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  • Rebelduckhunter4x4
    New Member
    • May 2012
    • 2

    New to snus

    Hey everyone my names jack i have been using all kinds of tobacco such as cigarettes cigars chew dip tobacco bites almost everythig there is i came across camel snus about 2 years ago and it was ok but didnt really give me the nicotine i needed so i contiued smoking and dipping then i found general snus last week at a local gas station and i loved it but its the same price as camel with only 10 portions so i have been buying camel and general the general gives a little more nicotine but i want to try thunder frosted but they only have extra strong and im not sure if that would be too strong or not im highly addicted to nicotine i used to smoke 2 packs a day and dip 2 cans a week general nordic mint is 8 mgs and thunder is 16mg would this be too big of a step or should i try to find a strong instead of extra strong or just go with the thunder i dont want to buy a whole bunch and it be way to strong i use about 6-8 portions of general a day and if i use camel its about 10 i leave em in for almost 2 hours at a time Just trying to cut it down a little and find something to satisfy my craving without using so much what are some good brands in the mint or frosted variety that could possibly help


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by Rebelduckhunter4x4
      Hey everyone my names jack i have been using all kinds of tobacco such as cigarettes cigars chew dip tobacco bites almost everythig there is i came across camel snus about 2 years ago and it was ok but didnt really give me the nicotine i needed so i contiued smoking and dipping then i found general snus last week at a local gas station and i loved it but its the same price as camel with only 10 portions so i have been buying camel and general the general gives a little more nicotine but i want to try thunder frosted but they only have extra strong and im not sure if that would be too strong or not im highly addicted to nicotine i used to smoke 2 packs a day and dip 2 cans a week general nordic mint is 8 mgs and thunder is 16mg would this be too big of a step or should i try to find a strong instead of extra strong or just go with the thunder i dont want to buy a whole bunch and it be way to strong i use about 6-8 portions of general a day and if i use camel its about 10 i leave em in for almost 2 hours at a time Just trying to cut it down a little and find something to satisfy my craving without using so much what are some good brands in the mint or frosted variety that could possibly help
      Welcome to SnusOn!

      The only way to tell if something is too strong is to try it. I'm fairly against strong snus, and use very little of it. One brand I like is Jakobsson's Strong Mint. You should also try a variety, including plain flavors. Snus isn't like dip, and you may find you like plain snus better than Copenhagen, or whatever you're used to from American products.


      • Reynard
        • Feb 2009
        • 804

        Not really a newbie but thought I'd post here as I am rejoining the Snuson fold. :-) Been a while!


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Welcome back Vulpes!

          Are you using tobacco again, or just back to SnusOn?


          • Reynard
            • Feb 2009
            • 804

            Hi Lx :-)

            Yeah I'm back on snus. My absence consisted of smoking punctuated by periods on NRT. Good to be back. Hope you are well?

            Enjoying some R&J right now.


            • Rebelduckhunter4x4
              New Member
              • May 2012
              • 2

              @ Lxskllr thank you for the welcome...ive tried 4 cans of the general original the flavor just doesnt sit right with me thats why i went to the nordic mint and i usually use 2 portions at a time of it but it doesnt seem to be doing anything other than flavor and when i take it out 2 hours later i still have a bad craving and im not going back to dip or smoking ever again so there out of the picture smoking is too expensive at almost $9.00 a pack and dip tore my gums up so bad i had to go 2 weeks without any just to let them heal thats when i started using snus im just trying to get an idea of what to try and what to stay away from im open to trying all flavors and strenths but im more of a wintergreen or mint kind of guy i just didnt want to order a bunch of cans because nobody else i know uses snus they all dip or smoke they find snus pointless i tried to convince them that general is nothing like camel but they dont seem interested wich is fine i dont mind being the only one in the group to use it if any one has any suggestions on brands and flavors feel free to comment


              • sofalemon
                • Jun 2012
                • 15

                Hi everone - I've been snussing for a couple of weeks now and have been on this site quite often looking for advice and tips. It's been a great help and I haven't had a cig since my first order arrived. Cheers everyone!

                Just wondering if ship to the uk - as GBP is not mentioned as a currency.



                • Jean
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 28

                  Hello there. I'm from Paris, I dropped cigs 2 years ago for you know what. Overall, that was a good move for obvious reasons.
                  Only problem: the procurement. I now have to plan months in advance and stock stuff in the freezer.
                  In other words, if you replace cigs with snus, you will live better and longer, but you'll have to organize your life like a junkie.
                  Anyway, here I am.


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    Originally posted by Jean
                    Hello there. I'm from Paris, I dropped cigs 2 years ago for you know what. Overall, that was a good move for obvious reasons.
                    Only problem: the procurement. I now have to plan months in advance and stock stuff in the freezer.
                    In other words, if you replace cigs with snus, you will live better and longer, but you'll have to organize your life like a junkie.
                    Anyway, here I am.
                    Nice to meet you Jean Viva la France


                    • bill77.017
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 2279

                      Hi sofalemon. Welcome to the forum I'm not 100% sure whether the Snuson shop delivers to the uk, but one of the other members will let you know.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Hi and welcome,

                        I love the stocking up part, going internet shopping and eventually getting the goodies. I only stock 20 tins at a time - I guess, like London, space is at a premium. When I'm down to 10 tins I order.
                        Try getting some snuff too. Do they do that in tabacs in France?



                        • bill77.017
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 2279

                          Welcome to Snuson Jean


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            I can highly recommend They're very quick and they are the cheapest online.


                            • sofalemon
                              • Jun 2012
                              • 15

                              Originally posted by Extreme
                              I can highly recommend They're very quick and they are the cheapest online.
                              Hi there, and thanks for the welcome. I just had a look and unfortunately they don't seem to do mini portions. Being a girl, that's really a must i'm afraid. Their prices do look great though. Pity.


                              • Jean
                                • Nov 2011
                                • 28


                                Originally posted by Extreme
                                Hi and welcome,

                                I love the stocking up part, going internet shopping and eventually getting the goodies. I only stock 20 tins at a time - I guess, like London, space is at a premium. When I'm down to 10 tins I order.
                                Try getting some snuff too. Do they do that in tabacs in France?

                                I stocked for about a year and a half last year when shopping became difficult. The crisis caught me with about a roll and a half, that was not funny!
                                Stoking is not so bad indeed, compared to having to go and buy fags everyday. It doesn't take much space. Snus would be the perfect solution if it wasn't prohibited.
                                I suppose that's nothing compared to planning trips to Sweden just to get some.
                                As for snuff, I've never tried that. I suppose you can find some, I don't think it's banned, but I don't know.


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