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  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
    Are you saying you

    lol... MoAr like:


    • CoderGuy
      • Jul 2009
      • 2679

      Originally posted by crookscomp View Post
      Thanks for the advice guys. Im switching to snus from smoking. I smoked for 15 years but since i been using snus my cig cravings have gone waaay down. I still have the occasional cigarette but i have had this pack for awhile now.
      Great! A lot of us came to snus from smoking (I smoked 2 packs per day for 26 years). My last cig was 14 months ago. Snus has kept me happy since then. Good luck to you and enjoy the forum, lots of great and supportive people here and no subject is left untouched. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, trust me, no one else here is.


      • snusgetter
        • May 2010
        • 10903

        Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
        lol... MoAr like:
        I'm sure you're well armed but

        and a whole lotta snus 'n snuff!!
        (And maybe some flowers to be safe!)

        Carry On...


        • crookscomp
          • Sep 2010
          • 112

          Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
          lol... MoAr like:

          LOL! Thats awesome


          • ATAP85
            New Member
            • Sep 2010
            • 5

            Hey everyone!

            I've never been a consumer of any tobacco/nicotine product, but recently I decided to dabble in the dry snuff world, simply out of curiosity. Waiting for my order to arrive, I happened to come across the much debated Camel snus in a local general store. I decided to pick up a tin and give it a try. I parked a pouch under my lip for about 20-30 minutes. Fairly enjoyable, had a slight relaxing buzz/stimulation. Then about 15 minutes or so after removing it, I started feeling somewhat nauseous, and had a bit of a headache. I still feel kind of bad today. I was wondering if this is due to too much nicotine in my system since I've never used it before, and whether I should hold off on snus until experimenting a bit with dry snuff and building up some tolerance? Perhaps just use the same pouch for a few minutes at a time across multiple uses?

            I'll certainly be lurking in these forums, in case I want to give some of the more authentic Swedish snus a try in the future!


            • myuserid
              • Jun 2010
              • 1645

              Originally posted by ATAP85 View Post
              Hey everyone!

              I've never been a consumer of any tobacco/nicotine product, but recently I decided to dabble in the dry snuff world, simply out of curiosity. Waiting for my order to arrive, I happened to come across the much debated Camel snus in a local general store. I decided to pick up a tin and give it a try. I parked a pouch under my lip for about 20-30 minutes. Fairly enjoyable, had a slight relaxing buzz/stimulation. Then about 15 minutes or so after removing it, I started feeling somewhat nauseous, and had a bit of a headache. I still feel kind of bad today. I was wondering if this is due to too much nicotine in my system since I've never used it before, and whether I should hold off on snus until experimenting a bit with dry snuff and building up some tolerance? Perhaps just use the same pouch for a few minutes at a time across multiple uses?

              I'll certainly be lurking in these forums, in case I want to give some of the more authentic Swedish snus a try in the future!
              Welcome to SnusOn.

              Yeah, you're probably having headaches because of the nicotine.

              If you're not addicted to nicotine already, my advice would be not to become so. Snus is great and it helped me kick a 13 year smoking habit, but I would rather not be addicted to nicotine at all. In the meantime, I'm using snus as a safer alternative to smoking.


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Welcome to SnusOn.

                ATA, If you have never been a tobacco/nicotine user why would you want to be? nicotine is highly addictive and once you get addicted to it you may never get off of it... I would say don't and run... The headache and nauseous feeling you are getting is form you introducing a foreign substance into your body that it is not used to" the drug nicotine... You may get used to it and when you do you are addicted and will become a nicotine addict.... I have never tried heroin either, and would never think of deciding to dabble in trying it...Snus is great and it is helping me kick a 38 year smoking addiction, but I would rather not be addicted to nicotine at all. In the meantime, I'm using snus as a safer alternative to smoking.

                Fact: Nicotine is the most highly addictive drug on the planet....


                • ATAP85
                  New Member
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5

                  Yes, I realize the addictive nature of nicotine, but I don't plan on being a heavy/consistent user. Using it a bit recreationally (if enjoyable) and backing off to ensure no dependence is what I'd like to do. Much like anything else in life, moderation is key. A bit of wine occasionally is fine; having two bottles a day certainly isn't, for instance.

                  There's a lot of foreign substances out there that our bodies weren't used to in the beginning. Caffeine and alcohol are two that come to mind. Unless they were overused, I don't recall ever feeling slightly ill from using them. Any advice on how much/how little I should use to become accustomed to it?

                  Thanks again for the help (and concern)!


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    Originally posted by ATAP85 View Post
                    Yes, I realize the addictive nature of nicotine, but I don't plan on being a heavy/consistent user. Using it a bit recreationally (if enjoyable) and backing off to ensure no dependence is what I'd like to do. Much like anything else in life, moderation is key. A bit of wine occasionally is fine; having two bottles a day certainly isn't, for instance.

                    There's a lot of foreign substances out there that our bodies weren't used to in the beginning. Caffeine and alcohol are two that come to mind. Unless they were overused, I don't recall ever feeling slightly ill from using them. Any advice on how much/how little I should use to become accustomed to it?

                    Thanks again for the help (and concern)!
                    Sorry, But with nicotine There is no such thing as recreational use... You don't need to be a heavy/consistent user to be addicted. Nicotine is a trap... Again if you become accustomed to it you will be addicted to it period? But hey you will learn the hard way... good luck


                    • ATAP85
                      New Member
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5

                      I seriously doubt I will, because I'm not going to use something that makes me feel like crap. I can feel like crap all on my own. LOL

                      Take care.


                      • CoderGuy
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2679

                        Originally posted by ATAP85 View Post
                        Hey everyone!

                        I've never been a consumer of any tobacco/nicotine product, but recently I decided to dabble in the dry snuff world, simply out of curiosity. Waiting for my order to arrive, I happened to come across the much debated Camel snus in a local general store. I decided to pick up a tin and give it a try. I parked a pouch under my lip for about 20-30 minutes. Fairly enjoyable, had a slight relaxing buzz/stimulation. Then about 15 minutes or so after removing it, I started feeling somewhat nauseous, and had a bit of a headache. I still feel kind of bad today. I was wondering if this is due to too much nicotine in my system since I've never used it before, and whether I should hold off on snus until experimenting a bit with dry snuff and building up some tolerance? Perhaps just use the same pouch for a few minutes at a time across multiple uses?

                        I'll certainly be lurking in these forums, in case I want to give some of the more authentic Swedish snus a try in the future!

                        Hi ATA and welcome. Man if you are not hooked on nicotine stop now! Snus helped me quit smoking and eventually I will quit snus, I sure wouldn't want to be starting the habit all over.


                        • jagmanss
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 12213

                          Originally posted by ATAP85 View Post
                          I seriously doubt I will, because I'm not going to use something that makes me feel like crap. I can feel like crap all on my own. LOL

                          Take care.
                          Then don't use it at all, Because you will feel like crap until your body and brain get used to it and by then you will already be addicted and then you will have to go through nicotine withdrawl... Trust me not fun or as easy as you may think... then you have 2 choices either feed the addiction or go through withdrawl... ie: that is the trap... People on this forum are not here using recreationally, I know it may seem that way, But they are all addicted.... everyone of them.... I'm not trying to preach to ya... Just trying to help you


                          • Jwalker
                            • May 2010
                            • 1067

                            Originally posted by ATAP85 View Post
                            Yes, I realize the addictive nature of nicotine, but I don't plan on being a heavy/consistent user. Using it a bit recreationally (if enjoyable) and backing off to ensure no dependence is what I'd like to do. Much like anything else in life, moderation is key. A bit of wine occasionally is fine; having two bottles a day certainly isn't, for instance.

                            There's a lot of foreign substances out there that our bodies weren't used to in the beginning. Caffeine and alcohol are two that come to mind. Unless they were overused, I don't recall ever feeling slightly ill from using them. Any advice on how much/how little I should use to become accustomed to it?

                            Thanks again for the help (and concern)!
                            Ha Ha, who planned on becoming addicted. I started though so who's to judge, there's a couple points where can decide whether to continue or not. Most people start cigarettes, chew, or whatever and then continuing because of the buzz and build up a tolerance, but still want to get the buzz that's what I did at least. It was always hard for me to use tobacco less than daily, just because that's a long time to me, and I didn't get withdrawal symptoms whenever I quit but still use tobacco.


                            • ATAP85
                              New Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5


                              I'd have to start the habit before I could stop.

                              I'd always assumed that nicotine is habit forming if used consistently and in sufficient quantities; but if it is taken occasionally, and if usage doesn't increase over time, how could it lead to strong addiction? I know several people who use dry (nasal) snuff two or three times a day, but put it down for weeks on end with no problem. I also know of a couple or so who use snus once or twice a day, with the same effect. I've always assumed that if not overused and not used consistently, it would be like any other potentially habit-forming substance.

                              You've definitely given me some strong words of caution that I'll keep in mind if I continue to use. At this point, I have serious doubts that I will because the side-effects far outweigh any enjoyment.


                              • ATAP85
                                New Member
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5

                                Originally posted by Jwalker View Post
                                Ha Ha, who planned on becoming addicted. I started though so who's to judge, there's a couple points where can decide whether to continue or not. Most people start cigarettes, chew, or whatever and then continuing because of the buzz and build up a tolerance, but still want to get the buzz that's what I did at least. It was always hard for me to use tobacco less than daily, just because that's a long time to me, and I didn't get withdrawal symptoms whenever I quit but still use tobacco.
                                Good point, but perhaps that's the problem: when using anything consistently, the effects lessen over time and then one must use even more in order to get the same effects. After a period of increasing dosages, extreme chemical dependence is a reality. But if one were to back off a bit when the tolerance builds up, smaller amounts can continue to be used for the same effect, with little or no dependence forming. I recall talking to one individual that states that he uses snus for a while then backs off for a few weeks so he can continue to enjoy it in small amounts without addiction. It sounds logical, but I know little about nicotine so I have no idea if it is. Maybe the "pleasant" effects set in only after addiction? Then again, who could become addicted to something that isn't pleasurable to begin with?


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