Hello guys! Nice to finally get some quality information about snus, this place is amazing.
Anyways, my story is that I'm in Medical School studying abroad from the United States in Antigua, and while studying I like to have something like dip in my mouth, so I developed a nasty habit of dipping. Keep in mind I loved the nicotine rush so I would put 6 pouches of Grizzly Wintergreen in my mouth (3 upper lip, 3 lower lip) and eventually got used to it. I couldn't find any dip on the island until I went to the airport and got what the locals here called "dip" in snus. This is my first snus doing properly (Klondike, fine cut, loose portions), and the taste is absolutely incredibly different. It's so much better than a normal straight American dip. I upperlipped it while forming a pris, luckily with the experience I had from long cut, I think I did it properly as it's been in my lip and hasn't moved around or given me mud mouth, I placed an order from buysnus, and I really hope customs clears it (Oden's 59 Cinnamon, Oden's Extreme Cold, and Oden's Pure Wintergreen and a free sample they're throwing in), I wish I would have read this thread before I placed the order, but I read up on how much safer it is for you, and I guess going into the medical field, that stood out to me. Anyways, I'll keep you updated on when they arrive and what I think from switching over, but honestly after this first snus and not needing a spitter, I probably will never look back. It just tastes and feels so much better.
Hi not a newb to snus but I AM new to this wonderful forum! Can't believe I didn't find it sooner! Look forward to camaraderie with all of you! Thank you!
Hi not a newb to snus but I AM new to this wonderful forum! Can't believe I didn't find it sooner! Look forward to camaraderie with all of you! Thank you!
Welcome aboard mate.......make yourself at home and enjoy.
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Hi everyone, SnusNation here! Just discovered this fantastic community of fellow snusers and I'm very excited to be a part of it!!! Obtaining snus here in Australia is an expensive and painstaking mission but IMO totally worth the hassle! Looking forward to some great discussion and a weath of information
Btw, I'm enjoying an ice-cold portion of Siberia -80c Blue as I'm typing this lol
Hi everyone, SnusNation here! Just discovered this fantastic community of fellow snusers and I'm very excited to be a part of it!!! Obtaining snus here in Australia is an expensive and painstaking mission but IMO totally worth the hassle! Looking forward to some great discussion and a weath of information
Btw, I'm enjoying an ice-cold portion of Siberia -80c Blue as I'm typing this lol
Welcome aboard, SnusNation. Australia's a long way from Sweden so, I'm sure distance (and crazy taxes) are bound to make it an expensive commodity.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
(Reuters) - Witnessing friends' vacations, love lives and work successes on Facebook can cause envy and trigger feelings of misery and loneliness, according...