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  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038

    Originally posted by Derg
    Also, as I'm trying lots of brands out, I seem to be opening a fair few packs. Is there a general rule of thumb as to how many I should have open at once? How long do they last once open?
    First of all, a big welcome to all the newbies who have posted in this thread recently.

    Derg, I wouldn't worry too much about having too many cans open, as long as you're storing them in the fridge. Sampling lots of different brands is part of the fun of being a newbie. I've only got about a month of snusing under my belt at present, and I probably have 15 or more cans open. For long-term storage, put them in the freezer. Some snusers vacuum-pack their freezer stashes, but that's optional, IMO.


    • pris
      • Mar 2025


      If you have sensitive gums like me you should find the Skrufs slighlty less harsh of your gums than the whites as they're kind of 'in betweeners'. The browns should be even less irritating although they do drip more and the nic is more intense (absorbed more quickly)

      Yeah, portions drip a bit more the further back they go in your mouth. Do you change where you place you portion? I switch between top left, top middle and top right, that cuts down on the gum irritation for me.

      I usually keep about 2 rolls in the fridge and the rest in the freezer and defrost them in the fridge the night before I want them. I then transfer the portions I want for the day to a spare tin to carry around with me.

      Hope that helps.


      • Derg
        • May 2010
        • 58

        Yeah, today (day two of snus) has been a bit easier. My gums are still hurting, but I have been swapping the portion around a lot. I'm pretty amazed how easy it is to just go cold turkey on the cigs. I haven't really noticed the nicotine pangs, but also I haven't really noticed much of a rush (like you get from the first cig of the day). Still I guess that is all good. I put in an order for a few more types of snus, mostly the plain tobacco flavour ones as well as a can of los as I do miss the ritual of rolling my own cigarettes. I'm pretty sure that will get messy though.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Originally posted by Derg View Post
          Yeah, today (day two of snus) has been a bit easier. My gums are still hurting, but I have been swapping the portion around a lot.
          It takes a week till you no longer feel the gum pain (because your gums are gone ... just kidding, of course). Snus with it's high content of table salt and soda is somehow like a foreign food speciality that needs to get used too. I also think that white portions are pretty harsh on the gums (for newbies at least).

          Originally posted by Derg View Post
          I haven't really noticed much of a rush (like you get from the first cig of the day). Still I guess that is all good.
          Yeah, that's a thing of the past, when you switch to snus. I was in a situation to no longer get a rush from cigarettes, I guess because my lungs were totally tarred, so I liked the nicotine delivery from snus better from the beginning, you know, this special kind of intoxication that slowly but steadily builds up and sometimes even gets pretty hefty after half an hour of use, depending on the brand.
          You should be happy that you have found snus in an earlier stage of wrecking yourself with smoking, than me and many others here, but yeah switching could be a little more difficult for people who still get a kick from cigarettes.

          Originally posted by Derg View Post
          I put in an order for a few more types of snus, mostly the plain tobacco flavour ones as well as a can of los as I do miss the ritual of rolling my own cigarettes. I'm pretty sure that will get messy though.
          Two or three prises will probably go wrong. After that you'll know what works for you. Be sure to try different methods. Don't rely on some "expert-tips" you have read. I, personally wouldn't want to miss my daily prises of lös, though I use more portions overall.

          And not to forget, welcome to the forum, Derg!



          • Curtisp
            • Jun 2010
            • 189

            Greetings all, 30 year pack and half smoker here. Just placed first order with Northerner (usa), and really appreciate the info and expertise, i have found in this community. Look forward to racking the brains of snuser experts here. Need to get off cigs, and with the help of snus and you all, am hoping for success. Placed a 10 can mixed order, alot for a beginner,i know, but i never do anything half assed. So when it arrives, i shall return. Meanwhile, i will be lurking and gleaning what i can. Best to you all.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Welcome curtisp glad you found us

              Actually the 10 can sampler is exactly what most recommend you start with. It will give a good sampling of what is out there.

              However keep in mind (as I am sure you have read from others here) you lungs are not all that will begin to heal. So will your taste buds. Thus your taste will change. Therefore don't throw anything away or write anything off. Rather, put the can in a baggie and stick it in the freezer. Then come back to it in a month or so.

              I'm an x-dipper so I'll let the x-smokers take it from here. My guess is that they will tell you not to stress about quiting rather just enjoy snusing and the snus will win.

              Anyway, welcome and keep us posted.
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • timholian
                • Apr 2010
                • 1448

                Originally posted by timholian View Post
                Welcome to SnusOn!
                I tried to put together something to help those making the transition from cigarettes to snus

                The Tips&Tricks section has some really good info in general, check it out!
                GOOD LUCK!
                +1 for Curtisp


                • tombanjo
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 30

                  Hello! I'm glad to have found the forum. I'm a newbie to real snus after getting my first shipment from Northerner on Monday. I smokedfor almost 10 years, and transitioned solely to dipping a couple of years ago to try to safe my lungs. I'd been using the Camel stuff off and on when I couldn't spit, but never really cared for the overly sweet taste and that it seemed to have barely enough nicotine to stop a craving.
                  I wasn't sure what I would like, so I got 5 cans, some General portion, Ettan portion, Catch Eucalyptis, Skruf Sterk portion, and Gotteberg Rape white portion (sorry if I mis-spelled any of that... don't have my cans nearby). I like it all, and was suprised to find how a lot of it tastes similar to Copenhagen. It was hard to tell much difference in them at first (except the Eucalyptis), but now that I'm getting used to the saltiness I'm starting to find my preference. My faves so far are the General original portion and the GR white portion. The Ettan seems a little dry to me, and the Skruf is a little overpowering at first, but not in a bad way. The Eucalyptis is ok, nice for an occasional change of taste, but not something I'd want as my sole snus.
                  Anyway, I look forward to participating in the forum!


                  • Randall
                    • May 2010
                    • 753

                    War Eagle!


                    • ThatSnusGuy

                      Welcome to the SnusOn Community tombanjo! You'll find alot of information about Swedish snus here and a great bunch of helpful people as well willing to answer any question you have.



                      • Prometheus
                        New Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 11

                        Hello everyone. I'm a newbie to snus, been using for two months. I order online from snusexpress. I must say I was kind of disappointed
                        with my first order. I ordered by mistake loose skruff (10 cans) which I totally hated and thunder (10 cans) which were to strong and made me sick.
                        I used to be a smoker for 20 years and switched to e-cigarettes last september but realized I was allergic to PG and VG, so I bought a couple of vaporizers
                        and started to vaporize tobacco which is something I enjoy.
                        My second snus order was better. 10 cans of general portion, 10 cans of goteborgs rape white mini, 5 cans of mocca mint mini and 5 cans of glow catch elder lime.
                        I like em all but my #1 is general. I use 2 to 4 portions per day along with vaporizing tobacco.
                        Forgot to mention that I also use nasal snuff like mc chrystals and bernard.
                        Is it way to much?
                        Congratulations for this great forum.


                        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 2781

                          Welcome to SnusOn, Prometheus! Congrats on quitting the cigs! And no, it is not way too much IMO.


                          • timholian
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1448

                            Welcome, Prometheus and Congrats on giving up the smokes.
                            Its only too much if you can't use it all!

                            P.S. Thanks for fire, we mortals were getting cold down here.


                            • Prometheus
                              New Member
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 11

                              Thank you Mr. Snuffleupagus.


                              • Prometheus
                                New Member
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 11

                                Hello and thank you timholian, I agree with you.

                                P.S. No problem, I did it for the sake of humanity!


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