't touch the stuff with out trouble pursuing me where ever I go. With nicotine I've always be able to take it or leave it.

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        • rschmaus
          • Apr 2017
          • 29

          I do want to thank you Chadizzy1 for your input! As it got me to thinking about what I had said in my original post. After doing some serious thinking on things I have come to the conclusion that I really am happy with where I am when it comes to nic levels. I really don't need to move up just to push the boundaries as it were.

          After all there is a plethora of different snuses to try that don't exceed the 22 that odens extreme has. I find that I don't always want to go that high as well. More often than not I just want something with a little more flavor than just tobacco.

          While mint is nice I find I don't always like too much. Also bergamot is nice but after a time it gets boring. I like licorice such as catch 22 licorice. But clove such as clove explosion is not so good a flavor to my tastes. I find wintergreen to be really good. But at the same time I want to explore other flavors as well.

          I am starting to get a general sense of where my tastes lay but want to try a lot more before I settle on a rotation.

          Again thank you!

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          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            After 9 years of snus, I maintain on 8 Mg portions and a 12 Mg portion can give me problems.
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              Originally posted by whalen View Post
              After 9 years of snus, I maintain on 8 Mg portions and a 12 Mg portion can give me problems.
              the same here....but I can get along on 6mg
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • rschmaus
                • Apr 2017
                • 29

                I find that I'm not really having many problems. At first odens extreme did make me feel a little weird but now it's just another portion. That is to say just another portion "if" I only take it once in a day! Any more than once and yes there is a problem!

                How ever if I take one then move to lesser portions or lós prillas then I am quite content with where my nic levels are and don't have any issues. I actually tend to use less if I do it that way.

                One odens extreme portion lasts about 2 hours for me. The other ones run anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. Usually it's the flavor that runs out for me while the nic tends to taper off to a slightly lesser degree.

                I am not unhappy with what I am experiencing. Just sometimes I want more even when my body says nope you don't need it. Lol not kidding here. Only time I tried to do odens back to back was a dizzying experience that I will not repeat.

                But still there is the thought of hmmm I wonder what the stronger stuff is like? But then memory kicks in and nope not going to go there!

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


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