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  • Darwin
    • Mar 2010
    • 1372

    This settling in process may take a considerable period of time. There is a very wide range of flavor profiles, many of which may quite offputting at first, but each should be given its chance initially and if found lacking then tried again several weeks or even months later. You will be surprised at how much your tastes will evolve in the first 6-12 months of snus use. Endeavor to persevere. You will not regret it.


    • Debaroo
      • Mar 2011
      • 67

      Thank you Wrath and Darwin. The Jakobssons Ice Fruit sounds like something I would really enjoy as do the others you mentioned. I enjoy different flavors and think this is going to be a fun and enjoyable experience.


      • Wrath
        • Jan 2011
        • 143

        Trying something new never gets old. I always try to throw in a few cans of something new when I place an order. It was like christmas for me when I opened my first box from northerner. I didn't know what to try first.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Keep in mind real snus will taste salty at first, and for the most part not sweet at all(with a couple exceptions). Don't disregard anything due to preconceived notions. You may find you like plainer tasting snus. Those are my favorites, but when I started I didn't think I'd like them at all. That being the case, I suggest Grov. It's smoky, with notes of chocolate. Not candy chocolate, it just hints at it, but it's very tasty. Anyway, enjoy your stay, and try everything you can. There may be some surprises out there for you :^)


          • jagmanss
            • Jul 2010
            • 12213

            Welome to SnusOn Debaroo....


            • Finnish Dude in Sweden
              New Member
              • Mar 2011
              • 3

              Hello, I never knew there was an forum for snus only before a couple of days ago when I googled it, haha But hey, here I am..

              Well, I'm a month from being at the age (18) where I am allowed to buy tobacco from all stores by myself. And I'm actually thinking of become a part of your so called "hobby", I have always being interested in all sorts of tobacco but I've since long time ago promised not become a smoker of any kind because of the high health risks if you compare to snus for example.
              And I'm not actually addicted to anything but caffeine yet, probably the only one here I guess.. I'm still thinking much about it if it's worth it or not, but I always get that feeling that how nice it would be to wake up and take a snus and have it like a habit. I seriously don't have anything to do except the gym during the days when I'm home from school, and I think it would be great to try different sorts of snus to find my favourite one as a hobby. At the same time, it's not so healthy to be honest but you know how it is when it comes to that part.. There is a funny thing too about the snus, since I was around 10 years old or younger I have thought Ettan has the best looking can. Kinda weird..

              The problem here is the price tho.. It's pretty goddamn expensive if you compare ten years ago.

              (And by the way I can't find the rules for the forum, so I actually can't see if there's and an "under 18 not allowed" rule)


              • beja
                • Jun 2009
                • 164

                Originally posted by Debaroo
                I have just learned of snus this past week and as a mint lover went with Camel Frost from my local smoke shop. After reading quite a bit here I see that I have much better choices although it seems no one in my town carries any of the real Swedish snus and am not sure I want to drive an hour to get it. I am not a heavy smoker, but want to quit. I still want to enjoy my nicotine and flavor and that's why I think snus will be my new best friend As a woman I don't know anyone who snus's, but have no problem being different If you could recommend some flavors & brands that aren't as strong and heavy I would really appreciate it. Thanks for all of your help.
                Welcome Debaroo! When starting out, you'll probably really enjoy the white mini portions. They're pretty discreet, and you can use without anyone being the wiser. I too am a mint lover, and would recommend General Dry White Mini Mint. It's very sweet and a good starter snus. As your taste buds adapt, you'll find it overwhelmingly sweet. Also, the Fellini White Mini Mint is very good. It has a subtle chocolate mint flavor, but allows the tobacco taste to break through. Fellini makes a eucalyptus portion too that is decent. I'd recommed picking up a few tins of anything that strikes your fancy from an online shop and figuring out what you like. Keep in mind when ordering that your taste in snus will change a lot in the first few months, and you don't want to find yourself with a freezer full of something that you no longer care for. Of course, if that happens, I'm sure some of the kind people here at SnusOn would be happy to take it off of your hands.


                • Debaroo
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 67

                  Thanks Beja! Those sound like a good way to go. Where do you and others order from most?


                  • Wrath
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 143

                    Being in PA, I usually order from since they have a warehouse a few hours away. It's usually here in a day or two. Although I've never ordered from them myself, I see a lot of people mentioning Now that I think about it, I should order from them since Northerner doesn't sell Skruf to the US. I've been dying to get my hands on some of that.


                    • Rattlesnake
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 891

                      Just a few: I would tell you of others but then I would have to come to Mn. with my army and you probably would not appreciate the invasion.

                      You could also type a search in your browser and find many more sources if these won't suffice.


                      • beja
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 164

                        Originally posted by Debaroo View Post
                        Thanks Beja! Those sound like a good way to go. Where do you and others order from most?
                        I've only ever ordered from Northerner and Buysnus. Both have given me excellent service. Northerner has a warehouse in Pennsylvania, which really cuts down on shippping time. If I order early enough in the day, I have my order the next afternoon. Since you're a little further away, it would probably only take 2-3 days. Just make sure that what you order is listed in stock. Also, since they're now forced to ship via UPS, it makes sense to place a relatively large order to save on shipping.


                        • Debaroo
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 67

                          Thanks again for everyone's help. This is such a helpful and friendly group of Snuser's! I think I've found my new BFF's


                          • Debaroo
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 67

                            Just placed my first order with Northerner! Got 20 cans of General trial packs + 2 Jakobssons Mint Strong. I'm so excited I can't stand it! Is it here yet????!!!!!


                            • Snus Boost
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 640

                              Originally posted by Debaroo View Post
                              Just placed my first order with Northerner! Got 20 cans of General trial packs + 2 Jakobssons Mint Strong. I'm so excited I can't stand it! Is it here yet????!!!!!
                              The Jakobssons Mint is one of the best tasting I have had. So much so that I only use it once a day or every couple days so I don't get burnt out on it. I got trial packs in my first order to. If you find you don't like the originals give them a week or 2 and try again. You will be surprised that what you hate today you may love tomorrow. Now you get to play the paste the tracking number game to see where your snus is!


                              • Debaroo
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 67

                                I can't believe it's already been shipped and I have started playing the paste the tracking number game Can't wait to try the Jakobssons Mint!


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