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  • JJDynomite
    New Member
    • Jul 2013
    • 11

    Originally posted by JJDynomite
    I have been to Ann's a few times, I will check it out today after work, thanks for the tip! I have ordered pipe tobaccos a few times with no issues from the States, but I thought that was because I kept it under the 200g limit. I guess its a roll of the dice then. I will keep an eye on the threads you mentioned too, very nice to get such quick help! Good people here on this forum
    Just came back from Ann's shop and the do indeed carry General brand Snus. I bought a can of the Original Portion for about 11.50 I think, and had my first taste of it on the drive home. Curbed my urge for a cigarette for sure! The taste.. might take some getting used to, it wasn't what I expected but to be fair I didn't really know what to expect. Salty is the first word that came to mind, after the first few minutes I had a drink with it and the taste wasn't an issue. They carried three other types, the Titanium you mentioned, and two mini portion tins, one called smooth taste or sweet taste, might have to try that next. Anyways, it's good to know that it is available around here for sure, time to get started on the road to quitting!


    • pouchface
      • Jul 2013
      • 150

      So I've been snusing for about 6 months now, but I've only been using general because that's all that is easily available here in Virginia (about $3 per can if you can find it at a gas station). I was wondering, are there any other snus brand that I owe it to myself to try? I love the General portions. Also, are there any brands besides general that can be found at gas staions?


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        Originally posted by pouchface
        So I've been snusing for about 6 months now, but I've only been using general because that's all that is easily available here in Virginia (about $3 per can if you can find it at a gas station). I was wondering, are there any other snus brand that I owe it to myself to try? I love the General portions. Also, are there any brands besides general that can be found at gas staions?
        Welcome. There are tons of Swedish Snus flavors......look here: or and
        New flavors keep coming and old ones die away.


        • pouchface
          • Jul 2013
          • 150

          Thanks Burnsey.
          Are there any retailers that have warehouses in the US so I could avoid issues with customs? I'm a fairly light user, so I don't want to pay a huge customs fee on 2 or 3 rolls. I know Northerner has a US warehouse, but I heard that they can be problematic to say the least.


          • Paco
            • Dec 2012
            • 396

            Originally posted by pouchface
            So I've been snusing for about 6 months now, but I've only been using general because that's all that is easily available here in Virginia (about $3 per can if you can find it at a gas station). I was wondering, are there any other snus brand that I owe it to myself to try? I love the General portions. Also, are there any brands besides general that can be found at gas staions?
            It all really depends on preferences but I would at least try one type of Thunder, Odens, and Jakobbsen. I highly recommend Thunder Frosted, Odens Cold, and Jaks Wintergreen but I'm a mint guy. Thunder berry aint bad but I hated Cool Orange. The ony Odens I don't like is 59 (cinnamon even though I like cinnamon). You're also probably going to want to try Ettan at some point.

            Also I highly doubt you'll have any customs problems. I live in CT and have ordered from BuySnus, SnusCentral, and Northerner customs free. Seems to be a bigger problem in Canada.

            Edit: I would avoid Northerner and they don't have a US warehouse anymore anyway.


            • OttR
              • Aug 2009
              • 81

              Originally posted by pouchface
              So I've been snusing for about 6 months now, but I've only been using general because that's all that is easily available here in Virginia (about $3 per can if you can find it at a gas station). I was wondering, are there any other snus brand that I owe it to myself to try? I love the General portions. Also, are there any brands besides general that can be found at gas staions?
              If you like the General, then you should try the other "traditional" varieties of snus: Ettan, Grovsnus, Skruf Original, Tre Ankare, Granit, and there's probably a couple I'm forgetting. It seems like everyone likes at least one of those.

              Watch out for "flavored" snus! Basic mint is pretty hard to go wrong with, and since you use wintergreen dip, you might like the Jakobsson's Wintergreen, but the other flavors can be pretty great or really strange or just plain awful.

              You can probably find some of the Jakobsson's and some Thunder I think (and maybe Oden's?) at tobacco stores, but General is the only Swedish brand in convenience stores at the moment, I believe.


              • pouchface
                • Jul 2013
                • 150

                Thanks guys. I appreciate it muchly.
                .... Now I guess it's time to go on a little snus hunt....


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by pouchface
                  Thanks guys. I appreciate it muchly.
                  .... Now I guess it's time to go on a little snus hunt....
                  Good to see ya up and running mate!

                  Let us know what you order and how you like it

                  Oh.....and welcome to the forum!
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • pouchface
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 150

                    Ok, so I compiled a laundry list for when I place my order. That'll probably be around the holidays so I can treat myself to something other than general.
                    Anyway, from Snuscentral:
                    US Portion Starter kit, General ES los, grovsnus los, phantom brown los, odens extreme los (hehehe), probe los, roda lacket los, Brandy Alexander portions, Skruf OP, Olde Ving Melon, Jakobssons Classic portion, and Nick & Johnny White Heat.
                    Please tell me if you guys see any total duds in there, or if there's something you see missing.
                    I'm super excited about the skruf, the roda lacket, and the olde ving melon. I'm also hoping the brandy alexander and the probe live up to my expectations.


                    • marcusb416
                      New Member
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 3

                      Hey people, hope this is the right place for this.

                      I became a snuser two months ago on a trip to Stockholm. I was an occasional smoker before and as it stands I haven't had a cig since I've been back so thats kinda cool.

                      I love it. Maybe too much.

                      Anyway, a fellow redditor over at /r/snus to come check out this site as I was looking for peoples experiences (and duties paid) with having snus shipped to Canada from certain sites.

                      Looking forward to chatting snus with you guys and hopefully find a more cost effective way to get it too




                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Welcome to SnusOn! Canada is pretty iffy with regards to tobacco. There's no sure thing, and duty fees seem to be arbitrary, changing every time. Reading from the outside, none seem better than any other, and lady luck is more of a factor.


                        • Snusdog
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 6752

                          Welcome to the forum Marcus.....glad you found us. The best advice I know is to simply explore the shops and deals that come up from time to time as well as the many options for purchasing that are afforded us by the current laws

                          That said.......let ol Dog get his soap box out and remind everyone..........While we all are looking for great deals.......we are also looking for law abiding deals.

                          It is vital for our cause (i.e. to see snus and harm reduction gain ground) that we not present it as something shady or less than legitimate. If we start acting like players in a black market........snus will be perceived as such and be easier to dismiss. Instead, we want to insist that lawmakers deal with snus as a legal (and beneficial product) used by responsible citizens.

                          End rant

                          Sorry I'm better now.....carry on

                          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                          • marcusb416
                            New Member
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 3

                            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                            Welcome to SnusOn! Canada is pretty iffy with regards to tobacco. There's no sure thing, and duty fees seem to be arbitrary, changing every time. Reading from the outside, none seem better than any other, and lady luck is more of a factor.
                            Thanks! Yeah we've definitely got it twisted up here.

                            Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                            Welcome to the forum Marcus.....glad you found us. The best advice I know is to simply explore the shops and deals that come up from time to time as well as the many options for purchasing that are afforded us by the current laws

                            That said.......let ol Dog get his soap box out and remind everyone..........While we all are looking for great deals.......we are also looking for law abiding deals.

                            It is vital for our cause (i.e. to see snus and harm reduction gain ground) that we not present it as something shady or less than legitimate. If we start acting like players in a black market........snus will be perceived as such and be easier to dismiss. Instead, we want to insist that lawmakers deal with snus as a legal (and beneficial product) used by responsible citizens.

                            End rant

                            Sorry I'm better now.....carry on

                            Thanks. Mainly just looking to share experiences to make these law abiding choices/purchases. Definitely appreciate the cause


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Good man....and as long as sanity is not a personal requirement of should fit in just fine here

                              cause we is all nuz

                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                              • crullers
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 663

                                Welcome, Marcus. We sure don't have it very easy up here as far as snus (or any smokeless) goes but there are a few of us fellow Canadians on the forum. There is no better place for snus info on the net, enjoy your stay.


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