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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I think it's easier to quit snus than smoking.


    • bipolarbear1968
      • Mar 2010
      • 1074

      Originally posted by tom502 View Post
      I think it's easier to quit snus than smoking.
      I have to agree. I went days without snus.


      • bipolarbear1968
        • Mar 2010
        • 1074

        Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
        Hah, I'm having enough trouble convincing the wife of my new habit, let alone going nasal as well
        I can relate. At first, my wife hard a hard time figuring out why in the world would I want to shove powdered, pulverized tobacco up my nose. I showed her the research and found it to be acceptable. Now it's a marriage made in heaven............with the snuff, that is....


        • PipenSnus
          • Apr 2010
          • 1038

          Welcome, Andy.


          • shag1952
            • Aug 2010
            • 83

            Originally posted by darlingnikki25 View Post
            Howdy all!!! I've tried the American snus and am so tired of smoking. The American snus just doesn't do it for me anymore and I keep thinking of ordering some Swedish Snus as I hear it is much stronger and of higher quality than the stuff here. Anyone have any good recommendations for a snus that is good for my Camel filter wide addiction? I was thinking I would like the fruit flavors a lot as I like shisha tobacco.

            I plan on ordering tomorrow. Any idea of the best site to order from as well. I've been on but thats about it.

            Nice to meet everyone!!!
            I too was a camel filter guy for a long time, then lights, then ultra lights. Finally a few weeks ago I discovered snus, best thing that ever happened to my smoking life. I put the smokes down last Friday and havn't looked back. I personally like granit and gov. Once in while just for a change of pace a little mint to freshen the breath, my wife loves this!! I like snuscentral. com but no matter what now shipping is costly. If you want to experiment a bit you can get a couple of sample packs, a grab bag of different brands and flavors.


            • muddyfunkstar
              • Aug 2010
              • 967

              Originally posted by bipolarbear1968
              I can relate. At first, my wife hard a hard time figuring out why in the world would I want to shove powdered, pulverized tobacco up my nose. I showed her the research and found it to be acceptable. Now it's a marriage made in heaven............with the snuff, that is....
              Since I've been snusing I've been a lot less ratty and no longer snapping at her for no good reason, which can only be a good thing. Because she's never had a tobacco habit in her life, she doesn't really understand, but I'm feeling a lot better abut the way I'm acting these days, because when I had the cravings I was horrible to be around.

              Nicotine is a cruel mistress, that's for sure.


              • crookscomp
                • Sep 2010
                • 112

                Hi, Im new to forums so i hope i post this right lol. I been using Camel SNUS for about 2 weeks now and decided to try Swedish snus. I have my first portion in right now. Its Jakobsson's Ice Fruit. I do find it better then camel but im not tasting any fruit. Is it one of those you have to get used to first? Also i noticed Swedish snus has a very different scent to it then camel. A good thing is i havent had any cigarettes since i started using snus


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Welcome to SnusOn crook!

                  IceFruit has an undefined fruit flavor. It's not overtly fruity, but it blends with the mint pretty well imo. If you want something very fruity, try Göteborgs Rapé #2. That has a very distinct fruit flavor. In general, you'll be able to discern more flavor in Swedish snus as you use it more. The flavors have more subtlety, and take a bit more effort than the very synthetic American brands.


                  • crookscomp
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 112

                    Thank you! I ordered a portion mix box. Most of it are ones i was wanting to try. I didnt get any Göteborgs Rapé #2 but i did get a Göteborgs Rapé.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      Originally posted by crookscomp View Post
                      Hi, Im new to forums so i hope i post this right lol. I been using Camel SNUS for about 2 weeks now and decided to try Swedish snus. I have my first portion in right now. Its Jakobsson's Ice Fruit. I do find it better then camel but im not tasting any fruit. Is it one of those you have to get used to first? Also i noticed Swedish snus has a very different scent to it then camel. A good thing is i havent had any cigarettes since i started using snus
                      Welcome to the board! It's great to have you. Jak's icefruit is an interesting snus I have on occasion. Reminds me of wrigleys gum. Did you order different brands as well? Feel free to open up a few cans and try them out. Part of the fun of Swedish snus is trying all the different brands/flavors. One thing you'll notice is the nic hit is alot more satisfying then camel. Have fun and keep us updated on how the real stuff is working for you.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by crookscomp View Post
                        Thank you! I ordered a portion mix box. Most of it are ones i was wanting to try. I didnt get any Göteborgs Rapé #2 but i did get a Göteborgs Rapé.
                        Welcome to the forum mate!!

                        Try a variety and don't throw anything away. If at first you don't something stick it in the freezer and go back to it in a couple of months. Your taste will develop and change. Regardless enjoy the adventure and keep us posted
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • CoderGuy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2679

                          Welcome crookscomp. What Snusdog says is absolutely true. Tastes really change. Are you coming to snus from smoking or dipping or just entirely new?


                          • crookscomp
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 112

                            Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                            Welcome crookscomp. What Snusdog says is absolutely true. Tastes really change. Are you coming to snus from smoking or dipping or just entirely new?
                            Thanks for the advice guys. Im switching to snus from smoking. I smoked for 15 years but since i been using snus my cig cravings have gone waaay down. I still have the occasional cigarette but i have had this pack for awhile now.


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              Welcome to everyone I've missed welcoming in some days, weeks, months.... I've been on the lamb a bit playing with my new phone and keeping up with work and 'trying' to keep my fiance'/girlfriend from being pissed at me for just about everything...


                              • snusgetter
                                • May 2010
                                • 10903

                                Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                                Welcome to everyone I've missed welcoming in some days, weeks, months.... I've been on the lamb a bit playing with my new phone and keeping up with work and 'trying' to keep my fiance'/girlfriend from being pissed at me for just about everything...
                                Are you saying you


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